INSS 605: Mini-Cases
Individual Project 2
Systems and Applications
Mini cases:
- New age of NBA analytics: Advantage or Overload?
- Marketing DSS Architecture for sports sponsorship management
- Changing Transportation: From Drivers to Data
- Strategyn Holdings, LLC; Patent Issued for Universal Customer Based Information and Ontology Platform for Business Information and Innovation Management
- Most Wired Hospitals and Health Systems
- Technology for Tracking trees and Terrain
- Business Technology: Using Web Tools to Control Legal Bills
- Fast Track Solution: Delaware State police Mobile Crime Tip Line App(iOS and Android)
- Data, Information & Knowledge Management: JNET & PennDOT Facial recognition Integration
- Information Communications Technology(ICT) Innovations: Mobile Emergency Interface
- Digital Government- Government to Citizen: m-Ticketing for commuter Rail and Ferry Services
- State CIO Office Special Recognition: The State of California GeoPortal
- For each system/application in the mini-cases, discuss whether its description suggests features/functionalities from one or more of the following categories of information systems covered in chapter 2,9,11 and 12 of the test – TPS, DSS, ESS, ERP, SCM, KMS, collaboration, GIS, and GDSS. Some of these categories have multiple sub-categories, so be sure to identify any applicable sub-categories in your answer. (As a hypothetical example, one particular system in a mini-case may appear to primarily be a decision support system targeted at mid-level managers in sales and marketing. Your answer will need more elaboration and discussion, of course).
- In which stage (or stages) of decision making does each system best assist its respective user community – intelligence stage, choice stage, and /or implementation stage? Discuss and justify your answer.
- As implemented, each systems is probably interconnected/linked to other systems or applications in the organization. Although the mini-cases do not necessarily address the aspect, from your understanding of organizations, business processes, and systems describe some possible examples of such interconnections for each systems. Explain your reasoning while explicitly stating any assumptions.
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