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Paper I: Article Analysis
$20.00Paper I: Article Analysis
Length: at least 4 pages (double spaced)
One of the purposes of this class is to prepare students for reading Scripture and working with interpretations of Scripture in their daily lives. To that end, the first paper this semester will involve a close reading and review of one of several articles on the Scriptures. They are not “popular” articles, but they are not so technical that they will not be accessible. For the assignment, you are to choose one of the articles below (they are available on Blackboard) and write a 4-5 page review of it. The assignment is also practice for proper citations of sources. Your primary sources for the paper are the article and the Bible. You may use other sources if necessary, but web-sites are not to be used as sources. You should properly cite all quotations and provide a Works Cited page. Please use the Chicago Manual of Style for parenthetical references, and use proper spelling and punctuation.
Choose one of the articles below and read it.
Write a minimum four page (maximum 7 page) review of the article.
In your introductory paragraph, you should include:
The full bibliographic information for the article (no specific format needed)
The thesis of the article
Your thesis to be argued in the paper (Please underline this): Does the article prove its own thesis?
In the first part, you should summarize the argument of the article (no more than a page-page and a half)
In the final section, you argue your point about whether the author was successful.
Some things to consider: the flow of the article, any holes in the argument, etc.
Please write a short concluding paragraph
Cite all quotations properly and include a Works Cited page.
Berg, Shane. “Ben Sira, the Genesis Creation Accounts, and the Knowledge of God’s Will.” The Journal of Biblical Literature 132 (2013): 139-157.
Feder, Yitzhaq. “The Aniconic Tradition, Deuteronomy 4, and the Politics of Israelite Identity.” The Journal of Biblical Literature 132 (2013):251-274.
Hicks, Richard. “Markan Discipleship according to Malachi: The Significance of μὴ ποστερήσῃς
in the Story of the Rich Man (Mark 10:17–22).” The Journal of Biblical Literature 132 (2013): 179-199.Parker, Julie Faith. “Blaming Eve Alone: Translation, Omission, and Implications of עמה in Genesis 3:6b.” The Journal of Biblical Literature 132 (2013): 729-747.
Apple Financial Analysis
$30.00Deliverable Length: 1,750–2,000 words (not including title and reference pages) Library Research Project 2015
Using the library and other course resources, find a manufacturing company’s annual report.
Please note: Choose large, well-known companies that are publicly traded on the stock market. Private companies do not make financial information or really any general information available to the public. Large traded companies like Target, Ford, Apple, etc. are easy to find this type of information on. We recommend you go straight to Hoover’s Pro database to find a company profile. This database is the best database available for this type of information.
Calculate the following ratios for the company that you select:
· Return on assets
· Return on equity
· Gross profit margin
· Debt to equity ratio
· Debt ratio
· Current ratio
· Quick ratio
· Inventory turnover
· Total asset turnover
· Price earnings ratio
Using the calculated ratios, analyze the financial performance of the firm. You will do this by looking at the ratios and comparing them to ratios from previous periods and in some cases, against their competitors. Keep in mind that you are trying to determine how the firm is performing under each of the listed ratios. In a memo to the chief executive officer (CEO), include the following:
· Explain the ratios that you calculated.
· Address other methods of analyzing financial statements aside from ratio analysis.
· Explain your analysis of the firm, and make recommendations for improvement.
Objective: · Explain the methods used to analyze financial statements and utilize accounting information to evaluate the performance of the firm, departments, and individual managers. Synthesis of Aspirin, Purification and Analysis using TLC
$20.00- Title
Informative title for lab report, your name, lab partner’s name, and section number.
- Abstract
The abstract is a complete, but concise summary of the research. It is rarely more than one paragraph long. It should include: (1) which experiment was conducted (i.e. Purpose. Why are you conducting?) (2) all numerical results obtained (how much actual pure and crude product obtained in grams, percent yield, and percent error) and (3) a summary of the conclusions made from experiment/numerical results.
III. Introduction
The introduction explains the experiment and the background of the reaction. State the main purpose of the experiment! Provide a brief background on the reaction and/or technique. Explain how the experiment intends to achieve the purpose. By the end of the introduction, the reader should understand the experiment that “will” be performed and the goals the experiment should achieve.
