Course name: Web Server Programming
Write research about:
Performance and Scalability
- Future of the web, in terms of scale and architecture
- Architectures and approaches for highly scalable web applications
- Caching
- Comparative evaluation for performance, context, or platform
Generic Paper Outline Structure
- Introduction
- Problem Statement & Motivation
- Background
- Literature Survey/Current Approaches & Research
- Analysis
- Proposed Methodology/Approach/Solution
- Conclusions and Summary
- Research Paper (MS Word)
o 6~8 pages (double-spaced, 12pt, content-only)
o Minimum of 2 technical references one of them must be a scholarly peerreviewed
o Using standard writing style (APA, MLA, CMS, or other)
o Academic paper format and writing tone.
Rubric and Evaluation Criteria for the Paper
Content (75%):
Relevance and Complexity of the problem 10 pts
Definition and description of the problem 10 pts
Analysis of the problem 15 pts
Literature survey and Research 15 pts
Solution and Proposal 15 pts
Completeness 10 pts
Writing/Document (25%):
Proper writing format 10 pts
Clarity of writing, structure, flow 10 pts
Writing mechanics 5 pts
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