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Relevance of Fair Value Accounting
$32.50Relevance of Fair Value Accounting
Abstract – A succinct summary of your main arguments/points and your conclusion. The abstract should summarise the aim of the essay, the methods/arguments used, the results and conclusions (in relation to the topic). You should not refer to other sources or include detailed discussions.
Introduction – Outline the general “map” of your essay, from the more general aspects of the topic, to the specific aspects and how you are going to address them.
Body/Main analysis – Marks are to be allocated for the identification and discussion of relevant issues.
Conclusion – A strong summing up of the findings
Correct referencing – Harvard method to be used. Only the references actually referred to in the body of the report should be included in the list of references – a penalty will apply (depending on the number of instances) for references appearing in the text and not on the list, and vice versa.
Language – this is a communications task in written English and therefore is to be assessed as such. These marks are awarded for proficiency in all aspects of written communications i.e., grammar, spelling, sentence construction and language.
LENGTH – Between 1700 -1800 (maximum) words. This word count excludes title/cover sheet and list of references, but includes the abstract. The abstract should comprise a maximum of 150 total word count.
Style and format: Must be in 12 point font, double line spaced with min 2cm margins. The essay must include an abstract and reference list compiled under the Harvard method of referencing. The list should be limited to sources referred to in the actual essay.
Major Essay – IFRS (International Financial Accounting Standard) 13 is about the measurement of fair value. It specifies amongst other things the definition and hierarchy to be used in fair value measurements. Laux and Leuz (2009, p833) argue that “the fair value debate is far from over and much remains to be done”.
Required: Based on the above statement, write an essay on the relevance of fair value accounting in the contemporary world. Your essay should include but not limited to a discussion on whether fair value accounting is applicable for a wide range of organisations in financial reporting. Also, explain and analyse whether fair value accounting has had any influence on the subprime and related crises over the world in the recent past. The expectation is that a minimum of 12 contemporary research articles (out of which at least 6 academic journal articles) are used in the body of the essay. Also, you are required to elaborate and analyse the current status of fair value accounting.
(MOST IMPORTANT) Laux, C., and C. Leuz, 2009, “The crisis of fair-value accounting: making sense of the recent debate”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol 34, pp 826-834.
Lodh S.C. and M. J. R. Gaffikin, 2010, “Assessing underlying realities of accounting’s duality check by the accounting equation: a search for an augmented framework”, paper presented at the APIRA Conference, Sydney, July.
McSweeney, B. (2009), ‘The roles of financial asset market failure denial and the economic crisis: Reflections on accounting and financial theories and practices’, Accounting, Organizations and Society 34, pp835–848
Bougen, P. H., and J. J. Young, ‘Fair value accounting: Simulacra and simulation’, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, (article in press)
Hitz, J. M. (2007), The decision usefulness of fair value accounting: A theoretical perspective’, European Accounting Review, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp 323 – 362
Admission Essay What are your career objectives
$10.00Applying for a Master degree in Finance
The Topic is: What are your career objectives and how will an Master Degree in Finance help you achieve your goals? Be professional
2 Pages
Comparison of MYOB Account Right Enterprise v19.6 and Xero Accounting Software for Revenue Cycle Activities and Controls
$40.00Comparison of MYOB Account Right Enterprise v19.6 and Xero Accounting Software for Revenue Cycle Activities and Controls
Undertake analysis in your team and write a business report In a team of three or four ONLY, analyse MYOB and Xero, addressing the four requirements below, the requirements set out in the assessment criteria at the end of this document :
1. Evaluate and compare the capacity of MYOB AccountRight Enterprise v19.6 and Xero to support organisations in undertaking the four basic activities of the revenue cycle
2. Romney et al. (2013) lists seven control procedures categories on p. 149. Analyse and compare the extent to which MYOB AccountRight Enterprise v19.6 and Xero have in place adequate controls for TWO of the seven control categories for the revenue cycle, or that affect the revenue cycle. Note that not all the categories may be relevant.
