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Summarize and analyze a peer-reviewed article regarding heart disease


  • Summarize and analyze a peer-reviewed article regarding heart disease, briefly noting how it differs from the non–peer-reviewed resource you used.
  • Explain how the information presented in this article informs your understanding of the health problem (heart disease), and why this type of article (peer reviewed) is beneficial to you as a scholar-practitioner in health care administration.

1 Pages

APA 3 Pages

SKU: summarize-and-analyze-a-peer-reviewed-article-regarding-heart-disease Category:
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  • Summarize and analyze a peer-reviewed article regarding heart disease, briefly noting how it differs from the non–peer-reviewed resource you used.
  • Explain how the information presented in this article informs your understanding of the health problem (heart disease), and why this type of article (peer reviewed) is beneficial to you as a scholar-practitioner in health care administration.


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