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Analyse the performance and capital structure of Apple Inc.
$40.00Analyse the performance and capital structure of Apple Inc.
Coursework Brief
Analyse the performance and capital structure of a public limited company in FTSE 100 or S&P500 from a financial analyst’s perspective. (Suggested sample period: 2005 – 2013)
Key Marking criteria will include:
- Initiative: originality, innovativeness of answer
- Assignment Structure: clarity of aims, objective, structure and presentation
- Quality of Writing: Readability and ability to convey key message(s) concisely
- Quality/Scope of Literature Review: Understanding of established knowledge
- Suitability of Literature: Use of suitable sources, focused to answer key research aims
- Literature Analysis: Quality/level of analytical skill demonstrated
- Insightfulness of Analysis: Interest and usefulness of findings, conclusions drawn.
- Understanding: Assignment demonstrates students have understood key topics
- Overall Quality of Assignment
The coursework assignment for this module is an individual assignment worth 25% of the overall module mark. An assignment plan must be submitted before the individual assignment and will be worth 5% of the overall module mark.
Assignment plan: The length limit for the assignment plan is one side of A4 paper with not smaller than 12-point font. Section headings and bullet points are acceptable – the plan does not have to be in prose. References should be inserted as footnotes.
Main assignment: The maximum word limit for the main assignment (excluding references , tables, contents page, footnotes, charts, graphs, figures) is 2500 words. The word count must be stated in the assignment cover sheet.
Coursework plan (Suggested structure)
- Coursework title: Analyse the performance and capital structure of XXXX
An overview of XXXXX from a financial analyst’s perspective
The past, current and future of XXXXXXX.
- Aim and motivation: Which firm are you going to analyse? Why would you choose this firm? Briefly introduce what you are going to do in the coursework.
- What literature or theory are you based on?
- Data and methodology: What methodology are you going to use? (e.g linear regression? Algebra? Second-hand data? What data source are you going to use? Data characteristics (sample size, frequency, potential data transformation)
- Structure of the course work (Use one or two sentences to introduce each section briefly and put roughly how many words for each section?)
- Introduction
- Literature review
- Methodology and data
- Data transformation
- Result and rationalization
- Conclusion and limitations
- Advice to the firm
- References
The length limit for the course plan is one side of A4 paper with not smaller than 12-point font. Section headings and bullet points are acceptable – the plan does not have to be in prose. References should be inserted as footnotes.
Leadership in Organizations The Assignment
$50.00Leadership in Organizations
Two parts
1.Critically reflect on your own experience of leadership and suggest areas for your own development (learning outcomes 4,6, approximately 2000 words)
2.Use leadership theory and concepts in the analysis and evaluation of the leadership case study provided here. (approximately 2000 words). (learning outcomes 1,2,3,5)
Treat them as two separate assignments but submit in one document
There can be one reference list, however
- The first part
Critically reflect, not ‘describe’
Essay format not report
Use theory taught on the module to inform the reflection, as well as your own thoughts and ideas
It might be useful to use some structure for the reflection – e.g. Kolb’s learning cycle (p270 or the core text) or models of ‘reflection’ such as those in:
Johns, C. (2013 ) Becoming a Reflective Practitioner, 4th Edition, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (Available online as e-book) – p37-4.
Taylor, B.J. (2010) Reflective Practice for Healthcare Professionals: A practical guide, Maidenhead, Open University Press.
(both books are orientated towards health care professionals but the models of reflection are still generally applicable Taylor distinguishes between technical, practical and emancipatory – it is probably the practical that is most relevant here pp124-142 but I don’t rule out the others!)
- The second part
Use the case study provided!
Notice it asks you to ‘Use leadership theory and concepts’ in the analysis and evaluation of the leadership case study…. ‘.
And the single case study question is: ‘Using leadership theory and concepts critically evaluate the operation of leadership in this case.
How many ‘theories’? 2, 3? Which ones?
Same theories as referred to in part one or different? It is up to you
You might consider ethical issues in the case (learning outcome 2)?
A decision is to be made:
Do you focus on Tom’s leadership? Or leadership in the organisation more generally with Tom as part of this? You decide
Case study question
Using leadership theory and concepts critically evaluate the operation of leadership in this case.
The two parts are the same but you are expected to write 2000 on each part (4000 words in total).
If you are unsure which applies to you make sure you ask your module leader.
