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Lego Co-Creation Strategy Case Study
$20.00Paper Contents
- Company Background
- Before the Adoption of Co-Creation Strategy
- Analysis of Competition
- Competitive Forces Model or SWOT Analysis
- Internal: Value Chain Model
- External: Industry Value Chain Model of Platform Business Model
- Conclusion
7 Pages
MKT 421 Week 3 Team Assignment Strategy and Positioning Paper (Pet Care Service)
Professional development: Design for adult learners, technology standards for teachers
$25.00Professional Development Plan Rubric
Professional development: Design for adult learners, technology standards for teachers. Professional educators approach educational technology in a variety of ways. Using your knowledge of technology adoption, what works in adult education, and technology effectiveness, design a professional development experience that leads teachers to a more accomplished stage in the use of a selected technology. The target teachers may be a group you know or work with, or the plan may be for you or your peers in this course. The final plan must be submitted to Blackboard.
Look at these important sites:
- NETS for Teachers:
- Florida Teacher Professional Development Standards:
- NSDC’s Standards for Staff Development:
- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards:
You or your group will be evaluated based on the quality of the Professional development plan.
Professional development plan checklist:
- Title of plan
- Author and date created
- Entry level of teachers (Learner Characteristics)
- Teacher technology and professional development standards addressed. Cite your source.
- Target outcomes (Learning Goals and Objectives)
- Technology and curriculum focus (including Technology and other resources)
- Rationale for methods: technology adoption model, adult learning theories, technology effectiveness research
- Learning activities including embedded assessments and tentative timeline
Professional Development Plan Grading 100
Category Description Points Possible Points Received Completeness Incomplete, lacking 2 or more items from checklist 5 All checklist items present 10 Completeness Total Standards connection: Teacher technology and professional development standards addressed Connection between all standards and activities not evident 5 Connection between all standards and activities evident 10 Standards connection Total Quality of activities: Do activities match with the Learner characteristics and needs, Instructional Goals and Objectives? Do activities engage learners? Activities are not well-paced, important or engaging, 10 Activities are well-paced, important and engaging 20 Quality of activities Total Assessments: Do assessments match with the Instructional Goals and Objectives? Assessments are not appropriate or justified 7 Assessments are appropriate and justified 15 Assessments Total Rationale for methods: Technology adoption models, learning theories, literature about technology effectiveness Rationale does not sufficiently explain why chosen methods help with teachers’ learning or adoption of technology 10 Rationale sufficiently explain why chosen methods help with teachers’ learning or adoption of technology 20 Rationale Total Technology and curriculum focus Rationale for focus, outcomes and curriculum is not well-reasoned or documented 5 Does technology focus connect to curriculum or enhance instruction? Rationale for focus, outcomes and curriculum is well-reasoned and documented 10 Technology & curriculum focus Total Writing Mechanics:
Well written, clear organization, uses standard English grammar, contains minor, if any, spelling errorsInadequate due to lack of organization, grammar, and/or major spelling errors 5 Well-written and well-organized 10 Writing Mechanics Total Timeliness
Submitting by stated due dateSubmitted by deadline 5 Submitted no more than 24 hours after deadline 2 Submitted more than 24 hours after deadline or not submitted 0 Timeliness Total Overall: 100 What is the objective external environment of labor unions in the U.S., post-1980
$5.00A relational perspective says that internal organizational design is driven by the organization’s objective external environment, and that subjective factors play at best a residual role (e.g., the in-class example of choosing a new CEO at Bethelhem Steel in 1980).
Using the case study example of labor unions in the U.S., explain how the institutionalist perspective presents a criticism of the relational perspective with respect to understanding the importance of “subjective factors” for internal organizational design. Explain this by answering the following sub-questions:
- (a) (10 points) What is the objective external environment of labor unions in the U.S., post-1980?
- (b) (25 points) How do subjective factors significantly shape the internal design of labor unions, independently of the requirements presumably imposed by the external environment?
For the sake of clarity, separate your responses to the sub-questions here into parts (a) and (b) IN ONLY ONE PAGE DOUBLE SPACE.
Differences between men entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs
$7.00Differences between men entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs
What are the differences (if any) between men entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs? Do they become entrepreneurs for the same reasons or for different reasons? Does a certain gender tend to run their business differently than the other gender? As a general rule, do they have different leadership styles? These are all questions we are going to explore this week.
