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Kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development
$3.002.1 Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people’s development including: background, health and environment.
Understanding Theories of Teaching, Learning & Development
$27.50EDU60017: Understanding Theories of Teaching, Learning & Development
Assessment 3: Case study response
Word limit: 2000 (+/- 10%) Weighting : 40%
Assessment overview
This final assessment builds on Assessment 2, in which you began to consider the influence of developmental factors in teaching practice, by providing further opportunity for you to apply your knowledge of childhood development in a realistic classroom situation. By responding to a case study, you will demonstrate your understanding of the intellectual, physical, language, emotional, moral, social and psychological development of children, as well as your ability to identify learning and teaching approaches that cater to developmental needs.
This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate and communicate knowledge and understanding of the intellectual, physical, language, emotional, moral, social and psychological development of children and young people in contemporary society and how these may affect learning.
Assessment details
You are required to respond to the following case study:
Robert, a 9-year-old boy, recently moved with his family to a new academically rigorous school. The school he now attends is an International School, which has a new curriculum following the International Baccalaureate program. Robert’s mother and father are both school teachers there. He also has a younger sister who attends the school who is age 6.
During the first few weeks of the school year, Robert’s classroom teacher said he was quiet and was not making an effort to seek friendships. At lunchtime he spent his time sitting watching the other Grade 4 boys play four-square but never joined in. He rarely contributed to classroom conversations and only spoke when asked to respond to questions.
An early term classroom report from his teacher noted that he was struggling with his writing and reading. His teacher was asking for more support from the learning resources unit to help him along with his writing. Robert was also having difficulty with mathematics – he was able to classify objects in to coherent categories using physical objects, but when it came to abstract reasoning, his confidence and skills were diminished.
During PE, it was noted that he had very good hand-eye co-ordination and significant running pace on the field. He has participated to a high standard, particularly in non-competitive sports. He has started co-curricular activities this term, including squash and drama. Next term, he has been encouraged to start a musical instrument and join in a team sport.
Your case study response should contain the following sections:
- An introduction, which provides an overview of the material that follows.
- A description of the different areas of development: cognitive, physical, language, emotional, moral, social and psychological development.
- An explanation of how each of these areas is impacting on the learner in this case.
- Examples of practical teaching strategies that will support the developmental needs of the learner, including an explanation of why these strategies have been selected.
- A conclusion that summarises the key features of your response.
Any statements you make must be supported by relevant literature. All sources must be appropriately referenced using APA conventions, including in-text citations and a reference list (which is not included in the word count and must start on a separate page).
Additional Files:
EDU60017_-Assessment-3.pdf -
Improving Time Management Skills
$25.00Improving Time Management Skills
NURS 421 Course Project
The objectives of this assignment include to:- Understand the PDCA cycle.
- Implement a quality improvement (QI) project focused on improving a specific nursing leadership or management skill using the PDCA cycle and QI tools.
According to Grohar-Murray and Langan (2011), leadership “includes intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and situational variables” (p. 24) while management is defined as “a process with both interpersonal and technical aspects through which the objectives of an organization are accomplished” (p. 147). Grohar-Murray and Langan describe QI as occurring in three discrete stages: (1) setting a standard of quality, (2) measuring what is actually occurring and comparing it to the standard of quality desired, and (3) planning and implementing action when needed to improve the standard of quality (p. 191).
Your course project in this course is to design and implement a personal improvement goal for the next five weeks that focuses on a specific nursing leadership or management skill that you would like to improve upon. You will use the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) process to help you achieve your goal. See pp. 5-7 of the “Personal Quality Improvement Work Book” (2004) by Neuhauser, Myhre, and Alemi ( for information on the PDCA cycle.Plan (P)
Identify an area upon which you would like to improve—a goal for professional development. For example, say you would like to improve upon your communication skills and the specific outcome you are trying to achieve is to become more assertive in your interaction with other health care professionals. Establish and document a clear plan on how you will achieve your goal. Define measurable criteria that will help you determine if improvement has occurred.
