The Australian National University
Research School of Accounting & Business Information Systems
BUSN3017 Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability & Reporting
Assignment 2: Business Report (Individual assignment, not a group assignment)
The purpose of this assignment is threefold. First, it is designed to promote your understanding of the socioͲeconomic context of corporations and developments and practices in corporate social responsibility, accountability and reporting. Second, it will promote your ability to research and analyse a complex corporate social responsibility issue, formulate well reasoned and coherent arguments and reach well considered conclusions in relation to the issue. Third, it will provide you with the opportunity to consolidate your use of the Harvard authorͲdate referencing system and, at the same time, ensure that you are fully aware of the importance of referencing at university.
Assignment Requirements
Write a business report of not more than 14 pages (excluding the report cover sheet, table of contents and endͲtext reference list), addressed to your tutor and lecturer, in which you evaluate how well, or otherwise, the Australian mining company OZ Minerals Ltd, discharged its accountability to its stakeholders for its stakeholder engagement, environmental and social impact for the year ended 31 December 2013 in relation to the following issues (Indicators):
Stakeholder Engagement (GRI Indicators: G4Ͳ24 to G4Ͳ27 inclusive).
Energy consumption (GRI Indicators: G4ͲEN3 & G4ͲEN6).
Water (GRI Indicators: G4ͲEN8 to G4ͲEN10 inclusive).
Risk to operational activities (GRI indicators: G4ͲEC2, including water availability identified in GEOͲ5 for Business relating to the extractive industries).
Emissions (GRI Indicators: G4ͲEN15 & G4ͲEN19).
Effluents and Waste (GRI Indicators: G4ͲEN22, G4ͲEN23 & G4ͲEN26).
Diversity and Equal Opportunity (GR Indicator: G4ͲLA12 & G4ͲLA13).
Assurance (GRI Indicator: G4Ͳ33).
Using the data gathered on the foregoing issues (Indicators) evaluate the quality of the information according to the following GRI G4 principles: balance, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity and reliability.
Additional requirements:
- Your report must include Tables of the data that will form the basis of your analysis i.e., the issues and the relevant indicators and the results of your analysis. The Tables must indicate whether each of the indicators was met fully, partially or not at all and the location (page number) of the data relating to each indicator in the company’s 2013 Annual Report or Sustainability Report or elsewhere, where applicable. Where the data includes figures, please report them.
- Your discussion of the issues, indicators and results in the body of the report must identify why the issues and the related indicators are important in the context of a broad stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility and taking into consideration the fact that OZ Minerals is involved in the extractive industry.
- You must use the Harvard authorͲdate referencing system, where applicable.
- You must reference correctly, both in the body of your report (intext) and at the end of the report (endtext).
- Please use the following format for the report: 12 font, Times New Roman margins of 2.5 cm. The format will make the markers’ task easier.
- Point 5 above does not specify the line spacing required. Line spacing is a matter for your judgement in the process of generating a professional standard of report. To that end, it is important that you refer to a good publication on communications in arriving at the approach you will take to structuring your report.
- Do not place the assignment in a plastic cover, simply staple it at the top left hand corner. Further, use double sided printing.
- Attach a completed copy of the RSABIS Assignment Cover sheet to the front of your assignment. Please note that in signing the document you acknowledge (a) that the “work contained in the assignment is solely [your] own, except for reliance on material that is identified and cited according to accepted academic practice”; and (b) “ [You] have read and understood the ANU’s Code of Practice for Student Academic Honesty”. (ANU College of Business and Economics)
Additional information:
The reference for the GRI Indicators is the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines published by Global Reporting Initiative. The GEOͲ5 for Business is published by the United Nations Environmental Programme.
A copy of the G4 document is available in the Topic 7 Readings folder on Wattle. A copy of the GEOͲ5 document is available in the Topic 4 Readings folder on Wattle. The documents are also available onͲ line. The OZ Minerals 2013 Sustainability Report and other relevant reporting documents are also available onͲline.
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