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  • Health Organization Selection – Florida Hospital Tampa


    Your specific assignment for this module is to select a healthcare organization for your project and have it approved by your professor. You may consider any organization as long as you have enough access to the organization and/or level of understanding of that organization necessary to respond to the assignments. Note: You will not be asked to reveal any proprietary or confidential information in your reports. Most of your reports will be based on your research and observations.

    Accordingly, your selected healthcare organization can be:

    • -The organization for which you work.
    • -A healthcare organization for which a friend or relative works. You must be able to access information concerning this organization that is relevant to your SLP assignments.
    • – A local healthcare organization that is willing to share insight about how it manages health information.
    •  -Any healthcare organization that makes public its approach to health information management, operations, and organizational structure.

    Provide a brief (1)-page overview of the organization you have selected and describe the reason for your selection and or your relationship to the organization.  Within the context of your selected organization, describe what affect clinical information systems have on patient care, safety, quality and other outcomes.

    Assignment Expectations

    • Your references and citations should be consistent with a particular formatting style, such as APA.
    • Your response should be based on reliable and scholarly material, such as peer-reviewed articles, white papers, technical papers, etc. Do not include information from non-scholarly materials such as wikis, encyclopedias, or (or similar websites).
    • Your response should incorporate the outcomes of the module with the requirements of this assignment.
  • Evolution of Health Information System


    Evolution of Health Information System

    Case Assignment

    Over the past several decades, health care and information technology have undergone a period of dramatic change caused by a multitude of pressures and opportunities, many of which continue to persist and evolve. As we have moved into globalization of communication, technology, and information, Health Information Systems need to reflect what is happening to ensure optimal use of clinical information.

    In 2 (full) pages, discuss key historical trends involving the evolution of Health Information System and respective health care environments. Describe how clinical information systems and applications can fit together to provide comprehensive care. In your discussion be sure to include both the benefits and challenges to the integration of information systems and exchange of health information. Include reference to literature, expert opinion and case examples from your research involving various health care disciplines to support your position, key points, and explanations.
    Assignment Expectations

    • Your references and citations should be consistent with a particular formatting style, such as APA.
    • Your response should be based on reliable and scholarly material, such as peer-reviewed articles, white papers, technical papers, etc. Do not include information from non-scholarly materials such as wikis, encyclopedias, or (or similar websites).
    • Your response should incorporate the outcomes of the module with the requirements of this assignment.
  • Case Study of Unemployment Insurance Reform in North Carolina


    Referee Report – Case Study of Unemployment Insurance Reform in North Carolina

    My class is Labor Economics, this is a referree reports assignment.
    These reports should be 1 { 2 pages and neatly divided into three sections: 1) Summary, 2) Main Comments, and 3) Minor Comments.
    In the summary, you should describe the main question the paper addresses, an overview of the methods, and the main conclusions.
    In section 2, you should provide a constructive critique of the paper. How compelling is the research question? Are the methods (theories, empirical approach, etc.) appropriate? What are some of the shortcomings?
    In section 3, you should provide any comments that would improve the paper (organization, clarity, etc.) but are not central to its overall message.

    Additional Files:


  • Psychology 356 ​Final Short Essay


    Psychology 356 Final Short Essay  

    In answering these questions, please cite some specific techniques or examples from the book or lectures- don’t just give your opinion; Do include your personal view but then also give some evidence for that opinion. Write your answers; then READ your answers; then re-write your answers! There is no such thing as good writing, only good “re-writing”.

    The advantage of a take home is that you have time to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.  Take advantage of the format! This short essay is an opportunity for those of you who feel you don’t “test well” to show that you know more than your objective scores would indicate.