- Do (D)
Implement the plan and begin collecting and documenting data immediately at the beginning of the session. Continue collecting and documenting data at least several times a week through the first five weeks of the session in order to help you measure whether or not your plan has been successful. The more information you have, the better and stronger your analysis will be.
- Check (C)
After you have collected data, begin to analyze the information. Based on the data you collected, choose an appropriate “tool” on pp. 8-24 of the “Personal Quality Improvement Work Book” and use this tool to assist you in analyzing your data. After you have analyzed the data, begin to identify and document conclusions based on your analysis.
- Act (A)
After you have studied and analyzed the data, does the information that you gathered support that you have achieved your goal or does it suggest modification in your plan is needed in order to achieve your goal? If you achieved your goal respond to item (a) below. If you need to modify your plan, address item (b) below.
- If your goal was achieved, specifically indicate how you can “consolidate, strengthen, and support the change achieved” so things do not “slide back into the status quo” (Neuhauser, Myhre, & Alemi, 2004, p. 7).
- If modification is needed, what changes do you think are required to achieve your goal? Be specific. Include information how you would act upon the modified plan reusing the PDCA cycle if you had additional time to do so.
Additional Files:
Leadership-Final-Project-Instructions.doc -
Roles, Ethical Considerations, And Effectiveness Of The Adult
$25.00AHN 575: Advanced Adult-Acute Acute Care Nursing Practicum III
“Roles, Ethical Considerations, and Effectiveness of the Adult – Gerontology Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner.”
I. Comprehensive Presentation of Issue(s)/Trend(s).
___________ A. Ethics
(20 points) 1. Ethical Principles. – Define and discuss each of the following,
giving examples for each:
(a) nonmaleficence
(b) utilitarianism
(c) justice
(d) fidelity
(e) veracity
(f) autonomy
2. Ethical Issues in Patient Care.
a. Advanced Directives.
b. Identify and discuss at least one other issue, giving an
example pertinent to the discussion
__________ B. Professional Resources
(10 points) 1. Identify and give an overview of some organizational,
educational, on-line and other resources that support
the role of the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP).
(10 points).
___________ C. Research highlighting the effectiveness of AGACNP in acute care
(15 points) (must integrate/address at least 4 studies).
1. Based on findings presented in the paper. (5 points).
2. Development and clarity (5 points).
___________ II. Scholarliness in Writing
(50 points) ___ Development, organization, and sentence structure.
___ Spelling, grammar, and third person writing.
___ Use of APA format.
___ States purpose of paper in the introductory paragraph.
___ Uses transitional sentences between paragraphs.
___ Uses very minimal, if any, direct quotations.
___ Uses literature appropriately to support statements/positions that is
MAXIMUM of 3 years old. May use up to 3 older articles to support points.
___ Summarizes entire paper in closing paragraph.
___ Maintains assigned paper length (body = 6-7 pages).
___Submitted by due date
TOTAL POINTS (100 points possible)Additional Materials:
IT-paper-summer-2016.pdf -
Oedipus Rex: A Complex Tale of Free Will, Innocence, Fate, and the Accused (Draft Version)
Regarding Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, it has been argued many times that the problem with Oedipus, the thing that finally leads to his downfall, is his pride. True, he tries to defy the prophets and the gods, but the punishment he finally suffers is truly wretched. Does he get what he deserves? Does he deserve what he gets? Imagine that you are either Oedipus’ defense attorney, or the attorney prosecuting against him for the people, and make your case.
Each paper should be 7-8 pages in length, double spaced. They should answer the specific question that I have asked for each. Each paper needs to contain the following elements:
–Your name and class information on the top left hand corner. Put your first and last name, the name of the class, the instructor’s name, and the date.
–Continuous last name and page number on each page as a “header” at the top right hand corner of your paper. Example: Smith 1
–A title. A good title indicates the tone and focus of your essay.
–Introductory paragraph(s). This paragraph (or the first two paragraphs, depending how you as a writer organize your ideas), introduces the topic in general, the title of the literary work you are discussing and the author’s name, and should contain a thesis statement indicating your main idea for the paper.
