Yemeni Conflict Literature Review
The student will assess a type of conflict resolution approach, program or procedure that addresses the needs of parties involved in a dispute at the interpersonal, intra-familial, inter-group, intra-organizational, inter-organizational, cultural, or international level by undertaking some form of active research activity such as observing or interviewing. The objective of the project is to assess the overall effectiveness of the conflict resolution approach from existing data and qualitative data with knowledgeable persons, such as experts and practitioners, and informal observation, if possible. Concepts from texts are to be applied to the analysis of the data. This literature review portion of the paper should be approximately 2000 words
Some suggested topic areas include, but are not limited to:
Resolving neighbor disputes / Community associations and agencies, Family and marital dispute resolution and divorce mediation, Police intervention in family disputes, Business disputes, Customer complaints, Employee grievance with and without union representation, Organizational stress and worker burnout, The court system and small claims courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Training peacemakers, Bullying in schools, the playground, on the Internet, Methods of dialoguing, Negotiating and bargaining strategies, Mediation and arbitration, Ombudsman, Empowerment, Disputes over government provided services and benefits (workmen’s compensation, disability, social security, tax audits), Conflict resolution in another country than the US (Japan, for example), Collective violence to resolve conflict: terrorism, insurgency, guerrilla action, partisans, Military deterrence and war, Ethnic cleansing and genocide, and International forums: The United Nations, The Hague
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