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Unit 1 Case Study 1: Tell Me About Blood


AP2630 Unit 1 Case Study 1

Lymphatic system

1.What is the significance of a lower-than-normal hematocrit? What is the effect of a bacterial infection on the hematocrit?

2.Compare the development of lymphocytes with the development of the other formed elements

3.What is erythropoiesis? Which factors speed up and slow down erythropoiesis?

4.Explain what would happen if a person with type B blood were given a transfusion of type O blood.

5.During an anatomy and physiology exam you are asked to view white blood cells in prepared slides of standard human blood smears. Based on the observations below, what is the name and function of each WBC?

6.Why would the level of leukocytes be higher in an individual who has been infected with a parasitic disease?

7.In regions where malaria is endemic, some people build up immune resistance to the malaria pathogen. Which WBCs are responsible for the immune response against pathogens? How do they function?

8.What is the function of prothrombinase and throbin in clotting? Explain how the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of blood clotting differ.

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Lymphatic system

1.What is the significance of a lower-than-normal hematocrit? What is the effect of a bacterial infection on the hematocrit?

2.Compare the development of lymphocytes with the development of the other formed elements

3.What is erythropoiesis? Which factors speed up and slow down erythropoiesis?

4.Explain what would happen if a person with type B blood were given a transfusion of type O blood.

5.During an anatomy and physiology exam you are asked to view white blood cells in prepared slides of standard human blood smears. Based on the observations below, what is the name and function of each WBC?

6.Why would the level of leukocytes be higher in an individual who has been infected with a parasitic disease?

7.In regions where malaria is endemic, some people build up immune resistance to the malaria pathogen. Which WBCs are responsible for the immune response against pathogens? How do they function?

8.What is the function of prothrombinase and throbin in clotting? Explain how the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of blood clotting differ.


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