Prepare a 1,050 – 1,600 word paper in which you:
- Define the term “crimes against public order” or “public-order offenses.”
- Discuss and explain breach of peace, alcohol & drug crimes (especially driving under the influence and public drunkenness), vagrancy versus loitering, and teenage curfew. (Refer to Chapter 10.)
- Define and discuss crimes against the administration of government such as treason, perjury and contempt, and obstruction of justice. (Refer to Chapter 10.)
- Define and discuss crimes against public decency and morality such as prostitution, obscenity & lewdness, gambling & gaming as well as controlled substances. (Refer to Chapter 12.)
- Discuss the controversy with enforcing and not enforcing these crimes against public order and the implications on the criminal justice system.
- Discuss the term “victimless crimes” but also consider if you and most other people would want these types of activities going on in your neighborhood, by the schools your children attend, etc? (Refer to Chapter 12, “Crimes Against Public Decency & Morality” and “A Critique of Laws Regulating Public Morality.”
Format your paper according to APA 6th edition standards.
CJA 354 Week 4 Crimes Against Public Order Analysis
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