Respond to Woolley Automating Power Social Bot Interference in Global Politics
Respond to Woolley Automating Power Social Bot Interference in Global Politics
Wooley expounds on the how the various political actors have continued to use the previously underutilized social bots in shaping public opinion and driving political messages. Politicians have identified and harnessed the potential for the use of the social bots in driving propaganda and shaping opinions, which have been presented by the move towards more digital civic engagements. Wooley explores the increasingly use of bots on a large scale and the various political players influencing critical public decision-making processes (Woolley). Such bots have extensively been used especially when critical decisions as election are on the line. Researchers have been able to push the capabilities of the social bots to extend beyond simple human interactions and allow for their use in large-scale manipulation of opinions. The ability of the bots to mine data from various users has also made it easy for the politicians to generate messages that resonate with the...