- Materials and Methods
Only one paragraph not exceeding 10 lines.
The experimental section provides details on your experimental methods in paragraph form. This section should include all the chemicals and equipment used, how the samples were prepared, and any other sample handling and organic techniques that were used (i.e. vacuum filtration apparatus).
- Analytical procedure (Explain steps that were taken in 3rd person)
- Results. 10 pts
Subsection 1: Structures and Reactions
Neatly draw all reactions in the experiment and appropriately label each chemical. Each chemical must be able to be referenced as a figure. Mechanisms of reactions should indicate all transition states and electron movement using arrows. Each mechanism must be comprehensive and legible.
All compounds not present in the reaction but used in the experiment must be drawn, labeled, and referenced by a number. (Again, “Figure X”.)
Subsection 2: Data Well-organized experimental data and observations are presented in tabular or figure form. After each table or figure include a summary of the table/figure as well as pertinent trends. (Graphs are labeled as figures.) Do not offer interpretation of your results until the discussion section. Table 1: Title
Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Explanation Subsection 3: Sample Calculations Every distinct calculation must be shown. For example, if the number of moles from grams were calculated for 10 different compounds, then show the calculations only once for one of the compounds. Sample calculations are demonstrated in the following format: Y = 5X + 2 (General format of the equation.)Y = 5(2) + 2 (Variables subbed in.)Y = 12 (Equation solved.)
VI. Discussion: Your discussion should be focused on your results. Consider what your data does or does not indicate and make arguments that can be supported by your collected data. Provide chemical explanations for the results, explain important steps in the procedure that are necessary for completion of the experiment, and write the reaction mechanism out in detail with key terms used in the lecture. Cite your results specifically when making these arguments. In short, analyze your data and show critical thinking. When explaining the reaction mechanism, use professional language and organic chemistry designations. (For example, the electron does not “go up to the oxygen”.). Error analysis is an important part of a comprehensive analysis. Was there error? How much and in what direction was the error? What feasibly explains the error? At least two sources of error should be explained and reasonable suggestions for the prevention of these errors should be provided. All experiments have error that results from transferring compounds from flask to flask as well as measuring error. While they can be mentioned, they will not count toward this requirement. Critically analyze the experiment and how it could be made better.
Provide a list of all sources used in your work, and written in ACS style. Use at least two outside sources besides your lab and lecture textbooks. Here is a helpful website:
Note: and forums like are not valid reference and are edited by the public.
Don’t forget in-text citations.
Additional Files:
Explain the concepts of own price and income elasticity of demand
$35.00- Coursework Details and Deadlines:
This is an individual exercise.
Your answer must be in essay format (i.e. not written as a report) and not exceed 2000 words. Help with planning, structuring and writing essays can be found as follows:
Assessment Criteria: Essential Points
- When planning and preparing your answer you should review the assessment criteria for this assignment. A copy of this is attached to this document.
- Your answers must be rigorous and analytical. Do not write in a descriptive style. Internal and external examiners do not reward “thin” essays highly.
- You must use proper referencing throughout your answer. At MBA level you must refer to relevant texts, relevant journals and case examples. In addition, you should use the Harvard or other standardized referencing format.
- You do not need to assume that the tutor knows literally nothing about the economics of the business environment!
- Useful on-line search facilities are available via the university library electronic databases, e.g. Business Source Premiere and Science direct, which have many full-text articles.
Essay Question
Explain the concepts of own price and income elasticity of demand. Assess how useful an understanding of these concepts would be to the management of a luxury, family owned, hotel in Edinburgh and Draw at least one diagram and keep all the labels clear also In your analysis please use the concept of the elasticity to explain. (Market power, Arbitrage, Demand curve, Price elasticity in demand and Price discrimination)
Pages:7, double spaced
Long Term Investment Strategy
$30.00Long Term Investment Strategy
The easiest way to think of this is as a personal strategy. Imagine you have a job and you put money into a retirement account every month. You need to come up with a strategy of how you’ll invest that money to achieve your goals. Your strategy should include:
- a. Your overall goals
- b. The role the different securities discussed in class play in your strategy.
