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Theology of Suffering and disaster response (Outline)


Without ones’ own understanding of the purpose of suffering, crisis responders cannot truly offer emotional and spiritual care in disasters and provide comfort and direction to others in their suffering and pain. With this thought in mind, compile an original paper of 8–10 pages of body text, in APA style, that begins by explaining your own personal theology of suffering. Use commentary and biblical references to support your position. In addition, explain how you would consult with a congregation to set up a plan of preparation for pre-incidence disasters. Utilizing information presented in your texts as well as theoretical and practical elements from academic and Christian sources, describe how you would foster resiliency in the pastor and the congregation.

A minimum of 10 scholarly sources (books and journal articles) is required in addition to your textbooks (if you choose to cite these). Grades will be assigned based on quality of content, how well APA guidelines are adhered to, the richness of citations utilized, quality of expression, and biblical integration presented.

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Without ones’ own understanding of the purpose of suffering, crisis responders cannot truly offer emotional and spiritual care in disasters and provide comfort and direction to others in their suffering and pain. With this thought in mind, compile an original paper of 8–10 pages of body text, in APA style, that begins by explaining your own personal theology of suffering. Use commentary and biblical references to support your position. In addition, explain how you would consult with a congregation to set up a plan of preparation for pre-incidence disasters. Utilizing information presented in your texts as well as theoretical and practical elements from academic and Christian sources, describe how you would foster resiliency in the pastor and the congregation.

A minimum of 10 scholarly sources (books and journal articles) is required in addition to your textbooks (if you choose to cite these). Grades will be assigned based on quality of content, how well APA guidelines are adhered to, the richness of citations utilized, quality of expression, and biblical integration presented.


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