Issues at NEWGEN

CSUF                                        OB 340                                                           B. Lusk   Issues at NEWGEN   NEWGEN is a software company in northern CA., started in 1999.   Since inception, Newgen has seen positive growth in the business and has hired aggressively.  Abdul and Hahn have worked well together until Abdul decided to promote Amie Lee as a supervisor for the team.  Abdul has been thinking about this move for some time now, he appreciates the excellent customer service skills that Ms. Lee possesses and is aware that both the customers and Newgen’s team are very happy with Ms.Lee’s  outstanding customer service skills.   On April 3, 2009 Abdul announced to his team that Ms. Lee will now be the department supervisor, a welcome relief that will give him more time to concentrate on new product development.   On April 7, Hahn Chen came to Abdul and asked for a transfer.  He told Abdul that he cannot work under a “non-technical supervisor” and that Ms. Lee did not have the skills to help him with...
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