What do I think of when I think of Human Service Organisations?
Newspaper Article
- Start reading the local and state-wide papers, particularly The Age and The Australian and look out for articles about social problems and human service organisations. Generally state and local papers will have stories about human service organisations every day of the week. At any time there will be stories about issues in the news such as mental health services, drug addiction, childhood poverty, ageing, child protection or domestic violence which will involve the key human service organisations in the respective field.
- Read the newspapers and find an article that is about a human service organisation.
- Include this article in your journal. Comment in your journal about what drew your attention to this article.
Paper Contents
The organisation
Planning the interview
What has been the strength of your group so far?
What has been a challenge?
What are your thoughts about working in groups in organisations?
The interview
My understanding of the organisation
Current understanding
Organisational charts
What would it be like to be a service user?
What would it be like to work as a Social Worker?
Suggestions for change
Introducing professional supervision
- Work in groups
- Apply management theory to social work practice to Organisation of choice
- Challenges
- Positives of working in the group
- Documentary evidence is contained in the journal – eg pamphlets, annual report newsletters etc – that provide relevant information: 2 marks
- The student demonstrates they have carried out the investigation over the six weeks (as opposed to a ‘night before’ exercise): 4 marks
- There is evidence that the student has developed general questions about the organisation being investigated: 4 marks
- Evidence of the development of interview questions and an interview plan based on the results of earlier investigations of organisational literature: 6 marks
- Evidence of reading and reflections on this and how it relates tothe organisation under investigation – for instance the organisation has a Board of Directors and the student relates the role of the Board to an article on organisational governance; or the organisation has published a Strategic Plan and the student demonstrates knowledge of the role of strategic plans in organisations: 5 marks
- Evidence of analysis and reflection by the student on the information they have obtained and studied that is related to the specific organisation including application of relevant theoretical literature: 6 marks
- Evidence of reflections about the group processes that occurred throughout the project, including demonstrating an understanding of the student’s own role in the group and demonstrating an understanding of the connection between groups and organisations: 3 marks
- Correct APA referencing; including using relevant references ie relating to understanding organisations. Clear presentation of the journal, including well structured and fluent writing, with minimal errors. 5 marks.
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