Good Samples of Thesis
Good Samples of Thesis
Sample Thesis for Essay 3
(poor) Many of the symbols in Young Goodman Brown are related to the theme of the story.
(better) The theme of uncertainty in Young Goodman Brown is connected to the symbols.
(best) In Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” the symbols of the story are connected to the idea that life is full of uncertainty and we must accept that or live a miserable life.
(poor) The conflict in the story is related to the idea of heritage.
(better) The conflict between Dee and her mother show that heritage is difficult to define.
(best) While both Dee and her mother want the quilts because they are connected to their heritage, Dee wants to display them, while her mother understands that heritage is about your ancestors and not mere things.
(poor) The setting and point of view in the story are related to the theme.
(better, but still poor) The setting in the story is Spain and the point of view is third...