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  • Psychology Case Scenario of Rachel


    The Assignment will be a 3-4 page (excluding title page and
    references) paper. You should use a minimum of two (2) academic sources. For the assignment, please consider the case scenario provided below:

    Rachel is a very attractive woman in her mid thirties, who has come for counseling because although she is never without a boyfriend and frequently has more than one pursuing her, she finds that she cannot sustain a meaningful and lasting relationship with any of them. The men she gets involved with only seem to stick around for a moment
    and then leave. Rachel despises herself for sometimes being gullible in her desperate search to be loved. This self-hatred got so strong a couple of years ago that she took an overdose, but she was found in time by a neighbor and taken to hospital. The psychiatrist who saw her suggested that her inability to sustain love in others might be
    connected to the fact that as a child, she was severely deprived of love since her mother, a single parent, resented having to give up a promising career as an actress to look after her. Rachel does not accept this interpretation. She exclaims “I don’t believe in psychiatrists, I’m not mad. I don’t believe in all the rubbish about my mother, I don’t need her. I just want someone to help me find out what I’m doing wrong, so that I can find someone nice and settle down.”

    In your assignment, please include the following sections:
    An introduction paragraph that introduces the topics or argument you will address in the essay. Your introduction should be no longer than 125 words.

    Based on what you had learned about psychological disorders, do you think Rachel is experiencing a psychological disorder?
    If your answer is yes, please state the symptoms that would indicate the corresponding disorder she is currently
    experiencing. If you do not believe that she is suffering from a psychological disorder, please explain your reasons or criteria why she is currently not experiencing a psychological disorder.
    Your answers to this section should be no longer than 225 words.

    Based on what you had learned about developmental psychology, identify and explain some of the developmental
    concepts or topics that may have contributed to her current life situation. Your answers to this section should be no longer than 225 words.

    If you were to play the role of being Rachel’s counselor, how can you use the concepts related to Humanistic Psychology in order to allow Rachel to change her behaviors? Your answers to this section should be no longer than 225 words.

    A conclusion paragraph that closes the arguments you have addressed in your paper and helps relate how your paper
    towards the application of psychology to our daily lives. Your conclusion should be no longer than 125 words.

    Writing Guidelines for Signature Assignment:

    Please use psychology terminology in the modules within the essay.
    Do not exceed 4  pages in this assignment, excluding title and references pages.
    The Assignment must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.

  • Thread 1: Examples of TQM


    Thread 1: Examples of TQM

    Provide an example of TQM. you may use information that you have learned through media.

    Thread 2: TQM vs. others

    How does Total Quality Management compare to other similar process improvement systems? What are the similarities? What are the differences? Why would you recommend one program over another (for example, why would you recommend TQM over Six Sigma)?

    Thread 3: Organizational performance measures

    This week I talked about a number of organizational performance measures commonly used. What measure(s) does your organization use to track organizational performance? What measure(s) should organizations use? For example, I talked about most organizations relying on financial information, is this the most important indicator of organizational performance?

    Thread 4: Measuring change

    There are several ways in which an organization can measure change, and this partially depends on the change. What measurement is important for change success? Why? How would you define success according to this measure?

    Thread 5: Open Topic

    This thread is meant to provide students the opportunity to start or engage in a relevant discussion outside of those initiated by the instructor. This is an important component of the course that replaces the “blog posts” component incorporated in previous iterations of this course. This is an opportunity to incorporate outside reference materials, and to view the course material from different angles. This is also the opportunity to discuss the ways in which the course material applies to your specific discipline.

    Ground rules:

    1. The topic you choose MUST be relevant to the course content. Please make this clear in your initial post.
    2. The topic you choose should be relevant to the current week’s course content.
    3. When making an initial post, state your observations, and provide any reference material if necessary. Then, try to pose an open-ended question so others can respond to your post with their own observations.
    4. For clarity and organization…when you reply to this initial post, please re-title your post to convey the topic of discussion you would like to initiate.
  • Women Leaders


    Over the course of the semester, we have discussed many facets of entrepreneurship and how certain aspects affect women entrepreneurs specifically. For this blog post, I would like to discuss leadership and women leaders, both from the business perspective and from the leadership perspective.

    To start, consider these questions: Are all leaders entrepreneurs? Are all entrepreneurs leaders? Do you need to be an entrepreneur to be a leader? Do you need to be a leader to be an entrepreneur? Why or why not?

    Consider the leadership perspective. What set of qualities do you think must be present for a leader to succeed in their endeavors? Read “What Makes for an Effective Leader” by Sandra Larson for her views on the subject.

    Now consider the business perspective. Is leadership the same as management? Is a good manager automatically a good leader? What are the differences between the two schools of thought? Hilary Owen of explores these questions in her article, “What Makes a Leader?

    Why would it be important for an entrepreneur to possess leadership skills? What parts of entrepreneurship might require the ability to lead? For one person’s perspective, read this blog post, “What Do Leaders and Entrepreneurs Have in Common?” Do you agree or disagree with the qualities he has mentioned? What other qualities do you think leaders and entrepreneurs have in common?

    So what exactly is a leader? Check out this definition. Does it coincide with your definition? Leaders can emerge in all types of arenas. Some that we are most familiar with are business and political, but there are also social leaders, thought leaders, humanitarian leaders, etc.

    Every year Forbes Magazine puts out a list of the 100 Most Powerful Women. Go through the 2015 list and explore some of the women on the list. Also check out this article that highlights some of the women on the list. Are these “powerful” women all leaders? What qualifies them (or doesn’t qualify them) as a leader? Choose one or two that you would like to discuss and talk about whether on not you think that she is a leader and why or why not. Are there any women on the list that surprised you? Were you familiar with all, most, most or not many of the women on the list? Forbes has been compiled this list for eleven years. Look at this article to see the women that have made the list since 2004.

    The most powerful woman on the Forbes list is Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany. Elected in 2005, she is Germany’s first female Chancellor. Read this New York Times profile for more information on Chancellor Merkel and some of the challenges that a powerful Head of State (male or female) faces in today’s world. Are you familiar with Angela Merkel? Do you feel that a female Head of State faces certain challenges due to her gender that a male Head of State does not face? Do they face the same criticisms or are they different? Click here for a list of all current female leaders. What are your thoughts after seeing the list?

    One woman that is considered to be a great leader even though she was not an elected official was Eleanor Roosevelt. (This link provides a video as well.) It is said that she changed the role of First Lady from that of figurehead and social direction to an active participant in the country’s governing (if desired). She was extremely controversial due to her strong opinions about civil rights and matters of state and her willingness to speak freely on subjects of great importance to her, and embraced a leadership position. For an in-depth biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, click here.

    What women leaders are you familiar with? Are there any that you admire and/or respect for their leadership abilities? Why? Please feel free to discuss any women this week that you feel exemplify the qualities you associate with leadership and explain why you feel they are important. (They can be historical or current, business or otherwise.) Discuss what you think a leader is and if and why it is an important aspect of entrepreneurship. Lastly, consider whether leadership can be taught or learned, or does it rely on innate qualities. Do you think that you have the potential to be a good leader now or sometime in the future?

  • Psychometric Characteristics of a Psychological Test


    Psyc 3110 Essay

    For the essay, you will write a 5 to 7 page (plus title page and references) APA-style essay, evaluating the psychometric characteristics of a psychological test. To do this, you first find a public domain test – that is, as with your first workshop assignment, you will find a test that is included in a journal article. Typically, when a test is introduced in a journal article, the authors provide some information about how they came up with items, as well as evidence regarding the reliability, validity, and maybe even factor structure. Importantly, you are going to choose a test which has also been used in at least two other journal articles. Thus, not only will you report on what the original set of authors said about the test, but you will have access to some kind of subsequent information. That is, in the other articles, is there any information given about the test’s reliability? Did it predict or correlate with other study variables in a way that seems indicative of good validity?

    In your essay, you will describe:

    What construct is being measured? Why is it important to measure? How is this measure different from previous attempts to measure the construct? What is the purpose of the test (e.g., research instrument, making diagnostic decisions, screening tool, etc.)

    Test construction: How did the authors generate items? Did the authors narrow down items from a larger item pool? If so, how?

    Test bias and response bias: Who is the intended target group for this test (e.g., men, women, children, students? Is it a clinical tool? Research tool?)? Was the test administered to an appropriate group of participants in the validation process? For example, it might be problematic if a test is intended for community members with eating disorders but administered only to female university students. Is the test vulnerable to response bias? For example, does it include reverse-keyed items? Are people likely to misrepresent their levels of the characteristic? Explain.

    Factor structure: What is the factor structure? Is it reported here or in a follow-up study?

    Reliability: What kinds of reliability did the authors report? What about follow-up studies of this test?

    Validity: What kinds of validity did the authors report? What about follow-up studies that include this test?

    Throughout your essay, use your critical thinking to make evaluative comments. Are the reliability and validity reasonable? Should the authors have done more to evaluate the test? Is the original participant group representative of the intended target audience? Is the factor structure appropriate? Are the items appropriate? Is the response scale appropriate? Do you see room for improvement? Does the other study (or studies) you report support the usefulness of the test? Your critical conclusion should clearly summarize these strengths and weaknesses, as well as identifying what more could be done.


    Both the copy you submit through SafeAssign on Blackboard and the hard copy are due at the beginning of class on Dec. 1. Late deductions are as described in the syllabus. No essay will be accepted more than one week after the due date.

    Five to seven typed, double-spaced pages plus title page and references.

    Use APA style throughout. Make extensive use of your APA handbook (available in the Trent Durham library if you don’t own your own copy).

    Clear introduction, stating what test you are evaluating and what you will conclude. I want to know exactly where this essay is going at the end of the first paragraph.

    Use subheadings.

    Don’t quote except unless there is a highly compelling reason to do so. In general, it is best to paraphrase or summarize. (Note: an exception to this rule is that you will probably be providing sample items in describing the test, and that is very appropriate).

    You will be citing and referencing at least three journal articles (the original test construction/validation article plus the two follow-ups) and your textbook (I’m sure you will want to refer to various guidelines and constructs from the text).

    Adopt a formal, objective tone with no slang and no contractions.

    Do not use personal opinion, but do use critical thinking. By the time I finish reading your essay, I should have a very clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the psychological test you are evaluating.

    Remember that we refer to authors’ arguments and findings but not their “beliefs.”

  • Evaluation Essay: iPhone


    In the Evaluation Essay

    essay, you will  evaluate a particular product, performance,  OR  place by  stating a clear judgment and supporting that judgment  with  commonly  recognize criteria or standards.    Basically, you  will  be writing a review without using research  or looking online for ideas.

    When evaluating  a topic,  you must be  familiar  with it, or at least  be  able  to revisit   and review  it as necessary  –  absolutely  no research  allowed.   Think back  to Lamott  and her food reviews – how  many times  did  she revisit the restaurants?

    Some more topics to choose  from (no research!): Products:  clothing,  cell phone,  car, food/drink

    Performances:  a play,  TV show,  movie,  a previously  recorded concert

    Places:  restaurant,   library,  bookstore,   coffee  shop, park,  gym,  campus  locations


    As you draft  your  essay,  pay  special  attention  to the ways  you  choose  to explain  your topics  –  you should  try to use various  explanatory   strategies   to reach  your  audience,   such as using  examples,  explaining   aprocess,  describing  clearly,  and analyzing  (causes  and effects/comparing  and contrasting)  whenever   possible .

    Use this checklist as .you work your way through the chapter in Choices:

    o  STEP  1: Explore  Your Choices p. 206-212

    o  STEP 2: Write Your Discovery   Draft p.212-215

    o  STEP 3: Revise   Your Draft p. 215-227

    o  STEP 4: Edit Your Sentences  p. 228-233

    o  STEP 5: Share  Your Essay p. 233-234

    o  Chapter  Checklist  p. 234-235


  • Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice Guideline


    Analysis and Application of Clinical

    Practice Guidelines & Scoring Rubric


    The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for students to apply and disseminate information based on practice summaries. The most common type of practice summary in healthcare is the clinical practice guideline (CPG).

    Course Outcomes

    Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to

    (CO 3) Synthesize for dissemination the research findings from nursing and related disciplines (POs 1, 3, 4, 5, 9); and

    (CO 6) Utilize the principles of evidence-based practice to propose strategies that can address nursing issues (POs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9).

    Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7  

    Total Points Possible: 200 Points


    Through this assignment, the student will

    Develop summary of a clinical practice guideline. (COs 3, 6)

    Preparing the paper

    You will develop a summary that you could use within an evidence-based practice (EBP) committee or related venue to share with your colleagues.

    • Select (1) one of the following issues:

    (1) One of the issues identified in Week 1 in Ironridge or Summerville,

    (2) An issue pertinent to your practice setting.

    • Search the literature and evidence-based practice websites and databases to find a recent clinical practice guideline (no more than 5 years) related to the issue you select. The course Webliography provides websites where you can find clinical practice guidelines, but there are many others available in specialty-organization websites. A good place to start is
    • Analyze and critique the clinical practice guideline. Use the Clinical Practice Guideline Summary Template in Doc Sharing to develop your paper. Components include
      • scope and purpose of the clinical practice guidelines;
      • stakeholder involvement;
      • rigor of development;
      • clarity and presentation
      • applicability
      • editorial independence
    • Attach a .pdf file of the Clinical Practice Guidelines with your handout. If you attach the CPG late, you will receive a late-paper deduction.
    • Note: The template is to assist you in setting up your paper so you will be sure to address those topics in your paper in addition to other information to meet the criteria for this assignment. Your paper should be in APA 6th ed format. Do not copy and paste the template into your paper.

