Yoonnie and the tea in the Mall

CASE A Yoonnie and the tea in the Mall     Darnestown Malls, Inc. (DMI) owns and operates a mall in the state of Maryland in the U.S.  During the holiday season, as is customary for malls nationwide, DMI allows independent vendors to rent space in its common areas so that they can sell their wares to mall shoppers. Each independent vendor pays DMI rent in exchange for space. DMI provides no insurance coverage or any guarantees for services to these independent vendors. Vendors provide their own carts, displays, products, services, signs and all related business materials. Vendors agree to keep their areas clean and to place all trash in large bins DMI provides. In turn, DMI provides cleaning services for the common areas. DMI also employs on-site staff who provide maintenance, customer support, emergency health, and security services.   Over the past six months, DMI, like many businesses, suffered major financial losses. Retail sales had been down, and projections for the holiday season were significantly...
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Karen Case Study

Guidelines for completing the case study Read the case carefully and determine the specific relevant legal issue before starting to write your analysis of the case.  The facts are critical to analyzing the questions asked Map out answer to the case or how you plan to approach your case.  Often there will be multiple parties or factors involved in the case. You are required to address when you analysze the case. Having a sense of how many different points you need to address will help you to develop and carefully plan your response. Also, remember that some cases may have multiple parties involved. Exam each party carefully and discuss whether and how the specific area of law applies to the party. Here is how you should approach your case study Thesis: A brief summary of the case and what area(s) of law is (are) pertinent to the case. What is the case all about-what area of law (e.g. the case relates to the area of...
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Project 3: Internal Environment Analysis

Project 3:  Internal Environment Analysis Purpose: This project is the third of four projects.  Students will perform an internal environmental analysis using the tools and concepts learned in the course to date.  You will also draw from previous business courses to develop an understanding of how organizations develop and manage strategies to establish, safeguard and sustain its position in a competitive market. Students also have the opportunity to review an organization's objectives and goals and the key functional areas within the organization.  Performing an internal environment analysis helps assess a firm's internal resources and capabilities and plays a critical role in formulating strategy by identifying a firm's strengths to capitalize on so that it can effectively overcome weaknesses.   Skill Building: In this project, you are building many different skills including research, critical thinking, writing and developing analytical skills related to various financial analysis tools and strategy tools used in business. Outcomes Met with This Project: utilize a set of useful analytical skills, tools, and techniques...
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