What is the finding for the main effect of intervention, H0: µdidactic = µgroup?
F (1,20) = 4.999, p = .037 thus p < .05 and we reject the null hypothesis so there is a significant difference on attitudes against bullying between the didactic and the group methods. The group method produced significantly higher attitudes against bullying compared to the didactic method.
F (1,20) = 4.999, p = .037 thus p > .05 and we fail to reject the null hypothesis so there is not a significant difference on attitudes against bullying comparing the didactic method to the group method.
F (1,20) = 4.999, p = .037 thus p < .05 and we reject the null hypothesis so there is a significant difference on attitudes against bullying between the didactic and the group methods. The didactic method produced significantly higher attitudes against bullying compared to the group method.
F (1,20) = 4.999, p = .037 thus p < .05 and we fail to reject the null hypothesis so there is not a significant difference on attitudes against bullying comparing the didactic method to the group method.
A researcher wants to assess if anti-bullying interventions can increase attitudes against bullying in a random sample of 24 8th grade students. She will assess a main effect of gender (male and female), a main effect of intervention (didactic & group) and an interaction effect between gender and intervention. This factorial ANOVA will allow her to study if attitudes against bullying can be increased comparing a didactic method to a group method and assess if there is a difference between males and females on the effectiveness of either methods. The Attitudes Against Bullying (AAB) will be used and higher scores reflect higher attitudes against bullying. The researcher conducts a 2 X 2 ANOVA to help in answering the questions. Please use an alpha of .05 for all analyses.