    The summary sheet is amended from the AGREE instrument on page 200 of Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2015). Your summary should be approximately 56 pages long.

    Category Points % Description
    Scope and Purpose 25 12.5 Describes the scope and purpose of the document. Includes the health question(s) covered by the guideline


    Stakeholder Involvement 25 12.5 Describes the stakeholder involvement in the development of the document. Identifies the target population.


    Rigor of Development 25 12.5 Critiques the rigor of the development of the document. Describes the systematic methods used to develop the guideline.  Include level of evidence of the studies used to develop the guideline.
    Clarity & presentation (Recommendations) 25 12.5 Provides the key recommendations of the document. Discusses different options for managing the condition or issue in the guideline.
    Application 25 12.5 Identifies facilitators, barriers, costs, and outcome measurement for application of the document.. Identifies key monitoring and/or auditing criteria (outcomes)
    Editorial Independence 25 12.5 Discusses conflict of interest and how competing interests of the CPG group members recorded and addressed.
    Summary 25 12.5 Summarizes how the CPG answers the key clinical questions presented in the CPG. Discusses how the student, as the advanced practice nurse, would apply the CPG in practice.
    Uses appropriate grammar, syntax, and spelling 10 5 No more than 2 errors in grammar, syntax, or spelling.


    APA 6th Edition 10 5 No more than 2 APA 6th edition errors.


    Attach pdf file of the Clinical Practice Guidelines 5 2.5 A pdf copy of the Clinical Practice Guidelines submitted.


    Total  200 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
  • Psychology Concepts Case Assignment


    This Assignment will be a 2-3 page essay (excluding cover page). The assignment involves how the work or education settings can be improved by using the psychology concepts you have learned so far in this course. In particular, please address the following topics in your essay:

    In your Case assignment, please include the following sections:

    An introduction paragraph that introduces the topics or argument you will address in the essay. Your introduction should be no longer than 125 words.

    Describe and explain how different types of intelligence theory can be used to modify modern education or work settings in order to maximize people’s behavioral skills and cognitive performance. This section should be no longer than 150 words.

    Identify and explain what brain regions will be activated in relation to the different types of intelligences. This section should be no longer than 150 words.

    Identify and explain how the concepts of Behaviorism can be used to maximize people’s behavioral skills and cognitive performance in education or work settings. This section should be no longer than 150 words.

    A conclusion paragraph that closes the arguments you have addressed in your paper and helps relate how your paper
    towards the application of psychology to our daily lives. Your conclusion should be no longer than 125 words.

    Please find 2 or more ACADEMIC SOURCES to help support your arguments in your essay.

  • Law Code of King Hammurabi


    In this assignment, you will read this excerpt from the law code of King Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, which was one of the ancient city-states of Mesopotamia. Dating from approximately 1750  BCE, this is the oldest known written legal code:

    The code of Hammurabi [18th century BCE] –

    Read this source, and in an essay of 600-800 words of text excluding  cover page and references (approximately 2-3 pages), briefly describe  the major provisions of this law code and discuss what you learned about ancient Babylonian society from this law code. Use only this reading—do not use any other sources!

    This essay:

    • Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around and typed in  12-point Times New Roman.
    • Must include a Cover Page, citations and References Page.
    • Should be proofread for spelling and grammatical mistakes.


    Module 3 – Case


    Case Assignment

    Please view these videos:

    A tour of the “behind the scenes” plant and facilities of Sinai Hospital

    Ottawa hospital transforms operations and processes to improve patient care and safety

    Prepare and submit a paper responding to the following items:

    Use the online library, Internet, required reading, and other resources to research and develop a more complete appreciation of business operations and administration.

    Based on your findings, write a scholarly paper that clearly addresses the following:

    1. Identify and describe an area of business operations and administration to include the services provided, key personnel within the department, and how this department supports or is supported by other departments.
    2. Identify and describe at least two trends that have an impact on the setting you selected. These can be trends related to supply and demand, political climate, regulatory, demographic changes, or patient care.
    3. Evaluate the impact of these trends on business operations and administration.
    4. Analyze the trends, and thinking as a healthcare administrator, how do you capitalize on these trends to improve operation and bottom line performance? How can you mitigate the negative impact of the trends?

    Assignment Expectations

    Write a 3-page double-spaced paper (this does not include title and reference pages). It needs to be well written, based on information from scholarly research, and should demonstrate a thorough analysis of the topic.

    Module 3 – Background


    Supplemental Resources

    Olsen, K. (n.d). (2014). Outpatient outlook. Retrieved from