    Papers must be submitted on Moodle, double-spaced, minimum of 12-point font.  Length is not a substitute for quality. Clear, simple language is good. Make sure that your answer has been proof read and that YOU read it as well as author it (big difference psychologically!). Again, your personal opinions are great as long as you make a logical case for them, preferably with some form of credible evidence from lectures or the book. There are many “right” answers to these questions. If you answer more than two questions, the third will not be read. Think. Reflect. Outline. Write. Proof read and then “read it as a reader”. Edit. Save. Upload. Have an awesome summer. Good luck!

    ANSWER TWO only of the following:

    1. The CSU is undergoing a major organizational transformation in order to prepare for the 20th…uh, check that…that is, the 21st century. Business consultants have suggested that the system restructure to run more like a “business” and less like a traditional academic institution. So…
    What principles of organizational behavior should be applied to a new and improved CSU? What business practices in corporations are applicable to the mission of the University? Which ones are not particularly applicable? Why? Give specific examples to illustrate your points.

    2. Your seventeen-year-old niece asks you to talk to her high school seminar about the field of I/O Psychology. (I know you probably don’t have a seventeen-year-old niece, but play along).  In ≈400 to 600 words, write out your speech to her class. Give a rationale for each major point you make. Stick to the main points, but remember that 17 year olds (like most people, actually) have a limited attention span for dry facts!

    3. Human factors is one of the fastest growing areas of psychology, and is one of the few areas where a master’s degree is considered the standard for getting a senior level appointment in industry.  You are asked to describe the field and its relationship to more traditional areas of psychology (e.g. social, developmental, cognitive, clinical, physiological, etc.) to psychology majors who do not want to go on to a doctorate and are considering career options. Be sure to cover how it differs from classic I/O Psychology.

    4. Job motivation is a very key topic for this course.  Motivation is a better predictor of success in professions than sheer academic prowess.  What are the key points for sustaining motivation across a working career? How will you apply these principles to your own goals? BE specific!! What is the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, and how does motivation figure in this equation? How can industry and education better foster motivation in their employees and clients?

    5. Create life.  Evaluate the behavior of your new species. Project its likely evolutionary pattern over the next 600 years.  Prove your hypothesis to the .000001 level of confidence. Post your results and receive at least 2 million hits before the Ides of March 2016. 

  • Four Important Figures in World History


    Four Important Figures in World History

    For this assignment, in an essay of 850-1100 words of text excluding cover page and references (approximately 3-4 pages), you will write about Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler. These four men are considered some most important peoplein world history. Write an extended paragraph on each explaining their impact on world history and why they are so important. Support your arguments with 1-2 academic sources.

    This essay:
    Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point
    Times New Roman.
    Should have a Cover Page and References Page.
    Should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.
    Must include citations and bibliography.

  • ENISA Vs Commonwealth Approaches to Developing National Cybersecurity Strategies


    Paper #4: Compare / Contrast the ENISA and Commonwealth Approaches to Developing National Cybersecurity Strategies


     Your company has assigned you to serve as an industry subject matter expert and advisor for a cyber policy competition team for a local university. This year, the team will be competing in an international Cyber Policy competition in Washington, DC. The policy question for this year’s competition is: what is the best approach for developing a national cybersecurity strategy? The competition will have one U.S. team and nine additional teams from Europe (4 teams) and the Commonwealth nations (5 teams).

    The university students have asked you to help them understand the problem space and the likely approaches that competing teams will take. To accomplish this goal, you have decided to prepare a white paper in which you compare the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) guidance document for cybersecurity strategies to a similar document prepared by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO). ENISA provides cybersecurity guidance for member states of the European Union ( ). CTO provides cybersecurity guidance for members of the Commonwealth of Nations (

    Your starting point for your analysis will be outlines of the two documents (Table 1 and Table 2) which were provided to the teams by the competition’s organizers.


