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Describe an area with significant water and air pollution


Lesson 6 Discussion Topic:

Describe an area with significant water and air pollution. What strategies would you use to alleviate this pollution, and why would these strategies be effective?

This week we will discuss water and air pollution.

Please write at least TWO full paragraphs (four to five sentences each) that provide an example of the question prompt below. Use your discussion post to bring up new ideas, while also adding to the ideas shared in previous posts.

SKU: describe-an-area-with-significant-water-and-air-pollution Category:
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Lesson 6 Discussion Topic:

Describe an area with significant water and air pollution. What strategies would you use to alleviate this pollution, and why would these strategies be effective?

This week we will discuss water and air pollution.

Please write at least TWO full paragraphs (four to five sentences each) that provide an example of the question prompt below. Use your discussion post to bring up new ideas, while also adding to the ideas shared in previous posts.


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