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Suburbs have been criticised as wasteful and boring by some, and praised as havens of creativity and sustainability by others. Stretton’s discussion of domestic economy and Trainer’s idea of retrofitting cities to become more sustainable take up these ideas, yet suburbs are still being planned within greater Brisbane, alongside densification of inner city areas such Woolloongabba’s Transit Oriented Development, and the proposed Kurilpa Masterplan.
How is space used in suburbs inside homes, in gardens, and in the broader neighbourhood? Consider changes in lot size, house size and use of external space in Australian suburbs over time. How does suburban space use differ from medium and high density housing, and what effect does this have on potential users of these housing types? Discuss examples from suburban and at least one other housing type to demonstrate your analysis.
8 Pages
UC Admission Personal Statement
$7.00Applying for UC major is statistics or business mathematics.
Less than 500 words
The personal insight questions are about getting to know you better — your life experience, interests, ambitions and inspirations.
Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open. Be reflective. Find your individual voice and express it.
While this section of the application is just one part we consider when making our admission decision, it helps provide context for the rest of your application.
Bullying cause emotional problems
$27.50Does bullying cause emotional problems? A prospective study of young teenagers
- Assignment
Question 1
Bond, Carlin, Thomas, Rubin and Patton: Does bullying cause emotional problems? A prospective study of young teenagers
from the British Medical Journal 2001 ; Vol 323, 1st September page 480-484 (also available online through and answer the questions below.
Statement of objectives
- What were the investigators’ aims and objectives? If they are not stated explicitly in the paper, what do you think they were?
- What was the hypothesis that the authors were testing? If no hypothesis is stated, what do you think it was?
Study design
- What type of study was carried out? The name of a study type as stated by the investigators (eg randomised controlled trial) is not sufficient, describe in your own words what they did. Do you think the study design is appropriate to the aims and objectives?
- What other study designs could have been used? Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of each.
Target/reference population
- What is an appropriate target/reference population for this study? (That is, to whom did the investigators want to generalise the results?)
Source/sampled population
- Describe the source or sampled population from which sample was drawn. Is this an appropriate choice? Are there any potential biases introduced through specific groups being missed or under-presented?
Sample frame
- Did the investigators use a sample frame? If so, describe the sample frame and comment on its appropriateness. If not, what would you recommend as a sample frame and why?
Sample selection
- How was the study sample selected? Is this an appropriate sampling strategy? What, if any, are the potential biases in the sample selection?
Method of measurement
- What method(s) was (were) used to obtain data from the sample? Comment on the appropriateness of the method(s). Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of other methods that could have been used.
Measurement instrument
- How were the main variables of interest measured? Were valid and reliable measures obtained? What were the main outcome (dependent) variable(s) and study factors (or exposures or independent variables) of interest?
Statistical analysis
- Suppose that you were assisting the authors with the data analysis and had to help them with the interpretation of the findings. Describe in your own words the results presented in Table 1 to Table 4.
Authors’ conclusions
- What were the main conclusions drawn by the authors? Are they justified? Based on your reading of the paper, do you agree with them?
Auditing Assignment Seven Busi 3343
$20.00Auditing Assignment Seven Busi 3343
Question 1 (5 marks)
You are the auditor of Brody Grass Inc. The CEO expressed a concern that the audit fees for the year were very high. You then explained that this is largely due to poor internal controls in the cash and transaction cycle and that the audit fees could decrease if better controls were in place.
Provide 5 examples of general cash account controls that Brody Grass Inc. could implement.
Question 2 (6 Marks)
You are the auditor for GreenAcres, a non-profit home for homeless elderly. GreenAcres has a December 31 year end. It receives government funding, and also relies upon donations for revenue. GreenAcres has a major funding drive in November, when it collects pledges by means of activities at a garage sale, a walkathon, and fall bake sale events in the community.
During late February you had a meeting with Ellen Famous, the President of GreenAcres, at the organization’s premises. Ellen reviews and approves bank statements and is the second and final cheque signer. Two other accounting staff have the following responsibilities:
- Paul approves pledge write-offs (which normally average about 15%), opens the mail, endorses cheques received in the mail, prepares and delivers bank deposits, and posts transactions into the accounting system.
- Diana, a retired bookkeeper, volunteers about 10 hours per week to reconcile the bank account, review journal entries posted to the general ledger, and prepare payroll and accounts payable transactions for processing.
Ellen normally reviews pledge write-offs, but was very busy in February, so she took a look while you were there. To her surprise, she found that about 40% of the pledges had been written off. She asked Diana to investigate, and Diana found that most of the write-offs had actually been paid.
- A) What are possible causes of the inconsistency with the pledge write-offs?
- B) What are the weaknesses in internal control that could allow the excess write-offs to occur? Provide recommendations for improvement.
- C) Identify audit procedures that you would complete to quantify any potential misstatement with respect to the pledges receivable balance as at December 31.
Question 3 (6 marks)
Following are situations that an auditor might find by means of tests of controls or tests of details of cash balances for a company with a December year end.