    1. Review the document outlines provided in Tables 1 and 2 (at the end of this document).
    2. Download and review the full documents
      1. CTO:‌Approach%20‌for%20‌National%20‌Cybersecurity%20Strategies.pdf
      2. ENISA:
    3. Develop five or more points which are common across the two documents. (Similarities)
    4. Identify and review at least three unique items in each document. (Differences)
    5. Research three or more national cybersecurity strategies from EU or Commonwealth nations which were written in or available in English (see the list in Appendix 1 of the CTO document). How comprehensive are these documents when compared to either the ENISA or the CTO guidance? From these documents and the ENISA / CTO guidelines, develop an answer to the question: Why should every nation have a cybersecurity strategy?


    Write a five (5) to eight (8) page white paper in which you summarize your research and discuss the similarities and differences between the two guidance documents. You should focus upon clarity and conciseness more than length when determining what content to include in your paper. At a minimum, your white paper must include the following:

    1. An introduction or overview of national cybersecurity strategies. Explain the purpose of a national cybersecurity strategy and how it is used. Answer the question: why should every nation have a cybersecurity strategy? (Make sure that you address the importance of such strategies to small, resource-poor nations as well as to wealthy, developed nations.)
    2. A separate section in which you discuss the common principles and guidelines (similarities) found in both guidance documents (ENISA & CTO).
    3. A separate section in which you discuss the unique aspects of the CTO principles and guidelines for national cybersecurity strategies.
    4. A separate section in which you discuss the unique aspects of the ENISA principles and guidelines for national cybersecurity strategies.
    5. A section in which you present your recommendations to the competition team as to the approach (next steps) they should take in further refining their answer to the competition question: what is the best approach for developing a national cybersecurity strategy?
  • PHIL 1165: Moral and Social Problems in Healthcare


    Animal experimentation: should animals be used in medical testing?

    Final Paper Assignment
    PHIL 1165: Moral and Social Problems in Healthcare
    Length: 1600-2000 words
    The final paper assignment requires you to engage in substantive philosophical research and defend a philosophical thesis. You may choose any topic in the area of Bioethics. If you choose a topic that was already covered in class, you must engage critically with at least one academic, philosophical reading that was not covered in class.
    The main requirement of this assignment is that you defend your own view about some philosophical issue while at the same time charitably but critically engaging with arguments defending some alternative.
    Every paper should have the following components:
    1. Introduction
    The introduction of your paper should be succinct but accomplish the following:
    a. Provide context for the thesis under discussion. Why is the thesis you are defending important or relevant? Why should a reader care to hear about the defense of a thesis on your topic?
    b. Introduce the reader to your thesis. Upon reading the introduction, the reader should know what precisely will be defended in the paper.
    c. Introduce the reader to the structure of the paper. Upon reading the introduction, the reader should have an idea of how the paper will be structured. In doing so, you will also be introducing the reader to what ideas/theses you’ll be arguing against in the paper since you can’t spell out the structure without mentioning that you’ll be engaging critically with alternative views.
    2. Conclusion
    The conclusion of your paper should succinctly sum up what you have accomplished in your paper.
    3. Exegesis of dissenting view(s)
    These papers require you to critically engage with arguments for theses that are inconsistent with your own. Before explaining what is wrong with any view, you must precisely, concisely, and charitably explain those arguments.
    4. Critical evaluation of dissenting view(s)
    Once you have fairly explained the alternatives to your own view, you must critically evaluate them using the tools of philosophy (analysis, arguments, reasons, evidence)
    5. Works cited
    Choose a professional format that you like. If you have no preference, I would choose something like (Author Date) with full entries in the bibliography. I recommend that you use a tool like Zotero or Endnote for building bibliographies and for citing sources.
    6. Thesis defense
    You must provide a substantive, cogent defense of your own view using the tools of philosophy (analysis, arguments, reasons, evidence).
    7. Title
    Your paper should have a descriptive and professional sounding title.
    8. Section headings
    Your paper should be divided into distinct sections with useful section titles.
    Potential Topics
    1. ELT Distribution
    a. Organ Transplantation Policy
    b. Organ Donation Ethics
    c. What Counts a Disease
    d. Voluntary Health-Risk Behavior
    2. Reproduction Ethics
    a. Commercial Surrogacy
    b. Parental Licensing
    c. Abortion
    d. Moral Status of the Fetus
    e. Fatherhood and Abortion Decisions
    f. Choosing Children
    3. Biomedical Enhancement and Cloning
    a. PEDs and Sports
    b. Cognitive Enhancement
    c. Moral Enhancement
    d. Cloning for Organs
    4. Research Ethics
    a. Animal experimentation
    b. Human Experimentation
    c. Economic Justice and Experimentation
    d. Regulation of Pharmaceuticals
    5. Healthcare Policy
    a. Universal Healthcare
    b. Obligations to the Worst-Off and Justice
    6. Personal Health Decisions
    a. Active vs. Passive
    b. Physician Assisted Suicide
    c. Genetic Screening
    7. Patient’s Rights
    a. Informed Consent
    b. Autonomy

