Challenges in the Implementation of Evidence Based Practice
Implementation of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Challenges
With growth in research, there has been great changed experienced in the healthcare setting. The new environment in provision of healthcare has been modeled to cope with the ever changing nature of diseases and social life. New medical practitioners are facing great challenges as they transit from class to evidence based practices, which define new trend in nursing. Evidence-based practices environment is poising great challenges not only to new nurses but also to experienced nurse (Melynk, 2002). The new practice require nurses to apply clinical evidence to clients situations through the use of clinical judgment and considering the client values ant eh resources available in the healthcare system. The practice environment for nurses has greatly changed with the changing and increased focus on the evidence-based practice. Evidence based practice can be defined as well calculated, conscious and explicit employment of current evidence in the decision making process when providing care to individual patients. Evidence-based...