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Research Paper: Fake News on Social Media


Group problem: it is still open to minor tweaks but basically how can social media become more efficient in preventing fake news on their sites?

Group solution:


You will turn in a document that has these five things, in this order:

  1. Top of the page: Your name and group number. 
  2. The problem your group agreed to solve in your first meeting in class. Label it: Our Problem
  3. What the solution to this problem was that your group brainstormed in class the following week (last week). Label it: Our Solution
  4. Your SWOT analysis. Label it: SWOT Analysis
  5. Your revised solution that solves the issues raised in your Weaknesses and Threats. Label it: My Revised Solution

PART 1: (12 points)

Analyze your final idea idea for solving the fake news problem your group brainstormed in class using the SWOT analysis technique.  What is SWOT? It stands for StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities and Threats. For this assignment, analyze the solution and list ten items under each of these four categories:

  • Ten strengths
  • Ten weaknesses
  • Ten opportunities
  • Ten threats

Be sure to number your SWOT elements, 1–10 under each category.



PART 2: (8 points)

Your group came up with a solution to your problem during discussions in class. Now that you’ve analyzed it using SWOT, you need to FIX the problems you uncovered in the Weaknesses and Threats sections.

Write a REVISED idea (use at least ten sentences) that SOLVES all of the problematic issues that you uncovered in your SWOT analysis.


Explanations of individual elements in SWOT:

Strengths and Weaknesses:

These are internal to an organization, and elements you can control. 

  • Strengths: Good things about your idea. Characteristics of your idea that give it an advantage over other ideas. This is why you feel your idea will work to solve the problem. Be specific. Don’t just say, “It will stop get people moving.”
  • Weaknesses (or Limitations): Challenges or characteristics that put your solution at a disadvantage. For example, you might be saying that a certain technology would be used, but if that technology doesn’t quite exist yet, that’s a major weakness. Or it will be expensive to implement, so where will that money come from? You need to be able to answer these.

Opportunities and Threats

These are external influences, probably beyond your control.

  • Opportunities: What are some positive things that might result when you implement your idea? Think of the “ripple effect” where your solution causes other things to happen. Anticipate these. Who else might benefit?  For instance, how might your idea be expanded on by others, or help out in other situations. How might you expand on your idea more broadly?
  • Threats: What external forces are out there that might sink your cool new idea? For instance, I came up with a line of construction-related children’s books that were quite popular for a while (I sold 100,000 copies), but my sales flattened instantly when a program called Bob the Builder arrived in America from England onto Nickelodeon. I had never heard of Bob the Builder, a real threat to my success!! What could derail your idea?
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Group problem: it is still open to minor tweaks but basically how can social media become more efficient in preventing fake news on their sites?

Group solution:


You will turn in a document that has these five things, in this order:

  1. Top of the page: Your name and group number. 
  2. The problem your group agreed to solve in your first meeting in class. Label it: Our Problem
  3. What the solution to this problem was that your group brainstormed in class the following week (last week). Label it: Our Solution
  4. Your SWOT analysis. Label it: SWOT Analysis
  5. Your revised solution that solves the issues raised in your Weaknesses and Threats. Label it: My Revised Solution

PART 1: (12 points)

Analyze your final idea idea for solving the fake news problem your group brainstormed in class using the SWOT analysis technique.  What is SWOT? It stands for StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities and Threats. For this assignment, analyze the solution and list ten items under each of these four categories:

  • Ten strengths
  • Ten weaknesses
  • Ten opportunities
  • Ten threats

Be sure to number your SWOT elements, 1–10 under each category.



PART 2: (8 points)

Your group came up with a solution to your problem during discussions in class. Now that you’ve analyzed it using SWOT, you need to FIX the problems you uncovered in the Weaknesses and Threats sections.

Write a REVISED idea (use at least ten sentences) that SOLVES all of the problematic issues that you uncovered in your SWOT analysis.


Explanations of individual elements in SWOT:

Strengths and Weaknesses:

These are internal to an organization, and elements you can control. 

  • Strengths: Good things about your idea. Characteristics of your idea that give it an advantage over other ideas. This is why you feel your idea will work to solve the problem. Be specific. Don’t just say, “It will stop get people moving.”
  • Weaknesses (or Limitations): Challenges or characteristics that put your solution at a disadvantage. For example, you might be saying that a certain technology would be used, but if that technology doesn’t quite exist yet, that’s a major weakness. Or it will be expensive to implement, so where will that money come from? You need to be able to answer these.

Opportunities and Threats

These are external influences, probably beyond your control.

  • Opportunities: What are some positive things that might result when you implement your idea? Think of the “ripple effect” where your solution causes other things to happen. Anticipate these. Who else might benefit?  For instance, how might your idea be expanded on by others, or help out in other situations. How might you expand on your idea more broadly?
  • Threats: What external forces are out there that might sink your cool new idea? For instance, I came up with a line of construction-related children’s books that were quite popular for a while (I sold 100,000 copies), but my sales flattened instantly when a program called Bob the Builder arrived in America from England onto Nickelodeon. I had never heard of Bob the Builder, a real threat to my success!! What could derail your idea?


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