Analyse the performance and capital structure of Apple Inc.
Coursework Brief
Analyse the performance and capital structure of a public limited company in FTSE 100 or S&P500 from a financial analyst’s perspective. (Suggested sample period: 2005 – 2013)
Key Marking criteria will include:
- Initiative: originality, innovativeness of answer
- Assignment Structure: clarity of aims, objective, structure and presentation
- Quality of Writing: Readability and ability to convey key message(s) concisely
- Quality/Scope of Literature Review: Understanding of established knowledge
- Suitability of Literature: Use of suitable sources, focused to answer key research aims
- Literature Analysis: Quality/level of analytical skill demonstrated
- Insightfulness of Analysis: Interest and usefulness of findings, conclusions drawn.
- Understanding: Assignment demonstrates students have understood key topics
- Overall Quality of Assignment
The coursework assignment for this module is an individual assignment worth 25% of the overall module mark. An assignment plan must be submitted before the individual assignment and will be worth 5% of the overall module mark.
Assignment plan: The length limit for the assignment plan is one side of A4 paper with not smaller than 12-point font. Section headings and bullet points are acceptable – the plan does not have to be in prose. References should be inserted as footnotes.
Main assignment: The maximum word limit for the main assignment (excluding references , tables, contents page, footnotes, charts, graphs, figures) is 2500 words. The word count must be stated in the assignment cover sheet.
Coursework plan (Suggested structure)
- Coursework title: Analyse the performance and capital structure of XXXX
An overview of XXXXX from a financial analyst’s perspective
The past, current and future of XXXXXXX.
- Aim and motivation: Which firm are you going to analyse? Why would you choose this firm? Briefly introduce what you are going to do in the coursework.
- What literature or theory are you based on?
- Data and methodology: What methodology are you going to use? (e.g linear regression? Algebra? Second-hand data? What data source are you going to use? Data characteristics (sample size, frequency, potential data transformation)
- Structure of the course work (Use one or two sentences to introduce each section briefly and put roughly how many words for each section?)
- Introduction
- Literature review
- Methodology and data
- Data transformation
- Result and rationalization
- Conclusion and limitations
- Advice to the firm
- References
The length limit for the course plan is one side of A4 paper with not smaller than 12-point font. Section headings and bullet points are acceptable – the plan does not have to be in prose. References should be inserted as footnotes.
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