3. Decide on a team recommendation to LAS on which of the two software packages will be suggested for use by their small business clients. Your recommendation should be based solely on analysis of each package’s capacity to support the four basic activities of the revenue cycle AND the extent to which each package has adequate controls for TWO of the seven control categories for the revenue cycle, or that affect that cycle.
4. As consultants employed by NBA, prepare a formal business report which includes your recommendations derived from your evaluation and is addressed to the manager of the Launceston Accounting Specialists. Follow the Business Report Structure provided to you by linked to above.
Set out your findings and recommendation in a professional quality business report of approximately 2500 word
Additional Materials:
Costco Business Logistics Report
$60.00Costco Business Logistics Report
Recommended Report Structure
• Executive Summary
o Give a 1-page summary of the study covering background, methodology, key findings, conclusions
and key recommendations.• Introduction
o Give background of the investigation, objectives, assumptions and scope of the study. Provide
reasons for the selection of the company• Current Situation
o Describe the current business, financial, and marketing strategies in the context of the company’s
mission and overall strategy.
o Describe the supply chain policy, strategy, and management method used by the company.• Issues Identified
o Identify the issues with the current system focusing on the logistics and supply chain function.• Analysis of Current Situation
o Adopt a framework to analyse the situation – SWOT
o If SWOT is used, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and analyse the threats
and opportunities brought by competition and technological advancement, etc.
o Include key points only in your report. Details of the SWOT analysis can be included in the Appendices.•Gap Analysis
o Conduct GAP analysis
o Compare current system with preferred system.
o Identify differences or gaps between them.
o Include key points only in your report. Details of the GAP analysis can be included in the Appendices.• Recommendations
o Present recommendations (i.e., the various strategies) or action plans based on findings. Link these to
theories learnt or researched.• Discussion and Conclusion
o Wrap up the whole study by pointing out limitations of the analysis and directions for further
improvement of the system.
o Highlighted the lessons learnt and any disparities in expectations.• References
o Include all the references used, if any, in the writing of the report.
o Include in-text references within your writing,• Appendices
o Include all the relevant information and details results of analyses, if appropriate, to facilitate
decision making by the management.
o Include details of SWOT and GAP analysis here, if they have been used in your case analysis.Pages: 15, double spaced
Business Social Responsibility Report
$49.00The Australian National University
Research School of Accounting & Business Information Systems
BUSN3017 Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability & Reporting
Assignment 2: Business Report (Individual assignment, not a group assignment)
The purpose of this assignment is threefold. First, it is designed to promote your understanding of the socioͲeconomic context of corporations and developments and practices in corporate social responsibility, accountability and reporting. Second, it will promote your ability to research and analyse a complex corporate social responsibility issue, formulate well reasoned and coherent arguments and reach well considered conclusions in relation to the issue. Third, it will provide you with the opportunity to consolidate your use of the Harvard authorͲdate referencing system and, at the same time, ensure that you are fully aware of the importance of referencing at university.
Assignment Requirements
Write a business report of not more than 14 pages (excluding the report cover sheet, table of contents and endͲtext reference list), addressed to your tutor and lecturer, in which you evaluate how well, or otherwise, the Australian mining company OZ Minerals Ltd, discharged its accountability to its stakeholders for its stakeholder engagement, environmental and social impact for the year ended 31 December 2013 in relation to the following issues (Indicators):
Stakeholder Engagement (GRI Indicators: G4Ͳ24 to G4Ͳ27 inclusive).
Energy consumption (GRI Indicators: G4ͲEN3 & G4ͲEN6).
Water (GRI Indicators: G4ͲEN8 to G4ͲEN10 inclusive).
Risk to operational activities (GRI indicators: G4ͲEC2, including water availability identified in GEOͲ5 for Business relating to the extractive industries).
Emissions (GRI Indicators: G4ͲEN15 & G4ͲEN19).
Effluents and Waste (GRI Indicators: G4ͲEN22, G4ͲEN23 & G4ͲEN26).
Diversity and Equal Opportunity (GR Indicator: G4ͲLA12 & G4ͲLA13).
Assurance (GRI Indicator: G4Ͳ33).
Using the data gathered on the foregoing issues (Indicators) evaluate the quality of the information according to the following GRI G4 principles: balance, comparability, accuracy, timeliness, clarity and reliability.
Additional requirements:
- Your report must include Tables of the data that will form the basis of your analysis i.e., the issues and the relevant indicators and the results of your analysis. The Tables must indicate whether each of the indicators was met fully, partially or not at all and the location (page number) of the data relating to each indicator in the company’s 2013 Annual Report or Sustainability Report or elsewhere, where applicable. Where the data includes figures, please report them.
- Your discussion of the issues, indicators and results in the body of the report must identify why the issues and the related indicators are important in the context of a broad stakeholder approach to corporate social responsibility and taking into consideration the fact that OZ Minerals is involved in the extractive industry.
- You must use the Harvard authorͲdate referencing system, where applicable.
- You must reference correctly, both in the body of your report (intext) and at the end of the report (endtext).
- Please use the following format for the report: 12 font, Times New Roman margins of 2.5 cm. The format will make the markers’ task easier.
- Point 5 above does not specify the line spacing required. Line spacing is a matter for your judgement in the process of generating a professional standard of report. To that end, it is important that you refer to a good publication on communications in arriving at the approach you will take to structuring your report.
- Do not place the assignment in a plastic cover, simply staple it at the top left hand corner. Further, use double sided printing.
- Attach a completed copy of the RSABIS Assignment Cover sheet to the front of your assignment. Please note that in signing the document you acknowledge (a) that the “work contained in the assignment is solely [your] own, except for reliance on material that is identified and cited according to accepted academic practice”; and (b) “ [You] have read and understood the ANU’s Code of Practice for Student Academic Honesty”. (ANU College of Business and Economics)
Additional information:
The reference for the GRI Indicators is the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines published by Global Reporting Initiative. The GEOͲ5 for Business is published by the United Nations Environmental Programme.
A copy of the G4 document is available in the Topic 7 Readings folder on Wattle. A copy of the GEOͲ5 document is available in the Topic 4 Readings folder on Wattle. The documents are also available onͲ line. The OZ Minerals 2013 Sustainability Report and other relevant reporting documents are also available onͲline.
You are considering purchasing a new production facility in order to expand operations
$5.00Deliverables: This is an individual assignment. You will not be working with your team this week.
You are considering purchasing a new production facility in order to expand operations. The building and machinery will cost $800,000 and be depreciated over 10 years using the straight-line method with no salvage value at the end of the equipment-life. You require a 12% rate of return on the project.
The cost and revenue information follows in the table below:
- Determine the NPV of the new facility.
- Calculate the IRR (approximate).
- Calculate the payback period.
- Calculate the accounting rate of return.
Taking into considerations all of the calculations above, will you invest in the new production facility? Why or why not? What nonfinancial information will you consider in your decision?
Integrated Reporting Case Study
$40.00Integrated Reporting
Background to the Case
The manner in which business is conducted today, how businesses create value and the context in which they operate is rapidly changing. A 2011 report by Deloitte illustrates this, expressing a concern that assets reported in financial statements “reflect a steadily diminishing component of shareholder value. From 1975 when physical and financial assets represented 83% of market value, to 2009 when they represented a mere 19%, there has clearly been a change in business models which is not reflected in traditional financial statements” (Deloitte, 2012, p.6). As business value creation evolves, with non-financial and intangible assets becoming key drivers of corporate performance, the traditional reporting mechanisms become increasingly redundant (CIMA et al., 2011). Furthermore, global demands, increased social media technology and a rapidly evolving business environment have provided increased pressure on the traditional corporate reporting framework to ensure that organisations maintain a position of accountability to an increasingly demanding and diverse range of stakeholders (Deloitte, 2011).