In 2007, the Small Business Administration released a study by Erin Kepler and Scott Shane entitled, “Are Male and FemaleEntrepreneurs Really That Different?” A sample of 685 small business entrepreneurs were surveyed about their businesses’ performance, their expectations, motivations, etc. and conclusions were drawn about gender similarities and differences. A second study, released in 2012, “Are Successful Women Entrepreneurs Different from Men?” (J. McGraph Cohoon, Vivek Wadhwa, Lesa Mitchell) also focused on the differences between men and women entrepreneurs. (This link takes you to the abstract of the study – click on “Open PDF in Browser” at the top of the page to see the full study.) Read through the introduction and findings of both of these studies. (You can scan the rest.) Are you surprised by the findings or are they what you expected them to be? Do you agree that they are accurate? Did any findings in one study differ from the other in any significant way?
Sharon Hadary, the former and founding executive director of the Center for Women’s Business Research wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal entitled, “Why are Women-Owned Firms Smaller than Men-Owned Firms” in which she explores the reasons why the average revenues for majority women-owned businesses are only 27% of majority men-owned businesses (according to 2008 data). Having read the two studies previously mentioned, do you think that this data is expected or unexpected? Do you agree with Ms. Hadary’s analysis and assertions?
Do you think size and revenue are the best indicators of success and equality among businesses of different genders? Doug Hickok, CEO of the Institute for Provocative Leadership wrote an article on his blog, “Journal Gets It Wrong/Right About Women Business Owners”. What do you think about his opinions about women business owners and Sharon Hadary’s article? What do you think the differences in size and revenue of women-owned and men-owned businesses show about the differences in their motivations, expectations, performance, etc.?
Recently, researchers looked at 90,000 projects on, and analyzed their success. Listen to the NPR segment here to hear their findings about why there are less women entrepreneurs than men. Do you agree or disagree with the findings? Do you think that the male and female traits they discuss really make a difference in their choices to become entrepreneurs and the success they will achieve? This Forbes article also looks at traits of entrepreneurs by gender. What do you think? How will these traits translate into entrepreneurial success?
Are there differences in the way men and women lead? Will each gender tend to run their business differently from the other? Read Magaret Heffernan’s article, “Men Dominate, Women Orchestrate” to hear her thoughts on the differences in gender leadership styles. Do you agree or disagree? Do you think that leadership style can be categorized by gender, or are there too many other variables?
Catalyst conducted a study on the stereotyping of men’s and women’s leadership styles and how that affects perception and reality in work situations. Read the summary and findings about the study, “Women” Take Care,” Men “Take Charge:” Stereotyping of U.S. Business Leaders Exposed.” What do you think of the findings? Does it make you think of the two previous articles differently? Are there any aspects you disagree with?
After reading the above studies and articles, and using your prior knowledge and experiences, discuss whether you think there are differences between men and women entrepreneurs or not? And if so, how do they affect the success and prosperity of a company? Do you think one gender is better equipped to run a business than the other? This article suggests findings that that may be the case. However, this articlegives reasons for a different viewpoint. Do you agree or disagree? Do you think that certain gender traits will make certain aspects of the entrepreneurial venture easier for one gender or the other? What have your experiences been with male and female business leaders?
Also, consider your own experiences thus far. We have both men and women in this course. Do you think you learn differently? Process information differently? See the world differently? Or do you think that the male and female experience is much more uniform than it has been in previous generations? Do you think that the world is changing, and future entrepreneurs may not exhibit the current differences that are being studied now? Or do you think that experiences are still different for men and women?
We Saved the World’: WWI and America’s Rise as a Superpower by Hans Hoyng
$25.00Hans Hoyng argues that “America’s rise to superpower status began with its 1917 entry into World War I. President Woodrow Wilson had grand visions for the peace that followed, but failed. The battle he started in the US between idealists and realists continues to this day.”
What can we learn from the experience of WWI that helps us understand the debate over the American rise to power and influence? Is Hoyng right to argue that the battle that Wilson started continues in contemporary debates over foreign policy? Why? How? As you address this question be sure to ground your argument in Kaufman’s treatment of the period, “The Peacemakers” film, and, more generally, link your answer to the earlier discussions of American foreign policy values.
Hans Hoyng :
Kaufman :
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
$15.00Group Presentation
You MUST utilize at least 3 outside sources for information (Academic sources only. Ex: Journal articles, etc. Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source). Your paper must be written in APA format, include a title and reference page, size 12 Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.
Here are some guidelines for writing your paper:
APA format (title page [1], running header [1], reference page [1], doubled spaced [1], size 12 font [3], and Times New Roman [3]) – Total of 10 points
Content (Definitions, past research, history of the topic, who is affected…etc)- This is the “meat” of your paper. Be sure to be specific, concise, and detailed in describing your topic as a whole. – Total of 28 points
- Introduction to topic- research topic, definitions. What is it that you’ve researched? [7]
- History of subject- where did your topic originate? [7]
- Who is affected? [7]
- Are there any treatments for this? Therapies? Medications? [7]
3 References – If you do not have all three credible references, you will lose 4 points for each one missing. – Total of 12 points
= Total of 50 points
The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin Critical Criticism Draft
$0.00Examine the ” The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin using the reader response critical criticism.
