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  • HRM3430M – Human Resource Planning Individual Strategy Assignment: Bed, Bath and Beyond


    For this individual assignment, you are to select a company of your choice (you should run that choice by me) and describe the firm’s value proposition.  Use the concepts from class to examine the extent to which this value proposition should provide a source of competitive advantage.  For example, does this VP provide the firm with a strategic competitive advantage? Why or why not? Explain. I am asking you to use what you know about the company to come up with what you think is the firm’s Value Proposition; if your version of the VP is the same as what the firm espouses, then justify that VP.

    You should then develop 4 organizational task statements (i.e., core activities) that support that value proposition.  Explain clearly how these organizational task statements support the value proposition.  The task statements should conform to the format discussed in class, using a clear action verb and an outcome that relates to the action.

    You should then describe a strategic job within the organization.  A strategic job directly implements the value proposition.  Explain why you consider this job strategic.  Describe what method(s) might be useful and practical to forecast the firm’s demand for this job, and how you could forecast the supply of labour as well.

    The project should be approximately 7-10 pages (double spaced, 12-point font, regular margins, not including any appendices or references). Your paper should be properly cited using APA format

  • Bed Bath and Beyond (or B3): Firm’s Value Preposition (ADMS/HR Human Resource Planning Sec.N)


    For this individual assignment, you are to select a company of your choice (you should run that choice by me) and describe the firm’s value proposition.  Use the concepts from class to examine the extent to which this value proposition should provide a source of competitive advantage.  For example, does this VP provide the firm with a strategic competitive advantage? Why or why not? Explain. I am asking you to use what you know about the company to come up with what you think is the firm’s Value Proposition; if your version of the VP is the same as what the firm espouses, then justify that VP.

    You should then develop 4 organizational task statements (i.e., core activities) that support that value proposition.  Explain clearly how these organizational task statements support the value proposition.  The task statements should conform to the format discussed in class, using a clear action verb and an outcome that relates to the action.

    You should then describe a strategic job within the organization.  A strategic job directly implements the value proposition.  Explain why you consider this job strategic.  Describe what method(s) might be useful and practical to forecast the firm’s demand for this job, and how you could forecast the supply of labour as well.

    The project should be approximately 7-10 pages (double spaced, 12-point font, regular margins, not including any appendices or references). Your paper should be properly cited using APA format





    Pages: 5, double spaced

  • Overcoming Adversity Admission Essay


    Overcoming Adversity
    Tell us about a time in your life in which you overcame something a serious difficulty or setback. Be sure to detail how you dealt with the situation, and what you learned from the challenge.

    One of the following topics below and write a clear, coherent argument. Your essay will be evaluated on your ability to write clearly, think logically, provide evidence for your assertions, and use proper grammar. (Maximum 500 words)

  • How gender and Sexuality are Socially Constructed and Vary


    Field Experiment: How gender and Sexuality are Socially Constructed and Vary (Draft)

    We’ve been trained since childhood to think of gender as simply male and female, and to think of differences between them as “natural.” In this essay, you will discuss how gender and sexuality are socially constructed and vary, and the various gender possibilities (Hijras, transgender, agender, etc.) and sexuality possibilities discussed in the readings. Make sure to use the ideas of boundaries and groups in your essay. Use a field experiment to discuss your position

  • HLT-362V: Applied Statistics Health Care Lecture – Topic 2 DQ1


    Topic 2 DQ1: Explain each sampling technique discussed in the “Visual Learner: Statistics” in your own words, and give examples of when each technique would be appropriate

  • HLT-362V: Applied Statistics Health Care Lecture – Topic DQ2


    Topic 1 DQ 2: What are the characteristics of a population for which it would be appropriate to use mean/median/mode? When would the characteristics of a population make them inappropriate to use?

    Textbook: Grove, S. K. (2007). Statistics for health care research: A practical workbook. Edinburgh: Elsevier Saunders.

  • HLT-362V: Applied Statistics Health Care Lecture – Topic 1 DQ


    Topic 1 DQ 1: How can graphics and/or statistics be used to misrepresent data? Where have you seen this done?

    Textbook: Grove, S. K. (2007). Statistics for health care research: A practical workbook. Edinburgh: Elsevier Saunders.

  • Communication Analysis Assignment (Option 1-Written Assignment)


    Communication Analysis Assignment (Option 1-Written Assignment)

    • This out-of-class assignment will allow you to work at your own pace.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Students will learn strategies for examining communication processes critically and demonstrate those strategies in written form
    • Students will demonstrate knowledge and application of communication terms and communication course content in written form
    • Students will identify communication strengths and areas for improvement

    Purpose of the assignment:

    The purpose of the assignment is to make insightful connections among course content, your communication behaviors, communication strengths, and areas for improvement.

    Assignment Overview

    You will write three two page papers that address your personal experiences (stories), your communication behaviors, communication strengths and areas for improvement based on three communication topics: 1) Communication and the New Media, 2) Verbal Communication, 3) Nonverbal Communication, or 4) Listening.

    To help you develop content for this assignment, critically think about the course content from the readings, films, and my story papers. Please feel free to use the same content from three of your My Story papers.

    Assignment Guidelines

    1. Select three communication topics (Communication and the New Media, Verbal Communication, Nonverbal Communication, or Listening).
    1. Collect and review the content related to each communication topic
    1. Divide the assignment into three separate papers based on the topic, i.e., Communication and the New Media, Verbal Communication, Nonverbal Communication.
    • In each paper, include the following:
    • the introduction to your story
    • Clearly identify one term from the related reading, one statement from the related film, and the connecting sentence-thesis
    • the body of your story
    • your communication behaviors, by using specific examples and explanations from your life experience to support your thesis
    • your communication strengths associated with those communication behaviors discussed in the first bullet point, by using specific examples and explanations from your life experience to support your thesis
    • your areas for improvement associated with those communication behaviors discussed in the first bullet point, by using specific examples and explanations from your life experience to support your thesis

    (Each bullet represents a minimum of one body paragraph)

    • the conclusion to your story
    • The assignment must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, a minimum of two pages per paper and uploaded on the canvas site

    Criteria for grading

    Well-organized paper (Total: 7.5 points-2.5 points per paper)

    • provided clearly organized content that guided the reader (intro, body and conclusion)

    Well-developed body of each paper (Total: 60 points-20 points per paper):

    • provided well developed (detailed) specific examples and explanations from your life experience (story) to explain your communication behaviors, communication strengths and areas for improvement

    Well-written (Total: 7.5 points-2.5 points per paper)

    • provided well-written content: grammatical, punctuation, spelling errors were few

    Additional Files:
