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Small Business Dilemma Book Answers
$10.00Question 1
Small Business Dilemma
Long-Term Financing Decision by the Sports Exports Company
The Sports Exports Company continues to focus on producing footballs in the U.S. and exporting them to the United Kingdom. The exports are denominated in pounds, which has continually exposed the firm to exchange rate risk. It is now considering a new form of expansion where it would sell specialty sporting goods in the U.S. If it pursues this U.S. project, it would need to borrow long-term funds. The dollar-denominated debt has an interest rate that is slightly lower than the pound- denominated debt.
- Jim Logan, owner of the Sports Exports Company, needs to determine whether dollar- denominated debt or pound-denominated debt would be most appropriate for financing this expansion, if he does expand. He is leaning toward financing the U.S. project with dollar- denominated debt, since his goal is to avoid exchange rate risk. Is there any reason why he should consider using pound-denominated debt to reduce exchange rate risk?
- Assume that Jim decides to finance his proposed U.S. business with dollar-denominated debt if he does implement the U.S. business idea. How could he use a currency swap along with the debt to reduce the firm’s exposure to exchange rate risk?
Question 2
- Capital Budgeting Analysis.
Zistine Co. considers a one-year project in New Zealand so that it can capitalize on its technology. It is risk-averse, but is attracted to the project because of a government guarantee. The project will generate a guaranteed NZ$8 million in revenue, paid by the New Zealand government at the end of the year. The payment by the New Zealand government is also guaranteed by a credible U.S. bank. The cash flows earned on the project will be converted to U.S. dollars and remitted to the parent in one year. The prevailing nominal one- year interest rate in New Zealand is 5% while the nominal one-year interest rate in the U.S. is 9%. Zistine’s chief executive officer believes that the movement in the New Zealand dollar is highly uncertain over the next year, but his best guess is that the change in its value will be in accordance with the international Fisher effect. He also believes that interest rate parity holds. He provides this information to three recent finance graduates that he just hired as managers and asks them for their input.- The first manager states that due to the parity conditions, the feasibility of the project will be the same whether the cash flows are hedged with a forward contract or are not hedged. Is this manager correct? Explain.
- The second manager states that the project should not be hedged. Based on the interest rates, the IFE suggests that Zistine Co. will benefit from the future exchange rate movements, so the project will generate a higher NPV if Zistine does not hedge. Is this manager correct? Explain.
- The third manager states that the project should be hedged because the forward rate contains a premium, and therefore the forward rate will generate more U.S. dollar cash flows than the expected amount of dollar cash flows if the firm remains unhedged. Is this manager correct? Explain.
English 1301028: Yellow is the New Red
$15.00Researched Argument
Write a 1000 word (minimum) to 1500 (maximum) researched argument on one of the topics from the list of approved topics. You must incorporate three credible sources, which may be an article from a scholarly journal, an article from a reputable newspaper, an article from a credible website (.org, .mil, .edu, and some .coms—if you are not sure, show me the source). You can mix the sources; therefore, you do not have to have one of each. Some of you may have three of the same kind since some of the topics are so current that not much scholarly research has been done on them.
Choosing the issue is only the first step; you must then develop a sufficiently narrow thesis statement. Remember, the narrower your thesis is, the easier it is to develop an argument to support it. For example, “illegal immigration must be stopped” is too broad a thesis to argue successfully in four pages. It leaves open the “why” and the “how,” and four pages would likely result in a report on the problems that illegal immigration causes, rather than a researched argument that argues a specific perspective or approach to a problem, offers reasons and evidence to support it , and responds to opposing views respectfully and carefully.
The thesis statement is an arguable claim made by you that you will support with reasoning and evidence. Be very careful about writing a thesis statement that claims something is either “good” or “bad” (binary). For example, “Chocolate ice cream tastes good.” This statement is not arguable as it is a matter of personal taste. On the other hand, you can claim something is beneficial or harmful. For example, “Chocolate ice cream is beneficial to one’s health as natural ingredients found in chocolate promote a sense of well-being.
Being able to persuade a target audience that consists mainly of neutral members, some skeptical members, and a few mildly hostile members is something you will have to do both in your college years and in your professional years. Since the target audience members are primarily open-minded, using the classical argument is logical and effective approach to appeal to them to accept your claim. Your target audience for this assignment is your classmates and me, so your target audience is an academic-level audience; therefore, your prose must meet the expectations of academic writing, both rhetorically and stylistically. This means no slang, text lingo, informal speech, or wordiness; the text must be grammatically correct and in MLA formatting.
A classical argument has a fairly straightforward organization plan.
Outline Guide for Argument
adapted from Classical Argument Outline in Everything is an Argument
The different types of arguments follow a certain structure. The outline below is the structure for organizing a researched argument. You MUST organize your paper using THIS OUTLINE.
Please note the numbers DO NOT indicate the number of paragraphs for this paper. The numbers are used for organizational purposes only. Also, depending on your topic, you may not need to include the part that “establishes your qualifications to write about your topic) in the introduction or the part that “reinforces your credibility” in the conclusion. You only need to include these two parts if you are writing on a topic from the aspect of your personal experience.
- Introduction
- Gains reader’s attention and interest
- Establishes your qualifications to write about your topic
- Establishes some common ground with your audience
- Demonstrates that you’re fair and evenhanded
- States your claim (Thesis statement identifying the problem/your topic.) For example: The current laws pertaining to child pornography are not appropriate for teenage sexters.
- Background
- Presents any necessary information that is important to your argument
- credible sources may be used here to put your topic in to context for the reader
- Lines of Argument – 3 or 4 paragraphs
- Presents good reasons, including logical and emotional appeals, in support of your claim.
- credible sources should be used here
- Alternative arguments
- Acknowledges alternative points of view / opposing arguments to your claim
- Notes advantages and disadvantages of these views
- Explains why your view is better than others (such as the opposing ones)
- opposing view may come from one of your sources
- Conclusion
- Summarizes the argument
- Elaborates on the implications of your claim
- Makes clear what you want the audience to think or do
- Reinforces your credibility
English 1102-RR Essay
$5.00How Technology Has Change the Education
2 Pages
Black Men and Public Space
$7.00You will select one of the following essays from the list below and research the issue it raises. Your essay will do two things:
1) You will summarize the article in such way as to make clear that you understand the author’s argument, and
2) You will craft a response to the author’s argument. Whether you agree, disagree, or fall somewhere in between, your essay will explore and explain your point of view. You will need to i nclude at least three outside sources to support your claims.3 Pages
Literature Review on the Role of Student Support in Open Distance Learning
$30.00Paper Contents
- Introduction
- Background of the Study
- Literature Review
- Defining Variables – Student Support in ODL
- Different types of Student Support
- Academic Support
- Administrative Support
- Motivating Students in ODL
- Open Distance Learning
- Advantages of ODL
- The Disadvantages of ODL
- Problem Statement
- Conclusion
Pages: 10, double spaced
- Introduction
ANTH 350 Ethnographic Project: Stage 2 Intervention (Regular Exercise)
$25.00Applied Project Stage 2: Intervention (Due Week 5)
In stage 2, you will use what you learned in stage 1 about your own household’s production of health, as well as readings and discussions, to create an intervention to address this issue in your household. The intervention may promote wellness, prevent disease, educate household members, or be intended to cure or alleviate suffering in some way.
This exercise is not “for real” (unless you want it to be), and it can be as creative as you like. For example, if someone in your household suffers from chronic pain, based on your reading about how people from different cultural worlds cope with chronic pain, you might design an intervention that incorporates heat and ice, pain medications, acupuncture, meditation, psychotherapy, and shamanic healing.
Required Tasks:
- Develop an intervention that addresses at least one health-related issue in your household that you identified in your ethnographic (An intervention is some kind of action plan to eliminate or alleviate a problem.) This issue DOES NOT have to be the same issue discussed in component “f” above. Now is the time to focus on one issue. Try to find articles about your issue in the anthropology journals listed in the description of the Literature Review above or use any of our course readings that might deal with your issue to get ideas or to better understand how this issue may be experienced and dealt with in different cultural contexts.
