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  • Theology of Suffering and disaster response (Outline)


    Without ones’ own understanding of the purpose of suffering, crisis responders cannot truly offer emotional and spiritual care in disasters and provide comfort and direction to others in their suffering and pain. With this thought in mind, compile an original paper of 8–10 pages of body text, in APA style, that begins by explaining your own personal theology of suffering. Use commentary and biblical references to support your position. In addition, explain how you would consult with a congregation to set up a plan of preparation for pre-incidence disasters. Utilizing information presented in your texts as well as theoretical and practical elements from academic and Christian sources, describe how you would foster resiliency in the pastor and the congregation.

    A minimum of 10 scholarly sources (books and journal articles) is required in addition to your textbooks (if you choose to cite these). Grades will be assigned based on quality of content, how well APA guidelines are adhered to, the richness of citations utilized, quality of expression, and biblical integration presented.

  • Laptops in the Classroom


    Should students be allowed to use laptops or other mobile devices in class? Or do those devices create too much of a temptation for distraction and should therefore be banned? Could these devices be integrated into the class in way that would make them beneficial, or will they, by their very nature, always just result in distracted students?

    The debate around laptops and mobile devices in the classroom gets the heart of what we discussed during the Information, Technology, and Society class. Are these devices entirely neutral, mere tools that students can choose to use in one way or another? Or are these devices designed in such a way that distraction is a highly probable, or maybe even an inevitable outcome? Or is the truth somewhere in between?

    This assignment will help you wrestle with these questions and clarify your own opinions. Start by reading the following short articles, which articulate two sides of the debate:

    Clay Shirky, “Why I Just Asked My Students to Put Their Laptops Away (Links to an external site.)”
    Rebecca Schuman, “In Defense of Laptops in the Classroom (Links to an external site.)”
    Next, do some additional research on this topic. Search the journal article databases (Links to an external site.) or look for credible articles on the web. Note that a “credible” article is one where the author makes a reasoned argument backed by evidence, and not one where the author just states his or her opinion in a loud or persuasive voice. Read at least two other articles beyond the two listed above.

    Finally, write a short essay (around 1,000 to 2,000 words) that responds to what you’ve read, reflects on your own experiences, and articulates your own opinions and conclusions on the subject. Your essay should answer the following questions:

    For each author you read, what is their core argument and what key evidence do they present to support that argument? For this first section, just briefly outline their arguments and evidence, comparing and contrasting them, but refrain from making judgments or inserting your own opinion. Your goal in this section is to show that you listened well to each author’s argument.
    Next, analyze the arguments by digging down to the assumptions each author makes regarding the relationship between technology and society. Is the author more on the technological determinist side of the spectrum, the social determinist side, or somewhere close to the middle? Is the author more of a techno-optimist, a techno-pessimist, or somewhere in between? Critically, how does the author’s stance on these spectrums influence the author’s core arguments?
    Lastly, reflect on these arguments as well as your own stance and experiences. What is your opinion on this issue and how does your own stance influence that?
    Feel free to disagree with the articles you’ve read, but be respectful of the authors, realizing that they have good reasons for believing what they do.

    When quoting or referring to something from an article you read, remember to cite the source using the APA format (Links to an external site.). This is a simple inline citation format used in many disciplines, including Information Science.

    Also include a reference list (Links to an external site.) at the end of your essay, with full citations for the articles your read (including the first two listed above). See the Purdue OWL site for examples of how to format journal articles (Links to an external site.) and web pages (Links to an external site.).

    You do not need a title page nor abstract. Just put your name at the top of the essay.

    Finally, read over our general writing guidelines and the Plagiarism section of the syllabus for more information about what we expect. If you need help with your writing, visit the Odegaard Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

  • Should Sexual Education Be Taught In Public Schools


    Should Sexual Education Be Taught In Public Schools? Should Sexual Education Be Abstinence-only?

    Pages: 4, double spaced

    Citation: MLA

  • Succession of Government in Saudi Arabia


    Research Paper on Succession of Government in Saudi Arabia

    Limitation and delimitations
    Saudi Arabia’s political Historical Context
    The Political system of Saudi Arabia

    1. Saudi Arabia National government
    2. Forces impacting on the Royal political system 12
    3. Regional Governance
    4. Political reforms
    5. The Procedure of Choosing a King
    6. Bases of power
    7. The constitution

    The rule of law in Saudi Arabia
    Regime Stability in Saudi Arabia
    Saudi Arabia’s Regional Policy and Regional Crisis
    Future decisions in light of changed and changing conditioning factors
    Appraisal, invention of alternatives and recommendations of solution(s) in the common interest

    Pages: 37, double spaced

  • The Programs and Organizations That Could Bring Down Al-NUSRA


    The Programs and Organizations That Could Bring Down Al-NUSRA

    You should also be sure to have section headings, a title page, end notes (or footnotes), list of references, page numbers and all the other elements of a professional paper.


    Your paper should be 12-20 pages in length, double spaced, Arial font size 10. You are welcome to use graphs and charts and maps, etc., provided they add new information and support your paper.


    You should strive for 12+ references (which shouldn’t be difficult given all the reading you’ve done in your program). Be sure that your selection of sources gives you balance, that they are credible and reliable and accurate (and note when they may not be).
    Pages: 11, double spaced

  • Paper #1: Unsent Letters – Miss Summers To Lady Susan Concerning Miss Vernon


    Audience and Tone assignment: Unsent letters.


    For one of the peripheral characters in Lady Susan, write two versions of the same letter, one in Regency style and one in a contemporary digital method (i.e., an online video rant, a “Twitter war” or a series of Facebook postings. NB: Facebook now deletes fake character accounts, so you will have to write it in a word document using a Facebook bot program to make it look authentic.)

    Note: Lady Susan, Mrs. Catherine Vernon, Frederica, Reginald de Courcy and Mrs. Alicia Johnson are not peripheral characters, so do not write as them.

    Minor Characters:

    Mr. Manwaring

    Mrs. Manwaring

    Miss Maria Manwaring

    Mr. Johnson

    Mr. Smith (man who reveals Lady Susan’s character to Reginald)

    Mr. Johnson’s Aunts who live in Bath

    Sir James Martin

    Charles Vernon        

    Miss Summers, the headmistress of Frederica’s school

    Wilson, the servant                                       

    You choice should be character who has something important to convey, and should not repeat exact information found in existing letters.

    One of the letters will be true to the period (the novel was written circa 1798, and published in 1871, but is set a bit earlier, circa 1790).   Your character should use appropriate modes of address and diction. The second is an update in which your character, while still sounding like the person in the novel, will speak in modern terms.

    “Letter” two is not really a letter, but a modern exchange via Twitter; video weblog; Facebook Messenger; IM; Humans of New York Posting, Instagram, Yik Yak, Snapchat, etc. of two characters, who are recognizable from the book yet updated for contemporary context. One voice can (and should) dominate, but the second voice should appear occasionally to signal the faster exchange of information in our modern times. You may also impersonate other characters, strangers, or contemporary celebrities weighing on the debate, as is common in internet exchanges on public forum. If Mr. Manwaring is being indicted as a two-timing husband, perhaps some notable cheater in the public sphere will defend him (“Player, play on.”)

    Element sought Strengths in this area Improvement needed in Points Awarded
    Global assessment     30%
    Professionalism: worked on drafts during class time, was on task and not wasting time. 5%
    Correct submission:   saved under author’s last name; submitted to dropbox; in a compatible format I can open and comment in 5%
    Citation method:

    Citations provided for the source novel, lecture materials, and any other sources consulted in the writing of this paper

    Peer Review:   attended review, brought drafts, provided good feedback. 10%
    Letter One: Period Document     35% total values
    At least 250 words of clear, error-free prose with historically appropriate language and expressions 10%
    Qualities, history, circumstances of the character from the novel exemplified. Imaginative extensions of character into new document. 10%
    Decorum, social customs and manners of the time period exemplified 10%
    Audience for letter correctly addressed 5%
    “Letter” 2: Contemporary Technological Exchange 35% possible
    Appropriate and realistic extension of character traits into modern personalities. If the character is secretive, dramatic, scientific, cruel, loving or emotional, s/he should still be those things in the new incarnation. 10%
    At least 250 words of   exchanges with contemporary language and expressions

    Appropriate and realistic use of platform. If it’s Twitter, messages must be 140 characters (and you multiples) or less and may include emoticons, pictures, acronyms and hashtags; if it’s an Instagram exchange, it could be all photographs conveying the history of the relationship. If it’s HONY, the subject should answer the usual questions.

    Creativity and imagination in conveying the message in a new forum. 10%
    Audience for letter correctly addressed, differentiated from private audience of period letter 5%

    Appendix A: A break-up letter, 19th century style.

    • MY DEAR MADAM, — I have just had the honour of receiving your letter, for which I beg to return my sincere acknowledgments. I am much concerned to find there was anything in my behaviour last night that did not meet your approbation; and though I am quite at a loss to discover in what point I could be so unfortunate as to offend you, I entreat your forgiveness of what I can assure you to have been perfectly unintentional. I shall never reflect on my former acquaintance with your family in Devonshire without the most grateful pleasure, and flatter myself it will not be broken by any mistake or misapprehension of my actions. My esteem for your whole family is very sincere; but if I have been so unfortunate as to give rise to a belief of more than I felt, or meant to express, I shall reproach myself for not having been more guarded in my professions of that esteem. That I should ever have meant more you will allow to be impossible, when you understand that my affections have been long engaged elsewhere, and it will not be many weeks, I believe, before this engagement is fulfilled. It is with great regret that I obey your commands of returning the letters, with which I have been honoured from you, and the lock of hair, which you so obligingly bestowed on me.
    •     I am, dear Madam,
    •     Your most obedient
    •     humble Servant,

    Source: Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, ed. Tony Tanner. London: Penguin Books, 2009.

    Text Message Break-up, 2013

    Note: Frank is the girl (“Just Call Me Frank: My Endeavor at Being Honest”) and TDF (Third Date Flunkie) is the guy

    Actual Texting Transcript:

    Frank: “I’ll be honest, I’m just not interested in seeing you again”

    TDF (Third Date Flunky): “wow…can I ask why”

    Frank: “You can ask, but you might not like the answer”

    TDF: “was it one reason? The sex lol”

    Frank: “it was that and everything after”

    TDF: “OK I knew something was a bit off…the cab ride? were u mad I didn’t drive u? I’m sorry for that”

    “did you somehow feel cheapened? if so I am sooo sorry”

    Frank: “It was that, and asking me what it takes to “give me pleasure” *(offensive term replaced), which I found offensive in the way you made me feel, the turning on of the television and yes, the cab ride home that I paid for…I didn’t feel cheapened…I felt offended.”

    TDF: “Can u call me? Please? So I can straighten this out…please?”

    “I need to explain”

    “This is quite the misunderstanding that I need to clarify”

    Frank: “No explanation needed”

    TDF: “It is needed. I understand why u are upset…please let me explain and apologize. Let me make it up to u

    “I really need to talk to u”

    Frank: “No, I don’t feel I need you to explain” [I stopped responding to his texts after this]

    TDF: “I need to. u have it all wrong as anything u perceived was not done intentionally. I need to explain. I am very upset about this. I am very upset I disappointed you!”

    “when u hear my explanation hopefully u will forgive me”

    “please allow me this much”

    “please don’t shut me out…”

    “let me make it up to you”

    “If you are going to break things off please at least allow myself a chance to make amends. If I didn’t think you were worth it I’d walk away”

    “Please [insert my real name here]. All I ask for is 5 minutes of your time”

    “Let me buy u dinner tonight…a movie….starbucks (pumpkin flavour) whatever. I am not a monster and I do very much respect you…please hear my side”

  • What did the Russian and Qing Empires have in common, and how did these common features affect the relationship between the two?


    Question Six:

    • What did the Russian and Qing Empires have in common, and how did these common features affect the relationship between the two?
    • Both the Qing and the Tokugawa governments were in decline by 1800.  What reasons lay behind the decline of each government?
  • ASOS and Amazon Assignment


    Collaboration can be internal amongst the employees across all levels and external such as those with the suppliers, customers and so on. In the context of globalisation, this could bring in the dimension of leadership, culture, people, management, technology and teams. So, starting with the various definitions of globalisation, choosing your own given the context of ASOS and Amazon, you can bring in all these aspects of collaboration and try to position the essay towards how collaboration is critical for globalisation or is it the globalisation that makes collaboration possible?

    Try to narrow down the question you want to address in your essay (essay topic is broadly globalisation and collaboration; however, you can narrow down to your own research question).

    • need to develop your argument which appears to be about the impact of culture. Talk about the impact of technology.
    • What is globalisation, who has said what about Globalisation, in your own opinion what globalisation means to you, why it is important.
    • What is collaboration? And what does this mean to the two firms you are studying? What are the factors that influence collaboration (culture, technology, leadership, management and so on). What are the different types of collaboration(internal, external)? How globalisation impacts collaboration and vice versa?
    • References (Max 15)
    • 3 pages, double spaced
  • Performance Analysis of Nemanja Matićin




    Assignment Brief

    • Analyse performance on a given subject.

    One of the three videos provided

    • Identify strengths & weaknesses and formulate a corrective exercise programme/performance enhancement programme as appropriate.
    • An introduction to which player you have chosen, his position and the match you are analyzing. This should be recorded as a cup (type) or league (which)
    • Candidates should be able to identify and justify the appropriate assessment to analysis performance with reference to positional awareness in football..

    Explain which performance analysis method you will use and justify it. The type of data/ analysis and reference your justification points.

    The analysis should include:

    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses
    • Corrective exercise programme

    Show the method of analysis and how you have recorded that data. This should be done using diagrams/ charts and tables.

    Your Corrective Exercise or Enhancement programme should last for 6 weeks and will be in a pre season where there are 3 matches. Pick a stabilization, strength or power for your programme. Your chosen exercises should be position specific and incorporate a ball where possible.

    • Lastly, Candidate should be able to justify and support their knowledge to enhance performance. An understanding of player position specialist training and the role that position has in a unit and the within the team.

    This can be achieved by choosing the correct session plan specific to that position to that position similar to mine on Moodle. Marks will be awarded for correct terminology and session diagrams.

    Throughout this case study you should reference your performance analysis; programme design and exercises that may have be adapted. i.e.   “shoulder rotations with a football as adapted from Patel (2004)”

    Pages: 7, double spaced