Police brutality in America
$20.00Essay 3: Organizing for Persuasion / Grammatical Mechanics (MLA)
We have talked a lot this semester about rhetoric including visual rhetoric. This assignment will have you explore an important issue in the world through a reading of a photograph based on your reading of what others (see ANGEL), or you, argue is one of the most important photographs of the recent past (generally the last year or so). The photograph will serve as an entry point for you to explore an issue of national or international significance. You will then construct an argument relevant to your peers here at Penn State Harrisburg.
The aim of this paper, then, is to connect something of national and/or international importance to the needs, cares, and situation of your fellow college students here in Middletown, PA. This is, in short, connecting a small, local community with a larger, potentially foreign, community and showing how or why those who may have, or feel, no real connection with the issue, should care about it. Your assignment is to make that connection more real in some way by changing the thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, or even actions of your audience. In short, you’re finding an issue and showing how something that college students may not know or care about, something that is someone else’s problem, is actually our problem.
Make sure you include the following in your essay:
- A copy of the image you’re basing your essay off of.
- One paragraph of analysis of the photograph itself—how it is more than recording events, but presenting a persuasive reading of those events? What is its message and how does it communicate that? What is it trying to persuade its audience of?
- A definition and description of the issue the photograph highlights
- A well-researched argument into the issue and how it is or should be relevant to college students.
- This may proceed along the lines of a compare and contrast with some more local and relatable, looking into cause and effect to show how these distant things do (or can or will) affect the everyday lives of college students, or look at the process that has or is causing the issue, or the process that needs to happen to fix the issue.
For research, you should use at least 3 scholarly sources (i.e. journal articles from the library databases or books), and 3 non-academic but appropriate sources (news sources, government sites, etc.). I require a minimum of 6 sources in MLA format.
Length: 1500 words (5-6 pages double spaced)
Biology Assignment 5
$10.00Question 1: Give the definition:
- Ribozyme:
- Promoter:
- Operator:
- Activator:
- Repressor:
- Combinatory control of gene expression
- Transcription start site
- Riboswitch
- Operon
- Transcription regulator
- Enhancer
- Polycistronic mRNA
- RNA interference
- Translation start site
2- Which of the following statements about transcriptional regulators is FALSE? Choose and explain?
- Transcriptional regulators usually interact with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside of the double helix to determine where to bind on the DNA helix.
- Transcriptional regulators will form hydrogen bonds, ionic bounds , and hydrophobic interactions with DNA.
- The DNA – binding motifs of transcriptional regulators usually bind in the major groove of the DNA helix.
- The binding of transcriptional regulators generally does not disrupt the hydrogen bonds that holds the double helix together.
3- Which of the following statements about the Lac operon is FALSE? Choose and explain?
- The Lac repressor binds when lactose is present in the cell.
- Even when the CAP activator is bound to DNA, If lactose is not present, the Lac operon will not be transcribed.
- The CAP activator can only bind DNA when it is bound to cAMP .
- The Lac operon only produce RNA when lactose is present and glucose is absent.
4- Which of the following statements about miRNAs is FALSE? Choose and explain?
- One miRNAs can regulate the expression of many genes.
- miRNAs are transcribed in the nucleus from genomic DNA.
- miRNAs are produced from rRNAs.
- D) miRNAs are made by RNA polymerase
5- Write a brief (1-2 sentences) definition about their function…?
1/ Activator protein
2/ Mediator
3/ General transcription factors
4/ RNA polymerase
6- Combinatorial control of gene expression …………………… choose and explain.
- involves every gene using a different combination of transcriptional regulators for its proper expression
- involves groups of transcriptional regulators working together to determine the expression of a gene .
- involves only the use of gene activators used together to regulate genes appropriately .
- is seen only when genes are arranged in operons.
7- The MyoD transcriptional regulator is normally found in cells which are differentiating into muscle cells and participates in the transcription of genes that produce muscle-specific proteins, such as those needed in contractile tissue. Amazingly ,artificial expression of Myod in fibroblasts causes these cells derived from skin connective tissue to produce protein normally only seen in muscles. However, some other cell types do not transcribe muscle-specific genes when myod is also artificially expressed in them which of the following statements below is the best explanation of why myod can cause fibroblasts to express muscle-specific genes ? choose and explain
- unlike some other cell types, fibroblasts have not lost the muscle-specific genes from their genome .
- the muscle-specific genes must be in heterochromatin in fibroblasts
- during their developmental history; fibroblasts have accumulated some transcriptional regulators in common with differentiating muscle cells.
- The presence of MaoD is sufficient to activate the transcription of muscle-specific genes in all cell types