- c. How your strategy will evolve through time.
- d. Which topics discussed in class (market efficiency, behavioral biases, risk vs. return, portfolio theory, risk tolerance, etc.) have the most influence on your strategy.
Your strategy should not be a simple regurgitation of material we’ve covered in class (I know what a mutual fund is). The more specific the better, which means you’re going to have to make some assumptions. I’m going to put less into stocks as I get older is not specific, use numbers.
Pages: 6, double spaced
Misrepresentation Paper
$20.00Misrepresentation Paper
‘The doctrine of misrepresentation allows parties to escape contracts where they have been deceived by the other party. However, the law should not allow a contract to be nullified for an innocent misrepresentation.’
Explain the law and remedies available for misrepresentation and discuss to what extent you agree with the above statement.
Additional File:
Pages: 4, double spaced
Employee Relations Assignment
$48.00Assignment Question
Over recent years some have argued that developed Western economies are now primarily ‘knowledge economies’. Critically assess this claim.
Approaching the question
To answer this question you will need to reflect on the claims and arguments that underpin the of the concept knowledge economy – in short, you need to consider the key components of the knowledge economy and assess the extent to which economies are actually characterised by these.
These issues are covered extensively in section four and section seven of the Study book. You should read extensively the study book (particularly the relevant sections), and log onto the blackboard webpage for additional readings. I would also encourage you to take use the Support Forum to discuss your essay both will fellow class mates, and the module leader.
I also advise that you use the electronic databases (for example, Business Source Premier and Emerald) in the library to search for academic articles, as individual research beyond the readings recommended, is always encouraged. Students are reminded that whilst some questions may very evidently refer to a particular unit they are all designed to span issues across the entire module. A full answer to the question will require reflection on the issues that you have encountered throughout the module. It is important to bear in mind that the content of your answer will depend on the argument that you wish to put forward in answer to the question and not solely on the concepts that the question explicitly identifies.
Assessment Criteria
- A sophisticated understanding relating to what is meant by the knowledge economy, and the assumptions about changes in the economy that this includes.
- Critically analyse the extent to which these changes have occurred
- Set your understanding of the importance of knowledge economy alongside a critical understanding of the way in which the employment relationship has changed over the last 30 years.
- Be able to apply appropriate scholarly theories and concepts.
Demonstrate independent research that transcends the readings available in the module handbook.
Apply (where necessary) scholarly evidence to support and/or prove claims.12 Pages
LO 1.1 describe different users of financial statements and their needs
$44.00Task 1
Write a REPORT BoD explaining to them the importance of financial accounting and reporting to the company emphasizing the following:
1: first heading, Introduction to financial accounting and reporting, and its importance (800words).
2: Little historical perspective (2-3 sentences,no more)
3: Definition of financial Accounting and reporting (+reference)
4: why Financial Accounting and Reporting is required?
5: procedure involved in financial report (financial data,record,financial statement, (3-4sentences)
6: what is meant by financial statements (cash flow,balance sheet,profit and loss account), what is it and significance of each three.Task 2
LO 1.1 describe different users of financial statements and their needs.(example:owners managers,lenders,suppliers,government employees,customers). choose 3-4 users and explain
LO 3.1 explain how information needs of different use groups vary (these users use financial statements for making varied financial and economic decision:1 profitability (owners),2 continuity(employees), 3 cash position,4 liquidity and so on) .
LO 1.2 explain the legal and statutory influences on FS (background inf)
EU directives(2-3 sentences), code of corporate governance(SOX Act 2002), Companies house UK, Companies Act 2006, Accounting Standards.
LO 1.3 Asses the implication (of the legal and statutory on FS) for the users. (proper accurate)All this information is very important to be mention as it is required in order to pass.
Pages: 11, double spaced
Academic Writing Skills Summary
$15.00Do a summary for each one 300 words. The topic of the assignment is academic writing skills which highlighted in yellow color.
- An analysis of the language of attribution in university students’ academic essays
- Exploring evidence of higher order thinking skills in the writing of first year undergraduates
- Students’ challenges and development in the transition to academic writing at an English-medium university in Qatar
Additional Materials: