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    10 Pages

  • Collin’s View of social change


    Collin’s View of social change


    1. Introduction
      1. Definition of social changes
      2. The evolution of social changes
      3. The causes of social changes
    2. Literature review
      1. The social changes
      2. Conflict sociology
      3. Marx and Weber theories on social change
      4. Collins review on the conflict theory
    3. Conflict sociology
      1. The conflict theory
      2. Capitalism as the cause of social conflict
      3. How the conflict theory differs with structural functionalism
    4. Marx conflict theory
      1. The concept of the production process
      2. How capitalism is defined by the social classes
      3. The class consciousness
      4. The development of class conflicts
      5. The change of system and adoption of socialism
    5. Weber’s theory on social changes
      1. His opinion difference with Karl Marx
      2. The theory of rationalization
      3. The bureaucratic organization
      4. Effects of religion on social changes
    6. Collin’s view on social changes
      1. The social stratification and its premises
      2. Macro and micro social interactions
      3. Inequality and social conflicts
    7. Reaction
    8.   References

    13 Pages

  • English 102: Research Paper


    English 102 Research Paper (Elements of Craft, Authors, & Analyses)

    Step I: For the Research Paper assignment, one element of craft listed below will be used.


    Step II: Make sure to review the informational material within the chapter on your chosen element.  Also review the helpful table with examples at the end of the chapter. These tables provide questions to guide you through your exploration of that particular element of craft.

    Step III:  Fiction authors from your textbook to use for your Research Paper.

    Amy Tan: Two Kinds

    Gish Jen: Who’s Irish

    Step IV:  Once you have decided on the element of craft (character) you will be exploring and the two authors and their literary works found in the Fiction section of your textbook, make sure that the two authors you selected also fit well into the element of craft you plan to explore.

    Your goal is to find authors who seem to you the most interesting to research in the element of craft you have chosen.

    Step V:  Read and review the literary works within your textbook of both authors you have selected. These literary works are considered your primary sources for the research paper. The research you collect from various databases is considered outside sources or secondary sources.

    Who’s Irish by Gish Jen

    Two Kinds by Amy Tan

    Step VI: What kind of analysis or combination of analyses do you want to include in your research paper?  Which kind of analysis best fits with the element of craft you have chosen for the research paper? Which kind of analysis will best support your claim/thesis ?

    Textual analysis to support your claim/thesis

    The literary works are your primary sources. (Two Kinds, Whos Irish)

    You will also be required to use six secondary sources (literary criticism articles) from the LAVC Electronic Database. You may also use Google Scholar. These secondary sources can be related to the short stories, and/or the authors, and/or the element of craft you have chosen to explore.

    Write a 1,500 – 1,700 word persuasive essay using outside sources (literary criticism) and documenting those sources in MLA format, using quotations within the paper (but no more than 10% word count meaning no more than 150 words of quotations), and including a Works Cited list.

  • Week 4: Film Reflection – Thank You for Smoking


    Write a critical reflection on a film with elements relevant to our class, such as leadership, teams, persuasion, or ethics.  What does the film say about one of these concepts?  Do you agree with that message?  How does the film add to what we’ve read or discussed in class?

    Do not simply describe the film or give a plot summary.  Reflect on it.  Question it.  Challenge it.  Is the film making a point about one or more of our class topics or concepts?  Do you agree with it?  Treat the film as an argument that requires a rebuttal.

  • Literature Review: Incarceration


    Three literature reviews providing a solid case for:

    1. More mental illness intervention instead of incarceration
    2. Cooperation among prison officials, law enforcement
    3. Mental health care professionals.

    5 Pages

  • Shadow Assignment Journal: A Day with the U.S. Marshals


    As part of the research process, you will shadow someone who works in the field you are studying, or a related field.  Shadowing means you go to work with them and follow them around. You must spend at least two hours with the person you shadow, and you will also interview them. As you work on this assignment, keep notes and write down your thoughts. The writing assignment for this project is for you to write about the experience in journal form – discussing the BEFORE, DURING and AFTER of the whole assignment. Each of these sections should be 400 words in length for a total of at least 1200 words. Please use 1” margins, size 12 TNR font double spaced, and note the word count below the last paragraph. There are no other requirements as far as content, but you should consider writing about the process you go through getting the appointment set up, the feelings you have while you are there, what you learn, how you have changed your way of thinking, and what the reality is when it comes to new ideas in your field of study. Since this is a personal experience journal, you should use first person in your writing and feel free to share your opinions and feelings.

    1. What is your job title and level of education?
    2. How long have you been working in this field?
    3. Do you regularly keep up with current events? If so, how – from what sources do you get info?
    4. What new trends do you see coming in the near future for this business/field?
    5. What is the most difficult issue people in this field struggle with at this time?
    6. How does this company/organization make sure it is staying up-to-date with the latest ideas, methods and/or technologies?
    7. What personal experiences/beliefs caused you to become a part of this field?
    8. cost of the tuition and % interest_?
    9. How you can deal with aggressive patients__?
  • MGT 500 Final Exam


    MGT 500 Final Exam

    Directions: Answer all 7 questions. You are welcome to use any and all course (and outside) materials to answer the questions. As you have throughout this course, please cite all references you use, and include a full reference section at the end of the exam.