As society enters a new technological age, an age of exponential population growth, increasing consumption, actual and prospective resource scarcity and climate change concerns, the accounting profession is being forced to rethink its underlying core reporting premises and foundation (CIMA et al., 2011; Deloitte, 2011; IIRC 2013). The business information needs of today are future orientated, demanding broad and market-driven risk-based information that ensures an organisation’s relevance and resilience within the market. Such business information needs fall well outside traditional reporting frameworks, leading to new thought leadership around accounting practice, with the formation of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). The IIRC is currently developing a global business reporting framework that aims to provide an integrated and holistic picture of an organisation (IIRC, 2013). This is currently discussed in the Consultation Draft of the International Framework available @ It aims to do this by “bring[ing] together material information about an organisation’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects in a way that reflects the commercial, social and environmental context within which it operates” (IIRC, 2011, p. 8). Integrated Reporting (IR) aims to enhance understandability of corporate reporting by providing a concise and connected representation of how an organisation demonstrates stewardship and how it creates and sustains value in the short, medium and long term.
IR has in a short period of time attracted a significant following of supporters through the IIRC’s Pilot Programme encompassing over 85 businesses comprising large multinational organisations including The Coca-Cola Company, Microsoft Corporation and pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk, accounting service providers and international professional bodies across diverse geographic locations. Further endorsement has come from the recent signing of Memorandums of Understanding with leading international bodies including the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
Despite such broad and influential support from large and powerful international bodies concerns have recently been expressed about the level of integration achieved within IR pilot project organisations, suggesting that the skills and capabilities required of accountants in order to be effective service providers in this arena, go well beyond those currently associated with financial and sustainability reporting. Paul Druckman, CEO of the IIRC, recently commented during a visit to Australia, “[W]ell over a 1000 are thinking they are doing integrated reports. Very few of them are integrated reports … This had resulted in bigger “combined” sustainability and financial reports rather than smaller, better targeted ones as envisaged…. [B]usinesses need[ed] to work out first what was really important to their business strategy rather than what regulations told them to do” (as quoted in Drummond, 2012). Allyson Park, Vice-President of Corporate External Affairs at Coca-Cola confirms such concerns explaining that “challenges in developing IR include the costs of collecting and assuring non-financial data in the same timeframe as financial data; quantifying human, social and intellectual capitals; understanding potential Securities and Exchange Commission requirements; and working towards full implementation of IR. We embed content from our Sustainability Report into our Annual Report, and vice versa. However, we do not feel that this is IR. Like many companies we currently produce a combined report” (IIRC, 2012a, p.15). It appears that this new proposed way of reporting, which is so different to what has been done traditionally, is proving difficult for business and the profession alike.
Hint: You will find it extremely useful to review the Consultation Draft of the International Framework, see above.
- Describe and differentiate from current reporting practice the types of information that will need to be captured from now on in order to sufficiently meet the needs of integrated reporting. (2 Marks).
- The process is intended to be applied continuously to all relevant reports and communications, in addition to the preparation of an integrated report. The integrated report may include links to other reports and communications, e.g. financial statements and sustainability reports. The IIRC aims to complement material developed by established reporting standard setters and others, and does not intend to develop duplicate content (para 1.18-1.20). Do you agree with how the paragraphs 1.18-1.20 characterise the interaction with other reports and communications? Justify your answer. (3 Marks).
- The Framework describes six categories of capital (para 2.17). An organisation is to use these categories as a benchmark when preparing an integrated report (para 2.19-2.21), and should disclose the reason if it considers any of the capitals as not material (para 4.5). Outline what such a ‘capitals framework’ means. Do you agree with this approach to the use of ‘capitals’? Provide justification and evidence in your explanation. (4 Marks).
- Given this information differentiation, outline initiatives’ currently being undertaken at a global level (i.e. by regulators’, international bodies, accounting profession, academics etc.) to achieve this. (3 Marks).
- Taking a positive accounting theoretical perspective outline three reasons why Integrated Reporting may not be achievable. (3 Marks).
Developer/New Product Packaging
$15.00Developer/New Product Packaging
Instructions: Assume you are given the task of developing retail packaging for a new product. The product and package will be produced in a small town in China and then shipped and sold in the United States.
The product will be small runs at first and the package will be a folding carton with a three color print. What print methods might you consider for the first smaller runs? Would you change to a different method if the product does well and goes into larger production runs? Justify your reasoning and considerations.Pages: 3, double spaced
Chinese Property Bubble
$10.00Demonstrate an understanding and awareness of Chinese property bubble and its impact on the Australian economy.
Pages: 1, double spaced