–Thesis statement. This sentence absolutely needs to be a statement, not a question. You are telling the reader, within this statement, what specific idea you are going to focus upon within the rest of your essay.
–Clear supporting paragraphs. These paragraphs are the “meat” of your essay, and should contain topic sentences (the main idea of each paragraph), and examples from the readings (or other sources, such as other essays) supporting your ideas. All direct quotations and paraphrases need to be written using the MLA format for literary analysis papers.
–Concluding paragraph. This paragraph is a restatement (not a repetition) of your introductory paragraph. It should summarize your main points, restate your thesis in a different way, and leave the reader wanting more and thinking about the ideas you have established throughout your paper.
Quotations should be cited from the Textbook:
“Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense.” Twelfth Edition. Thomas Arp, Greg Johnson. ISBN 978-0-285-05205-2.
You may also need to do outside research (use outside sources), and if you do use outside sources, you will need to use the MLA format in listing all of your sources. The outside sources can be from books, magazines, professional journals, films, documentaries, the Internet, etc. You will also need to prepare a Works Cited page if you use outside sources.
Consider the interface (interfacial zone) between the cement and the aggregate (blue metal)
$5.00Consider the interface (interfacial zone) between the cement and the aggregate (blue metal). Find and summarise possible processes occurring at this interface, noting the timing of these processes with respect to the overall concrete production process.
Reflection: What was the most outstanding outcome of this investigation for you in terms of thinking about chemical and material processes.
Case study: A Jewellery Industry B2B Portal
$20.00Case study: A Jewellery Industry B2B Portal
For the written report, the following criteria will be used:
• understanding of B2B marketing issues
• sophistication of analytical approaches
• recommendations clearly made and clearly supported
• internal consistency and creativity
• how thoroughly you address the specific questions for each case
• comprehensiveness.• What are the B2B marketing issues?
This course focuses on Business-to-Business Marketing. While there are a number of significant issues in each case, your task is to examine the cases to identify those that would be the controllable issues a marketer can address. The cases have been selected to emphasize B2B issues. You will need to draw out those that you feel are the most significant and actionable.
• What analysis is needed to address the issues?
You will need to call on both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Each case requires a different emphasis. You will need to identify the objectives of the analyses and what you expect to find. You should identify these analyses in enough detail that you demonstrate your mastery of the B2B issues and the case itself.
o For example, to say “Marketing research is necessary,” is not sufficient. What kind of research is required and what are the specific questions whose answers are necessary?
• What recommendation would you make? How can you support those recommendations?
You and your group should examine the issues and apply your best collective judgment about what could be done to improve, ameliorate or otherwise address the issues and concerns. You may find it useful to assume that your team has been retained as marketing consultants to offer the firm a better approach than what they have been doing.
• What would you expect competitors to do?
The market is dynamic, and no firm operates in a vacuum. If your recommendations were adopted, what changes would occur in the B2B marketplace and how would your competitors react? This will, in part, demonstrate your understanding of the marketplace realities that gave rise to the marketing issues. -
International Law and Torture Camps
$30.00International Law and Torture Camps
Why doesn’t international law prevent the existence of torture camps?
10 Pages
List the contributions Havelock Ellis and Alfred Kinsey made to the science of human sexuality
$20.00Module 1
- List the contributions Havelock Ellis and Alfred Kinsey made to the science of human sexuality.
- List 4 concerns to keep in mind when doing experimental sexual research
Module 2
- Using Figures 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7, list the one phase that is similar in all 3 cycles and explain why this is the case.
- List the detection methods and symptoms of the following female cancers:
- Cervical
- Endometrial
- Ovarian
- Breast
Module 3
- List the physical changes or symptoms that occur during the male climacteric.
- Describe where the components of semen come from, the amount and the function of each component.
Module 4
- List the effects and possible side effects of the following as they relate to being used as aphrodisiacs: amyl nitrate and Viagra.
- List the stages of Kaplan’s and Masters’ and Johnson’s models of sexual response and describe the benefit of one over the other.