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Another Fork On The Road
$15.00How to Prepare the REVIEW of the article “Another Fork in the Road”
1. Read the scientific article. Make notes summarizing key ideas and noting critical portions of the text.
2. The review should be 4 pages, with 1100 words, single-spaced or 1.5 spaces using a standard 12-point font (such as Times New Roman).
3. Include no more than one figure. FOR THIS REVIEW IT WILL BE FIGURE 2.
4. Please address the following points in your review:
a. In 300-500 describe how DNA-binding of p53 can target gene selectivity. Use FIGURE 2 as the CENTRAL FOCUS of you review.
b. In 300-500 describe how PTM can regulate promoter selectivity.
c. Include a short description of the final section p52 and therapeutic approaches.
5. SELECT and DISCUSS one (1) of the In need of answers from Sidebar A that you think is the most interesting.
6. In 500 words SUMMARIZE your thoughts on p53.Additional Files:
How We Use Integration in Our Daily Life
$15.00An essay on How We Use Integration in Our Daily Life
Pages: 3, double spaced
Briefly outline the goals of NAFTA
$25.00Topic: GEOG Assignment #1
In no more than 1500 words, answer the following questions in the format of a single essay. Provide a very brief introduction, answers to the questions and a brief conclusion on whether or not you think NAFTA was successful.
1. Briefly outline the goals of NAFTA – or any free trade agreement (you might have to search the web for brief help on this)
2. Why were people concerned about NAFTA in the U.S. Discuss the potential worries about the impacts of NAFTA (see Krugman especially)
3. Was Krugman correct to downplay these concerns (use the evidence and arguments from the other NAFTA papers).5 Pages
How effective is Breast Milk compared to Formula for Premature Babies?
$30.00How effective is Breast Milk compared to Formula for Premature Babies?
Your final essay for the semester is your long research essay. It should be a 7-12 page argumentative paper supplemented by research, NOT just a summary of sources. This essay will cite at least four quality sources (note: to find these, you should expect to read 10-12 sources). At least three of these four sources should be scholarly sources from Academic Search Complete or other library databases. We will be working towards the following goals as you work to write your research essay:
- framing a research question
- developing skills in locating, evaluating, and reading sources appropriate for college research
- refining strategies for effective note taking
- developing and support insightful, convincing arguments based on information acquired from research
- effectively incorporating quotations, paraphrase, and summary into your writing—and documenting such material using MLA style—while maintaining your own voice
- refining your skill in using the language of academic writing shaped with greater stylistic sophistication
International Financial Management Paper
$30.00Paper Contents
- Introduction.
- Globalization of the World Economy.
- Multinational Corporations.
- Factors Affecting International Financial Management
- Foreign exchange markets.
- International capital budgeting.
- Global money and capital markets.
- International banking.
- Conclusion.
15 Pages
Reasons for Having Health Care Insurance
$5.00Module 1 Discussions
Actions for Module 1 Discussions
Reasons for Having Health Care Insurance Actions for Reasons for Having Health Care Insurance
1. Please discuss the reasons for having health insurance coverage.
2. Are there individuals who choose not to be covered by health insurance; and why?
3. Why are there copays? Are they necessary? How are they determined?
4. Are different levels to health care insurance truly necessary?
Health Insurance Coverage in Virginia
$20.00Module 1 – SLP
After reading the background materials as well as additional information you find from the literature and online sources, respond to the following questions for this module’s SLP:
- Discuss the sources of health insurance coverage in your home state, or any state of your choosing, for the following groups:
- Seniors age 65 and older
- Children younger than 18
- Low-income families with at least one child, whose family income is below 133% of the Federal Poverty Level
- The self-employed
- Employees of large companies (more than 100 employees)
- Employees of small businesses
- Part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees
- The unemployed
- College students
- Discuss whether the groups listed above need to contribute to the premiums of their health insurance.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Length: Write a 3 page paper, typed and double spaced, with 12 pt. Times New Roman font and 1-inch page margins. Use headers throughout the paper.
Distribution of national health spending by type of financing source
$17.50Module 1 – Case
Case Assignment
After reading the background materials as well as additional information you find from the literature and online sources, respond to the following:
- Identify the distribution of national health spending by type of financing source.
- Identify the distribution of health insurance coverage among the U.S. population.
- Discuss the impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the difficulties that might be encountered by those mandated to participate.
- Discuss the origin of employment-based health insurance.
- Explain the difference between fully insured and self-insured health plans.
Assignment Expectations
Length: Write a 3- to 5-page paper, typed and double spaced, with 12 pt. Times New Roman font and 1-inch page margins. Use headers throughout the paper. This will aid you in not overlooking vital elements of the assignment and make the document easier for the reader to follow
Tribal Jurisdiction over Native Children
$25.00Question # 2 (15%): Discuss and analyze one of the topics below:
1. Tribal sovereignty: issues include tribal membership codes, tribe’s rights, tribal member’s rights, the federal trust responsibility. Include analysis of Sovereignty Immunity, The Indian Civil Rights Act (1968) and Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez (1978).
2. Tribal jurisdiction over Native children: issues include tribe’s/parent’s/adoptive parent’s/ child’s rights, state court’s application of the ICWA, culture, identity, blood quantum. include analysis of the Indian Child Welfare Act (1978), Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield (1989), the State courts’ “Existing Indian Families” exception, and the Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl (2013) case.5 Pages