There will be four essays. You will choose TWO and write a complete essay on EACH topic. Each essay is worth 50 pts.
Broad topics to think about for the essays.
- The Roots of Manifest Destiny, Justification, Results. Pro or Con?
- Assess the career of Thomas Jefferson.
- Transformation of U.S. from Revolutionaries to Nationalists
- Transformation of U.S. from Nationalists to Sectionalists
Vocabulary you should know for your essays (this is by no means complete)
List 1
- Thomas Jefferson
- Embargo Act
- Louisiana Purchase
- John Marshall
- Adams-Onis Treaty
- American System
- Transportation Revolution
- James Madison
- War of 1812
- War Hawks
- James Monroe
- Era of Good Feeling
- 2nd Bank of the U.S.
- Panic of 1819
- Missouri Compromise
- Monroe Doctrine
- Marbury vs. Madison
- McCulloch vs. Maryland
- Gibbons vs. Ogden
- John Quincy Adams
- Andrew Jackson
- Erie Canal
- Manifest Destiny
- Texas Revolution
- William Henry Harrison
List 2
- John Tyler
- James Polk
- 54’ 40 or Fight
- Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
- Oregon Territory
- Mexican War
- Whigs
- Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
- Mexican Cession
- Compromise of 1850
- Franklin Pierce
- Stephen Douglas
- Kansas-Nebraska Act
- Republican Party
- Bleeding Kansas
- Dred Scot
- Lecompton Constitution
- Charles Sumner
- Lincoln-Douglas Debates
- Election of 1860
- Raid on Harper’s Ferry
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