The first part of your assignment may be written in the first person (using ‘I’) since it is a personal reflection. You are advised to focus on one or two specific experiences of leadership – either where you were in a leadership role, or where you could observe ‘leadership’ in action even if you were not a ‘leader’. These experiences might be drawn from your work experience or from other experience (voluntary work, student experience in working in a group, parenting, sport or other leisure activities). The experience should be one where you were an active participant. You should describe the situation and leadership process using relevant theory and concepts drawn from the academic literature on leadership. In suggesting areas for your own development you should focus on skills or attributes that you think you need to work on, based on the preceding analysis of the experience and again these might be based on concepts and theory encountered in your reading for the module.
Additional Files:
Exchange-Traded Funds Paper
$15.00“Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are considered a cost-efficient way to access a multiplicity of investment exposures and hence have increased popularity among investors after their first introduction on the New York Stock Exchange in 1993” (Mateus and Rahmani, 2014)
Critical discuss the existing literature on ETFs focusing on:
1. Replication accuracy (Physical vs. Synthetic ETFs)
2. The role of expense ratios, size and liquidity on tracking errors
Mateus and Rahmani (2014) “Physical versus Synthetic Exchange Traded Funds. Which One Replicates Better?”, Journal of Financial Risk Management, forthcoming Access: are important part of reports and they should be clearly outlined.
A Report on Qatar Exchange
$5.00Write a report about Qatar Exchange. The report may discuss the main sectors of listed firms, how to buy and sell listed shares, type of orders, and Procedures for Investors’ Protection.
use the Qatar Exchange website and other official sites as sources
The Home Depot Company; Accounting Practise Used In the Company
$10.00The Home Depot Company; Accounting Practice Used In the Company
Pages: 2, double spaced
Upgrading the ERP System of DJ Ltd
$10.00Upgrading the ERP System of DJ Ltd
DJ Ltd is a multinational or large company that is considering a complete replacement of its current old ERP system with a contemporary technology. The management is deliberating on outsourcing the new ERP system. In order to be successful in this project, the company has asked you, as an Accounting Information System Analyst, to carry out a research based on the following
– Critically evaluate, using examples where appropriate, the impact on the various stakeholders that the new ERP system may have and any actions that DJ Ltd can take to curtail any potential negative effects of this change
Data Analysis and Interpretation Critique (2 documents)
$40.00Read the paper “Management guidelines for women with normal colscopy after low grade cervical abnormalities: population study”, by Teale et al (2000), BMJ, vol 320, pp 1693-1696.
2(a) the authors describe the study as a “population outcome study”. Give a brief explanation of the following terms:
- Observational study, experimental study
- Prospective sample, retrospective sample
- Longitudinal study, cross-sectional study
- Case control study, cohort study
Additional Files:
BMW AG’s New Initiative to Expand Fleet Management Business
$10.00BMW AG’s New Initiative to Expand Fleet Management Business
Assignment Overview
Every company has capital projects. The Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, commonly known as BMW or BMW AG company must need something! Be it a new wing to the building, a new product line to be funded, a new piece of equipment, find one new acquisition BMW needs.
Once you have identified the new possible investment item, what problems are you going to have in estimating the cash flow that might be emanating from the initial investment and problems in getting it funded? Issues might be:
Politics (getting it through committees)
Public Relations
etc.,Identify a potential capital project for BMW, describe such a project and write a short summary of the problems you see in getting the funding to see it through.
**Please include the following references in the paper and works cited page:**
McCracken, M.E. (2005) Capital budgeting, retrieved from:
Summary of Capital Budgeting. (n.d.) Summary of Capital Budgeting, Retrieved from: Case: Control under IFRS 10
$25.00Research Case: Control under IFRS 10
In May 2011, the International Accounting Standards Board (the IASB) issued IFRS 10
Consolidated Financial Statements, which becomes effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1
January 2013. The change to the definition of control in IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial Statements [“IFRS 10”] is expected to have a significant effect on the investment management industry. Investment managers will have to apply the more comprehensive guidance in IFRS 10 when determining whether they control the entities they are involved with and consequently, whether they will need to consolidate those entities in their own financial statements. The main change introduced by IFRS 10 compared with the existing consolidation requirements is a greater focus on which investor has power over an investee’s activities rather than who has the majority of the voting rights.
Write an essay between 1000-1500 words on the main aspect of this standard regarding the definition of control and on the main challenges that may face the application of the directives of this standard.