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The Operations of Anonymous: A Terrorist Cell Affiliated with ISIS
$42.50Description 1
Writing and effective communications are important. The paper should clearly address the range of topics discussed in the course such as manifesto, political objectives, tactics, organization, training, recruiting, financing, targets, and reconnaissance. Be sure to describe the size and geo-location of your terror group, where your principle targets are located and the timeframe you are assuming.
Effective integration of your components is the most important assessment criteria–the paper should make sense, and not be a mixed-bag collection of disjoint thoughts. I am looking for a degree of realism and operational plausibility in your presentation, but this is a secondary matter, so long as the overall message is coherent. Just be sure that the various topics in the presentation don’t contradict each other and are consistent with concepts addressed in our class.Description 2:
In this exercise, groups of students will form an actual terror cell as a Red Team.
Objective: Learn about terrorist mindsets, goals and tactics by having teams of students play the Red Team. Form a terror cell based upon a current, historical or new philosophy of terrorists. Terror cells based upon historical or current group must remain true to that group’s ideology, methods and tactics. Any “new” terror groups must be particularly well reasoned with a legitimate argument that such a group and philosophy could emerge. Students should imagine themselves as truly as possible to the actual terrorist group in order to gain a better understanding of how and why terrorists operate.Each group must document its members, resources and methods. In addition, each group must have a plan for obtaining resources and skills. Each terror group should have a manifesto. In addition, each group should outline its objectives and completely plan an attack against a target. Targets should be real. These documents must be consistent with the philosophy of type of terror group that you purport to be.
Grades will be based on the quality and completeness of your content.
All documentation should be in a Google Drive Folder but please make absolutely certain that the folder is not publicly available. You’re a terror group after all. Should you actually be identified by the law enforcement community, that will have a negative impact on your grade. If any of your materials are found to be publicly available on the Internet, your grade will be lowered significantly.
Grades will primarily be based upon the quality of your representation of the group. In other words, strong documentation that shows that you have researched a terror group and taken time explain its methods, tactics, resources will have the largest impact on your grade. Your manifesto should clearly outline the philosophy of your group.
Besides the quality of your work, other factors can result in your team gaining (or losing) points at the expense of another team. For example, if your group is identified by other students or faculty members, you will lose points on your grade, and the group identifying your team will gain points. Note that it is not sufficient to simply identify a few members of another group. You must identify all of them. In addition, it is also possible to steal points from another group by identifying their philosophy or obtaining any of their actual information or documentation. Recordings or photographs of other groups engaged in a meeting will also result in point changes. Any information from another group that compromises your group’s integrity or confidentiality in any way may result in point changes. he more egregious the breach, the larger the point changes will be. For example, identifying members of a team will be a minor point change, but if one team obtained actual documentation from another team, that would result in major point changes. Of course, if a team provided me with incorrect information about another team, that would result in grade changes as well. If one team discovered another team’s materials publicly available on the Internet, the team finding the materials would have their grades go up, while the identified team would lose points on their grade.
What were the political and diplomatic objectives of the Congress of Vienna? What was Prince Metternich vision of a new world order in Europe
$7.00Question Ten:
- What were the political and diplomatic objectives of the Congress of Vienna? What was Prince Metternich vision of a new world order in Europe?
- Discuss the revolutions that swept across Europe during the 1830s to 1850.
- How did the conservative monarchs react to democratic reforms?
What role did liberalism and nationalism play in Latin America (Venezuela, Mexico and Brazil between 1800 and 1850s
$7.00Question Nine:
- What role did liberalism and nationalism play in Latin America (Venezuela, Mexico and Brazil between 1800 and 1850s?
- How did the task of abolition vary between the different nations of the Western Hemisphere?
- What factors account for the success of the abolitionist movement?
Describe capitalism and mercantilism and explain their roles in the development of the Atlantic system
$7.00Question Four:
- Describe capitalism and mercantilism and explain their roles in the development of the Atlantic system.
- What factors led to the development of the African slave trade?
- What effects did slavery have on economic life in Africa?
What were the long-term political effects of the Protestant Reformation?
$3.50Question Two:
- What were the long-term political effects of the Protestant Reformation?
- In what ways did the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment challenge the intellectual and political status quo in early modern Europe?
Concussions Among Athletes Paper
$12.00Concussions Among Athletes Paper
Papers requirements:Carefully research, analyze, and eventually synthesize a variety of scholarly and substantial sources about your given topic into a cohesive explication of your research subject. Break apart your complicated topic into its component parts and thoroughly explain how each of those contributes to the more complicated topic.
You will need to cite a minimum of 10 sources (there is no maximum):- 8 must be scholarly journal articles or books from university presses. These 8 Sources must be published within the last 10 years.
- At least one source must provide statistical information.
- Any remaining sources must be substantial. Be cautious about any internet sources used, and evaluate source credibility and relevance independently and conjunctively with other critics.
- You may use a dated source for background information, comparative purposes, or wherever sources are so rare or so important that there is no real choice, but they don’t count towards the 8 scholarly minimum (they would still count toward the 10 total).
Write a paragraph using corroborative evidence
$5.00Instruction: Individually, write a paragraph using corroborative evidence to support one aspect of your persuasive argument. The topic you are working on should be explained in the first paragraph and the support should follow.
11 ideas included
Why someone committed a crime in business?
$10.00Why someone committed a crime in business? This paper needs to consist of 6-8 paragraphs with each paragraph coming from a different source (cited) APA – w/ sources.