- A) The accountant did not record or deposit a cash receipt for $50,000 that was received on December 28. Cash is prelisted by the receptionist.
- B) Cheques prepared up to January 6 were dated December 31 and recorded in the cash disbursements journal.
- C) A cheque was issued for office supplies that were never received by the client.
List a substantive audit procedure that could uncover each of the preceding situations.
Why do investment trusts often trade at a discount
$40.00Write a 2,200 word essay on ‘Why do investment trusts often trade at a discount?’
Students are expected to use academic journal articles. An indicative list of articles can be found in the textbook, but there are many other articles to be found. Wikipedia, Investopedia and most other websites are not creditable sources and should NOT be used as coursework references.
$35.00Please answer and explain each question specifically by analyzing and quoting AS MANY DATA and RATIOS as necessary.
1. How appropriate are the five factors that Torres chooses to determine the future performance of Costco?
2. What other relevant factor might be included in the forecast of the business? To what extent are they covered in the factors above?
3. Review Torres’ forecasted income statement and regular income statement? Are these achievable results for Costco?
4. Review Torres’ forecast in Exhibit 5. How does the rate of expansion (new store openings) affect the balance sheet and free cash flow? Do you agree with her assumptions?
5. Would you recommend that Torres buy, hold, or sell her Costco shares at a price of $35?Additional Files:
Railway Operation Logistics
$45.00Assignment Remit
e.g ( A report on the design of the different types of passenger railway stations in use Mainline, Commuter, DART, LUAS and Rural railway lines and on the design of the different types of railway freight terminals (depots)).– Introductory Chapter
1) the introductory chapter should introduce the reader to the broad issues involved in this particular assignment.2) overall operational objectives to be achieved in both passenger station design and freight terminal design must include important aspects safety, comfort and satisfaction, cost minimization and revenue maximization.
3) these aspects should be mentioned and outlined in the introductory chapter and elaborated on in the following chapters.
– Passenger Station Design
1) discuss the design of the different types of passenger stations used on the Mainline rail services, Commuter rail services, DART rail services, LUAS rail services and Rural branch line rail services.2) discuss the underlying reasons for the differences in the design approach for each of these station types.
3)note: the passenger station design will depend on the types of passenger journey being undertaken and the projected number of passengers.
– Freight Terminal Design
1) discuss the design of the different types of freight Terminals.2) discuss the underlying reasons for the differences in the design approach.
3) note: the freight terminal design will depend on the type and projected volume of freight traffic to be handled.
– Conclusion
1) the conclusion should summarize the common logic underlying the design process.2) note: use photographs and diagrams to illustrate various points in your discussion of both topics.
3) include captions stating what the photograph and /or the diagram shows and it’s source.
– Bibliography (Sources, References)
1) reference all source material used
Pfizer’s Unsuccessful Takeover of Astrazeneca
$10.00Corporate Finance
The case is the unsuccessful takeover of AstraZeneca by Pfizer which unfolded earlier this year. News archives will be a main source of material for the case but you should also use your course notes when evaluating news items and to provide a background for your analysis.
If you cite works in the report they must be included in a reference section. If you use works but do not cite them you can include them in a bibliography.
Pfizer’s unsuccessful takeover of AstraZeneca
For an overview of the case please read the timeline available at
This case illustrates how a takeover unfolds when the target’s management are not in favour of the takeover. Pfizer keep raising their offer price whilst AstraZeneca provide a defence by publishing a strategy document.
Following the Kraft-Cadbury case and, in particular, the loss of jobs which had been promised as secure, the UK government intervenes and the takeover becomes a potential vote issue.
One main motive for Pfizer’s bid appears to be a desire to move to the UK to lower its tax bill.
The takeover is unsuccessful but the media suggests that when the regulatory deadline (late November) passes Pfizer will launch another bid for AstraZeneca.
Discuss the reasons for the UK intervening in the bid process and explain why Kraft-Cadbury has influenced the government’s stance on mergers and acquisitions.
The following may be of help but do search for more.
Corporate Finance
$40.00Part 1
The traditional assumptions of the perfect markets, the agency principle and the strength of the real world efficiency has underpinned comparative analyses of the so called random prices and returns by rational, risk averse investors. Nevertheless, they still provide indispensible, theoretical benchmarks for any framework of investment, first formalised as the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) by Eugene Fama (1965)
Define “efficiency” and consider the implications of the EMH for the purposes of valuation and takeover in the corporate world. (50 Marks)
Part 2
Modigliani, F and Miller, M.H., (1958), did set out their original case for the irrelevance of financial structure to corporate valuation and capital cost (WACC) in a perfect capital market. Referring to the original article you are required to:
- Clearly defined the three propositions advanced by MM and explained supporting your answers how they have been proved? (20 Marks)
- B. Explain how do MM’s conclusions differ from a traditional view of capital structure in a tax-less world where the cost of debt is constant? (10 Marks)
- C. Within the context of investment appraisal, what are the implications of MM’s hypothesis for financial management? (20 Marks) (Total 50 Marks)
(Total 100 marks)
The assignment maximum word count should be 2500 words