Enhancing Resilience [Video file]
Enhancing Resilience
Developing relational capacity
Balance dependence and independence
00:20RICHARD HILL Have you ever wondered what it takes to survive, or even better, to thrive. Clearly, this might be a life or death skill. My name is Richard Hill and this video lecture is about how you can enhance resilience in yourself, your friends, loved ones, or if you're a mental health helper in your clients. Over the next 30 minutes or so, we'll be exploring what resilience is, and what types of skills we need to have it if we would be resilient. Several years ago, Meg Carbonatto embarked on a project to find out just how hard people prevailed over adversity they encountered. Interviewing people in Australia and New Zealand who had prevailed over adversity, she noticed that the skills people used in triumphing could be grouped into five categories: skills of optimism, skills of will, social support development skills, practical skills, and skills of purpose. Today, we'll be using that framework to understand just which qualities and skills will be most useful for us to have...