DP #1:
Explain why roads are a publicly provided good (define) while national defense is a public good (define). Think of your own example of a good for which the government pays – decide and defend your decision as to whether this is a public good or a publicly provided good (you must provide an original example in order to receive credit for your response).
DP #2
Seminole County wants to build a convention center. They want to tax tourists to pay for it. What will be the likely outcome (too small of a facility, too large of a facility or a facility that is just right)? Justify your answer using the terminology of a) benefits received = costs paid, b) benefits unequal, costs shared equally, or c) benefits equal, costsshared unequally (you may want to refer to the street light example given in the Powerpoint presentation for this material). After this question has been answered, new responses must include an original example of a publicly provided good and how it should be paid for.
DP #3
Refer to the discussion in the “chapter at a glance material” to discuss why noise pollution at an airport would be better handled by using a coasian approach versus a pigouvian approach. Think of another example of pollution and come up with a coasian or pigovian approach and defend your answer (you must include your own example in order to receive credit for this response).
Discuss the topic of the the “tragedy of the commons” and provide one example from your experiences that you think illustrates this concept (you must provide one original example in order to receive credit).
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