    45-point cumulative questions (2 page response each)

    1. What does effective leadership mean to you? Reference course material to support your position. Examples are also encouraged.
    1. Organizational culture is an important factor to consider across the functions of management. Write an essay describing how organizational culture impacts (or is impacted by) each function of management. I recommend using a specific organization to illustrate your points.

    12-point questions (2 paragraph response each)

    1. Describe and illustrate (i.e., provide an example) the norm of reciprocity and the power of authority.
    2. What is the most important function of human resource management? Defend your position.
    3. There are a number of ways to evaluate and measure employee performance. Of the options, which would you recommend for the job of flight attendant at Southwest Airlines? Defend your choice.
    4. Kotter outlines 8 steps necessary for change. Which of these steps do you think is most important? Why? Which do you think is least important? Why?
    5. Measurement is a key aspect of a manager’s job (the control function). Describe two common workplace measures. Why do we measure these things, and what information do they provide for decision-making?
  • Why is two-way communication so important in consumer relations


    Final exam (100 points)

    Most importantly, please go beyond quoting and reciting factual information and provide your critical perspectives. Providing specific cases to present your analysis is highly encouraged. You might need to write more than 2 paragraphs to fully discuss the questions.

    Ch. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

    Ch. 9 Consumer Relations

    1. Why is two-way communication so important in consumer relations? Please discuss the importance from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Use a case (it could come from the text or current topics) to present your case. / 20 points

    Ch. 10 Internal Communications

    1. How would you research the cultural, social and political structures in another country to prepare for a campaign to promote frozen pizza? Please discuss in terms of ROPE (Research, Objectives, Programming and Evluation) and its relationship with your research of the cultural, social and political structures. / 20 points

    Ch. 11 Relations with Special Publics

    1. What type of research would you conduct to customize the messages and approach in reaching an audience of Hispanics living near Los Angeles? / 20 points

    Ch. 12 Crisis communication.

    1. Please go back to our textbook and read Case 12-1 Deepwater Horizon and answer the following questions.
    • What were the situational antecedents that influenced public perception about the severity of the crisis? (Exam the history of successes/problems by other oil companies in similar crises. Explore previous British Petroleum oil spills.) / 5 points
    • Discuss the range of publics/audiences involved with the oil spill. (fishermen, tourism, families of those killed, local government officials, environmental communities, Coast Guard, EPA, NOAA, FEMA etc.) / 5 points
    • Discuss the impact of having a video feed showing the leak on the ocean floor. / 5 points

    Ch. 13 Integrated Marketing Communication.

    1. Provide a definition for integrated marketing communication and discuss conceptual similarities and differences from public relations. / 20 points
  • Stacey Antine – Entrepreneurial Profile


    Stacey Antine – Entrepreneurial Profile

    Research Stacey Antine before answering the questions.

    This week, we talked to Stacey Antine, a New Jersey entrepreneur to hear her story directly.

    HealthBarn USA‘s mission includes being committed to helping families raise their nutrition literacy through hands-on learning about where our food comes from, and why fresh tastes best and is best for bodies, minds and souls. They offer a variety of programs, classes, school assemblies and functions for children ages 3-12 and parents aimed at teaching nutrition, healthy eating, and the process of growing food. Peruse HealthBarn’s website to learn more about the organization. Be sure to check out the TV Highlights to see some of the media exposure Stacey and HealthBarn USA has received.

    What are your thoughts on Stacey’s entrepreneurial journey? Did anything surprise you about Stacey’s path to entrepreneurship or the challenges/issues that she currently faces or has faced in the past?

    In addition to teaching classes on healthy eating, Stacey also goes out into communities and schools and talks about healthier eating choices. Recently, the Bergen Record challenged Stacey to buy food for a family of four using food stamps.

    This is the link to the article:

    What are the business implications of accepting this challenge? In what ways does the article affect her business? How does it relate to and further her business mission? Entrepreneurs make decisions daily on what activities they should partake in to further their business. Interviews, social networking, challenges such as this one, etc., all take time and effort, and so most entrepreneurs are very judicious in their choices. What are your thoughts on the importance of outreach, especially in a business model such as Health Barn’s?

    One concept that we discussed was Social Entrepreneurship. For more information on social entrepreneurs use this link:

    You can also check out “The New Heroes” on, which contains profiles on and information about social entrepreneurs.

    After learning more about Social Entrepreneurship, how do you think HealthBarn fits into that business model? Would you consider it to be a socially conscious venture? What aspects of it best fit with what you have learned about social entrepreneurship? Stacey also talked about the Ben Applebaum Foundation, which provided help for her when she was starting HealthBarn.

    Social Entrepreneurship is a relatively new term. Do you think that it is a new concept or have their been social entrepreneurs throughout history? Why do you think people are choosing to start socially conscious firms? What makes them different from not-for-profit organizations? Do you they it can be a sustainable business model? What decisions do you think social entrepreneurs might think differently about than traditional for-profit entrepreneurs (if any)?

    What are some ways to manage challenges when faced with them? How much consideration should you give them when starting a new company? What happens if the challenge cannot be overcome? How can you adapt without closing the business? Thinking about what might happen down the road in your business is an important step when you are first starting it, and something to think about at frequent intervals as you proceed with the business.