- Ideas about the body, the person, health, illness, treatment, that underlie your intervention. These ideas should explain why you think your intervention will work. Think about your understandings and beliefs about how the body works, why “trouble” starts, what’s needed to fix it and why, etc. Again, if you can find articles about your issue in anthropology journals or if your issue has been discussed in any of our course readings, compare your ideas with those of others.
- Features of the social, political, and economic environment and available/unavailable resources that will either support or impede implementing your The point of this is to help you understand how “no man is an island” – your health and well-being are intricately connected to the context in which you live, to your immediate and larger social worlds.
- Possible unintended consequences (either positive or negative) of your intervention. Most interventions have unintended consequences. For example, if you institute an exercise regimen for one person in the household, s/he may injure him/herself or, on the other hand, an intervention introduced to help one person in your household may spill over to other members of the household and their health may improve though they were not the “target” of the intervention.
Intervention Developed a creative intervention for any issue that you identified in your ethnography that incorporated what has been learned in the course. This issue can be, but does NOT have to be related to the illness episode you described. Developed an intervention plan that related somewhat to what has been learned in the course
Intervention plan did not relate to what has been learned in the course or did not submit project Culturally Constructed Ideas Demonstrated excellent ability to identify cultural ideas about the body, person, health, illness, treatment, etc. that underlie your intervention. What do you think what you want to do will work?
Demonstrated adequate ability to identify cultural themes and underlying ideas Demonstrated poor or no ability to identify cultural themes and underlying ideas or did not submit project Environment Excellent discussion of the physical, political, social, and economic environment that will either facilitate or impede the implementation of the intervention Adequate discussion of the physical, political, social, and economic environment that will either facilitate or impede the implementation of the intervention
Inadequate discussion of the physical, political, social, and economic environment that will either facilitate or impede the implementation of the intervention or did not submit project Unintended Consequences Excellent discussion of possible unintended consequences of your intervention Adequate discussion of unintended consequences Inadequate discussion of unintended consequences or did not submit project Evaluation Plan Excellent and comprehensive evaluation plan including reasonable objectives, outcome measures, and other assessments that relate well to the intervention. Make sure you measure what you hope to achieve in your intervention. Adequate evaluation plan Inadequate evaluation plan that does not include objectives, outcome measures; in other words, a plan that does not actually evaluate the intervention or did not submit project
Comparison to Other Setting Demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of own setting and appropriately compared its resources and challenges to those of another setting Demonstrated adequate knowledge of own setting and appropriately compared its resources and challenges to those of another setting Inadequate demonstration of knowledge of own setting and inadequate comparison or did not submit project Writing Quality No or less than 3 3-5 errors in spelling More than 5 errors in spelling or or grammar errors in spelling grammar including including incomplete or grammar incomplete sentences sentences including incomplete sentences __________________________________________________________
An Analysis of “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson
$12.50Make sure that you include a correct MLA header at the top and a title for your Literary Analysis Paper. Include in-text citations for all support from the text with the author’s name and page number.
Include a Works Cited entry for the work that you are analyzing. If you are including research, include Works Cited entries for this as well.
Write a working thesis that will help to focus your research and your discussion in your essay. What are the main points that your essay is going to focus on and discuss?
After you have written down at least three main points, create two sub points after each point. These can be quotes from the short story, poem, or narrative and they can also be your ideas explaining your main point. Your body paragraphs should NOT contain a summary of the work.
Example: (Your essay does not have to follow the 5 paragraph example, but this is a good start)
1) Paragraph #1: Introduction: Working thesis
2) Paragraph #2: First main point
a) Sub point/analysis
i) support
b) Sub point/analysis
i) support
3) Paragraph #3: Second main point
a) Sub point/analysis
i) support
b) Sub point/analysis
i) support
4) Paragraph #4: Third main point
a) Sub point/analysis
i) support
b) Sub point/analysis
i) support
5) Paragraph #5: Conclusion -
1.2 Describe with example how different aspects of development can affect one another
$5.001.2 Describe with example how different aspects of development can affect one another
TDA 2.1 : Child and young person development Q1
$10.001.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young peple’s development from birth to 19 years,to include; Physical development, Communication and intellectual development and Social, emotional and behavioral development