Chosen Article:
L’Oreal’s plan to start 3D printing human skin (2015)
Objective and Background:
Many of the concepts you will be learning throughout this course are best understood as well as more interesting if you are aware of current and emerging MIS-related news in academic journals, newspapers, and magazines. This assignment will allow you to share an article of your choice from a reputable source and critique it.
Key concepts include:
New and current technology; management information systems; innovation; writing business critiques; analyzing media news; and business communication skills. Directions: Find a recent article from either:
The Economist
Harvard Business Review
Bloomberg Business Week
The Globe and Mail
The Financial Times
New York Times
Your choice of article may be generally based on a technological innovation or application of technology (successful or otherwise), or more specifically related to one of the topics we have discussed or will discuss in class (see course outline).
You must ensure that you reference your article correctly using APA referencing style , as well as to reference any other sources you use.
You should provide an electronic copy of your chosen article (PDF format required) with your submission.
You are required to prepare a summary report of this article in Microsoft Word , including a critique and/or appraisal of the article’s content; and clearly point out how it relates to at least one of the concepts from BUS 237 lectures or textbook chapters
2 pages
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