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Case study: A Jewellery Industry B2B Portal


Case study: A Jewellery Industry B2B Portal

For the written report, the following criteria will be used:
•    understanding of B2B marketing issues
•    sophistication of analytical approaches
•    recommendations clearly made and clearly supported
•    internal consistency and creativity
•    how thoroughly you address the specific questions for each case
•    comprehensiveness.

•    What are the B2B marketing issues?
This course focuses on Business-to-Business Marketing. While there are a number of significant issues in each case, your task is to examine the cases to identify those that would be the controllable issues a marketer can address. The cases have been selected to emphasize B2B issues. You will need to draw out those that you feel are the most significant and actionable.
•    What analysis is needed to address the issues?
You will need to call on both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Each case requires a different emphasis. You will need to identify the objectives of the analyses and what you expect to find. You should identify these analyses in enough detail that you demonstrate your mastery of the B2B issues and the case itself.
o    For example, to say “Marketing research is necessary,” is not sufficient. What kind of research is required and what are the specific questions whose answers are necessary?
•    What recommendation would you make? How can you support those recommendations?
You and your group should examine the issues and apply your best collective judgment about what could be done to improve, ameliorate or otherwise address the issues and concerns. You may find it useful to assume that your team has been retained as marketing consultants to offer the firm a better approach than what they have been doing.
•    What would you expect competitors to do?
The market is dynamic, and no firm operates in a vacuum. If your recommendations were adopted, what changes would occur in the B2B marketplace and how would your competitors react? This will, in part, demonstrate your understanding of the marketplace realities that gave rise to the marketing issues.

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Case study: A Jewellery Industry B2B Portal

For the written report, the following criteria will be used:
•    understanding of B2B marketing issues
•    sophistication of analytical approaches
•    recommendations clearly made and clearly supported
•    internal consistency and creativity
•    how thoroughly you address the specific questions for each case
•    comprehensiveness.

•    What are the B2B marketing issues?
This course focuses on Business-to-Business Marketing. While there are a number of significant issues in each case, your task is to examine the cases to identify those that would be the controllable issues a marketer can address. The cases have been selected to emphasize B2B issues. You will need to draw out those that you feel are the most significant and actionable.
•    What analysis is needed to address the issues?
You will need to call on both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Each case requires a different emphasis. You will need to identify the objectives of the analyses and what you expect to find. You should identify these analyses in enough detail that you demonstrate your mastery of the B2B issues and the case itself.
o    For example, to say “Marketing research is necessary,” is not sufficient. What kind of research is required and what are the specific questions whose answers are necessary?
•    What recommendation would you make? How can you support those recommendations?
You and your group should examine the issues and apply your best collective judgment about what could be done to improve, ameliorate or otherwise address the issues and concerns. You may find it useful to assume that your team has been retained as marketing consultants to offer the firm a better approach than what they have been doing.
•    What would you expect competitors to do?
The market is dynamic, and no firm operates in a vacuum. If your recommendations were adopted, what changes would occur in the B2B marketplace and how would your competitors react? This will, in part, demonstrate your understanding of the marketplace realities that gave rise to the marketing issues.