Research paper on why women worked more as domestic servants instead of millgirls.
Paper instructions:
Need a research paper on why women worked more as domestic servants instead of millgirls. Please do not put page #’s or heading on paper, and times roman 12pt font.
You are required to make use of a minimum of four sources in addition to any documents taken from the Reader.Online sources are acceptable, but Wikipedia or other online encyclopedia pages (, etc.) pages are not acceptable sourcesHard copy encyclopedias or textbooks also are not acceptable as sources.You may use From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend for some initial background, but it does not count as one of your four sources.
1. Provide a brief but specific summary of what you plan to do in your paper.
You are required to make use of a minimum of four sources in addition to any documents taken from the Reader.Online sources are acceptable, but Wikipedia or other online encyclopedia pages (, etc.) pages are not acceptable sourcesHard copy encyclopedias or textbooks also are not acceptable as sources.You may use From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend for some initial background, but it does not count as one of your four sources.
1. Provide a brief but specific summary of what you plan to do in your paper.
2. Submit a “ Works Cited” page with at least three initial sources. Use the MLA bibliographical format, as found in the Cornell University tutorial: MLA Citation Style.
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