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  • Modernization vs. Dependency Theories and Their Relations to Poverty in Third World Countries



    Write a 5-6 page paper (double spaced with one inch margins). Using one issue of your choice (for example, women’s inequality, poverty, corruption, population, infrastructure), analyze, compare, and contrast how two sets of theories (e.g. modernization theory, development of underdevelopment, dependency theory, post-structuralist/post-development theory) would address the issue at stake.

    The paper must be structured as follows:

    • Introductory paragraph: Specify the selected issue of analysis and the theories chosen. Briefly state why you selected both the issue and the theories. Your thesis statement/main argument must be made within this paragraph.
    • Describe the issue that you have chosen for analysis. How is it relevant to development?
    • Briefly describe the main theoretical assumptions of the two theories you have chosen.
    • Applying each theory to the issue that you have selected, explain the implications for practice (such as policy, planning, programs, etc.) that would emerge from each theoretical approach.
    • Concluding paragraph: restate your main argument and main points of evidence.

    You are required to include in text citations with the author’s last name, year of publication, and page number, i.e. (Gupta 2012, 121), and a bibliography at the end of the paper. Any reference to or paraphrasing from a text requires that you cite the source. Your paper must be a minimum of 5 full pages, and no more than 6. Your bibliography will not be included as part of your page count.




    Paper Contents

    • What is Type 2 Diabetes?
    • What is Physiotherapy?
    • Value of exercise in physiotherapy treatment in type 2 diabetes
    • Value of exercise to physiotherapy in level 2 diabetes

    10 Pages

  • What is a global market segment? Pick a market that you know something about and describe the global segments of this market.

    1. What is a global market segment? Pick a market that you know something about and describe the global segments of this market.
    2. Pick a market that you know something about and describe the global segments of this market.
    3. Briefly describe Hamel and Prahalad’s framework for competitive advantage.
    4. Compare and contrast the typical channel structures for consumer products and industrial products.
    5. How does the standardized-versus-localized debate apply to advertising? Identify and discuss the problems with assessing advertising effectiveness in foreign markets.
  • Major Religions of the World


    Major Religions of the World: CHRISTIANITY – EASTERN ORTHODOXY

    Topic:  Major Religions of the World
    Provide an overview of your “assigned” religion.

    Essay should include information regarding (at minimum):
    • # of adherents
    • predominant global location(s)
    • origins and history (incl. major changes over time)
    • deity
    • main tenets and beliefs (incl. behavior while on earth; what happens after death; treatment of others of same faith/different faiths; etc.)
    • basis for main tenets and beliefs
    • Format
    – 2-3 pages (minimum)
    – double-spaced
    – Times New Roman
    – 12 pt font
    – 1” margins
    • Assumed audience: Your classmates

    Additional Instructions
    • This is a research paper — references & citations as appropriate.  As with Essay 1, I do not mind which method you use as long as it is a recognized method appropriate for a college-level paper

    Some tips…
    • Remember your audience and your purpose. You are trying to provide a general introduction to your topic, not make your reader a theologian. Do not get overwhelmed by minutiae — look for and pass on the significant info.
    • Don’t assume what your reader may or may not already know about religion in general or your particular religion. Just because a certain aspect of a certain religion is well-known to you does not make it necessarily so for all your readers. e.g., do not simply reference “the Bible” – be sure to explain that this is the name of the religion’s holy book (or something to that effect).
    • What does “research” mean?
    –Check the appropriateness and pedigree of your sources.
    –Be sure to include specific references in your text, especially when you are presenting facts. If you don’t, your readers do not know whether they should believe you or whether you are simply making stuff up.
    • Be careful using non-English words. Include them for a purpose and be sure to tell your readers what the words mean.
    • Opening and closing paragraphs are critical. At the front-end, give the reader an idea of where you were going with a brief overview of your main topics. On the back-end, provide a brief re-cap of your main points (not simply the topics) and closing sentence. Do not give your reader the impression that you ran out of time and simply stopped — finish delivering your message!! Please review “Elements of an Essay.”

  • Coding Action Plan Paper


    Today’s healthcare organizations follow regulatory guidelines established by federal, state, and payer program requirements by developing corporate compliance programs. Corporate compliance programs promote a culture in which conduct aligns with ethical behaviors and business integrity. In addition to an enterprise-wide compliance program, a facility may also choose to develop a coding compliance program, which focuses on continuous improvement in the quality of documentation and coding. Health informatics professionals may have responsibilities in implementing and participating in these programs.

    A.  Summarize a corporate compliance plan by doing the following:
    1.  Describe the necessary components of a corporate compliance plan.
    2.  Explain the responsibilities of the staff who implement the plan.
    3.  Describe the roles and objectives of two healthcare enforcement agencies or programs that influence corporate compliance programs.

    B.  Outline guidelines for developing a coding compliance plan by doing the following:
    1.  Describe elements to be included in policies of a coding compliance plan.
    2.  Discuss the key points to be included in a coding compliance code of conduct.
    3.  Discuss the process a staff member would follow to report a coworker for coding non-compliance.
    4.  Describe how an organization should handle an audit by an external reviewer, pertaining to coding claims, documentation, or provider claims.

    C.  Outline the elements of a coding compliance training program by doing the following:
    1.  Explain how needs for a coding compliance training program would be identified.
    2.  Explain how a coding compliance training program would be evaluated.

    D.  When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.


    CRITERIA (2-3 pages excluding references) Possible points Earned Points
    Background-Highlights importance of health issue to health policy making 20  
    Policy maker’s Perspectives

    ·         Describe the policy maker’s perspectives on the identified issue

    Process of policy making

    ·         Identify steps taken to develop policy to address the health issue

    Discuss barriers to implementation of the health policy

    Health Policy and Advance Nursing Practice

    ·         Reflect on the role of the masters prepared nurse in affecting health policy making

    Future Recommendations

    Propose future policy considerations to impact the health issue

  • How does Max Weber define and characterize ‘reason and rationality’ in modern society


    1) How does Max Weber define and characterize ‘reason and rationality’ in modern society?
    For Weber, what is the explanation of and conditions (the causes and underlying supports) for the emergence of ‘reason and rationality’ in modern society?
    As capitalism develops what consequences does this have for individual autonomy and freedom?
    Critically analyze Weber’s position in terms of Marx’s views regarding reason and rationality and its relation to autonomy and freedom.

  • Successful Language Learner


    Write a 2 page essay  on the topic “What is a successful language leaner?”

    Pages: 2, double spaced

    Format: N/A

  • Essay #2 Compare & Contrast: Income inequality as presented by Diaz


    Essay #2 Compare & Contrast

    At this time we are all familiar and comfortable with comparing and contrasting. This technique is an important aspect of academic essay writing and a skill that you will use in many writing and critical thinking assignments. Comparing and contrasting allows us to see many sides of a topic and allows us to argue our opinions in a logical and measured way that forces us to consider multiple points of view.

    The Assignment
    Compose a five to six page essay where you compare and contrast income inequality. You will read one of the articles in Chapter 8, either Diaz, Krugman, Ehrenreich, Friedman, or Reich, and then use it as a starting point to construct a logical argument. You will need at least two sources for this assignment. One needs to be from the book.

    Composing Advice
    Select one of the essays that you passionately agree with or disagree with. This is essential. Make sure you know your article, the main ideas and concepts. Then you may use another article, either from the book or the databases (from

    Opposing Viewpoints?), to compare/contrast.
    As you need an introduction, make sure you spend your time building context for your reader. What is income inequality? Is it real? A myth? Can people move upward economically? Of course, you will need a thesis.
    The body of the composition will be spent comparing and contrasting. This is why you will need two articles. We have looked at the subject by subject method and the point by point method. Using point by point would lend itself to such an assignment. Focus on the main ideas of your sources and show how they compare or contrast, all the while revealing which one you believe to be the correct argument.


    You will need two sources. You are encouraged to use two from Chapter Eight. You are required to use at least one. You will need to use MLA documentation and have a work cited page.