  • Final Philosophy on Hobbe Locke Hume and Rousseau



    *(Question 1,2,3 are about Rousseau, so must read it on this link)*

    1. (10 Points) Answer A or B. *(Choose one to answer, A or B)

    1. A. What is Rousseau’s argument that the right of strongest cannot provide a basis for the  government’s right to direct citizens?
    1. B. What is Rousseau’s argument that slavery cannot be grounded in right (that the slave owner can’t be understood as having a right to the slave’s labor)?

    2. (20 points) Answer A or B *(Choose one to answer, A or B) one page

    1. A. Rousseau says that the problem faced by a people that must transform its mode of existence is to “find a form of association that defends and protects with the common forces the person and goods of each associate, and by means of which, while uniting with all, he obeys only himself and remains as free as before.”
      1. What is his solution? 
      2. How can one unite with all but still remain as free as before?
    2. B. Rousseau says, “In order for the social compact to avoid being an empty formula, it tacitly entails the commitment—which alone can give force to the others—that whoever refuses to obey the general will will be forced to do so by the entire body. This means merely that he will be forced to be free.”
      1. What is Rousseau getting at here?
      2. What threat is he responding to (the threat that will turn the compact into an empty formula)?
      3. How can being forced to obey the general will be understood as being force to be free?

    3. (20 points) one page

    Locke and Rousseau both believe that the government can legitimately be dissolved if it is not accomplishing the tasks that the people intend it to accomplish.  Explain the difference between the ways the two writers provide for this possibility. 





    4. (25 points)  (one and half to 2 page)

    *(Must read Hobbes and Hume on property in order to answer the question)*

                *(Must quote at least 1 each from Hobbes and Hume)*

    1. Hobbes, Locke, and Hume all provide accounts of property. One question about them is whether they allow for property in a state of nature—that is, before government is created. Locke is clear that he regards this as a possibility.  Answer the question in the case of Hobbes and Hume.  Be sure to support your answer with an explanation. 
    1. 5. (25 points) (one and half to 2 page)

    *(Must read Hobbes, Locke, and Hume on state of nature)*

    *(Must quote at least 1 each from Hobbes, Locke, and Hume, so total at least 3 from each author)

    1. Compare and contrast the accounts of the state of nature provided by Hobbes, Locke, and Hume.
      1. What are the main similarities?
      2. What are the main differences?
    2. Contract theories have implications for the limits of legitimate authority.  Pick one   of the theories and explain how the account of the state of nature it employs affects the conclusions it reaches about the limits of legitimate authority.
  • How can media and technology impact family issues


    How can media and technology impact family issues such as violence, death, natural disaster or special needs?

    • Just follow the APA essay style, have an introduction with the stated position and thesis statement, body of 3 articles summaries and conclusion of the essay.
    • You should have an introduction, conclusion, and a summary of each of your three articles. Your summaries should describe the methods and the findings with enough detail that the reader can understand fully what the study was about, how it was conducted, and what was found.
    • The majority of your paper should be focused on a synthesis of the articles with the final goal of addressing your thesis statement/position.