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Plato’s Allegory Of The Cave
$7.00Hum Greek/Roman: Argumentative essay
What is the meaning of plates allegory of the cave4 Pages
Mandarin Chinese Speakers’ Pronunciation of English Initial Consonant Clusters
$20.00An Investigation of Mandarin Chinese Speakers’ Pronunciation of English Initial Consonant Clusters
Sample Paper
One individual research report on a topic of: Pronunciation comparison of Hong Kong accent English and China accent English: based on Hong Kong International kindergarten studentsThis paper is to analyze the segmental phonological features of recorded speech.
Approximately 3000 words
Structure of the research paper:
- Abstract
Literature Review - Methodology
- Word list reading.
- Sentence list reading.
- Results
- Discussion
- Replacement
- Conclusion
- References
- Appendix A: Word List (two-member onsets)
- Appendix B: Sentence List
- Appendix C
- Appendix D
- Appendix E
Points to note
Be specific:
- individual sound(s) (e.g. /n/ vs /l/ ) or initial consonant cluster (e.g. /pl/)
- primary stress (e.g. OBJect vs obJECT)
- rising / falling tone for items in a list pausing to convey meaning
- explain the phonological features with knowledge and professional language (e.g. phonology-related terminologies for the segmental features
- IPA transcriptions to show the proper pronunciation and the problems, etc.).
Strategies / activities: be specific
(e.g. a task sheet.), avoid being general or, related to the phonological features identified
Clear description of the strategies
clearly state the procedure of the activity/task (can be in bullet points) / attach task sheets, etc.
justify the choice of the proposed strategies
how can the strategy / activity help the learner learn & practise the target feature
- of task(s) ?? quality > quantity
- indicate the number of words used at the end of the assignment, excluding the references and appendices.
- uses the American Psychological Association (APA) citation system.
2016 Suggested Readings:
- McDowell, H. J.,& Lorch, M. P.(2008). Phonemic Awareness in Chinese L1 Readers of English: Not Simply an Effect of Orthography. TESOL Quarterly, 42(3), 495-513.
- Deterding, D, Wong, J., and Kirkpatrick, A (2008). The Pronunciation of Hong Kong English. English World-wide 29 (2): 148-175
- Oladipupo, R. O. (2015). A comparative study of connected speech features in Nigerian English & Received Pronunciation. English Today, 31, 21-29.
- Jenkins, J. (2002). A sociolinguistically-based, empirically-researched pronunciation syllabus for English as an International Language, Applied Linguistics 23(1), 83-103.
- Wang, M. J., & Chen, H-C. (2009). Pedagogical practice and students’ perceived effectiveness of web-based automated speech evaluation. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 6(4), 217-243.
- Saito, K. (2011). Examining the role of explicit phonetic instruction in native-like and comprehensible pronunciation development: an instructed SLA approach to phonology. Language Awareness, 20(1), 45–59.
Belief systems (Draft)
$1.00With reference to an example, outline the term belief system. Explain the role of dissent in ONE belief system.
Marshall Trilogy Paper
$25.00Analyze the two multi-faceted questions below in two separate essays:
Question #1 15% :
Identify the three court cases known as the Marshall Trilogy (Include the full name and year of each case and the issue presented to the court). Identify and analyze the four main principles derived from these rulings. How and why did Chief Justice Marshall construct what are seen as very contradictory legal principles from these cases?
How did the principles in these cases establish the doctrinal basis for interpreting federal Indian law and why do they serve as the cornerstone for understanding tribal sovereignty?
What is the federal-tribal trust relationship and how has the Trust Doctrine served as both a shield and a sword for Indian tribes? Provide examples to support your analysis noting the political climate in which the case or legislation arose. Why does Native legal scholar Walter Echo-Hawk say federal Indian law needs to be “decolonized?”
Globalization and the environment (Draft)
$1.00Globalization is ‘the intensification of worldwide social relations’ (Anthony Giddens). Does this definition apply to the period 1750 to 1950? Has globalization been influenced more by the exploitation or the protection of the environment?
How Qualitative research differs from quantitative research
$5.00Please answer the following question, How does qualitative research differ from quantitative research? Please use in text citation and follow the attached grading rubic.
Origins of yoga and how it is practiced today
$5.00Origins of yoga and how it is practiced today
Explore the origins of yoga and compare how is was practiced in ancient India with how it is practiced today. What makes yoga so important for Hinduism?
Research the following topic and write a short essay of about three paragraphs (at least 250 words). With your essay please submit a list of references to the sources that you researched (including your textbook, Instructor’s Highlights, youtubes, web sources, etc.) Use your textbook and Instructor’s Highlights as your primary sources. Avoid wikipedia. This list of references is REQUIRED.
Problems of secondary data quality and ways of dealing with them
$5.00Problems of secondary data quality and ways of dealing with them
What problems of secondary data quality must researchers face?
How can they deal with them? Please include in text citation.
References do not have to be extensive. Relate this paper to the military (Army)
Why we need clean environment
$17.50Building an Argument
The instructions: 3-5 pages double spaced. One non-academic source. Two academic sources. Explain your opinion about your topic.
Topic: Environmental Pollution
Main Idea: We need clean environment
Here are my reasons: Air pollution, Water pollution, and Agriculture pollution
Evidence back up my reasons: 1. Statistics, Numbers, and Facts
- Definition, damage, and solutions.
Counter argument: human beings are the main reason for the pollution of the environment.
Thesis statement: using of technology and continuing of population growth one of the reasons of the existence of environmental pollution in all parts of the world: air pollution, water pollution, and agriculture pollution. To avoid environmental pollution we need more education how to cope with that.
The conclusion: add to it my opinion.
Suggestion Sources: