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  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein inspiration in the creation of fear in James Whale’s 1930s film Frankenstein


    To what extent did Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein creation of fear inspire James Whale’s 1930s film Frankenstein?

    Pages: 32, double spaced

  • Corrupt practices of the police and correctional systems



    You are a member of a recently formed committee to deal with numerous complaints against police and correction officers in your town and are asked to determine if there is merit to these allegations and develop a protocol to address the current problem and prevent these practices from occurring in the future. The allegations are a vast amount that focuses on brutality toward citizens and inmates. There are signs that the entire police and correctional system is suffering of corruption activity, specifically from supervisory and upper-management positions. You have witnesses of police attacks on teenagers and family members that have seen their loved one with bruised bodies from the attacks suffered in the different prisons.

    When the committee is provided the report that was produced through the interviewing of all inmates through the correctional system, an overwhelming 90% of inmates declared they were brutally battered for such reasons as not eating lunch under their 30-second rule or the way the inmate walked, which many inmates stated that correction officers would make it clear to them that they were walking like girls and needed an old fashion whooping.

    When the committee took a comprehensive look at police complaints, they were provided pictures that were sent in by citizens that presented police officers using weapons in their assaults of young teenagers that were alleged gang members. There was some audio provided to you and the committee of the voices of police officers speaking to the police chief about a specific crime-ridden area, in which they were instructed to make an example of anyone suspicious walking after 11:00 p.m.

    This group project is an assignment where you will be assigned a group or choose your group, depending on your instructor. You will have an individual portion that each member will have to accomplish separately and a group assignment that should be a compilation of the individual portions of each student.

    Be sure to use at least one of the theories on ethics in your proposal. Your proposal should include an analysis, a causal explanation(s) of the ethical dilemmas, and methods for reducing the current and future corruption.

    Individual Portion:

    Each member of the group should identify and research the corrupt practices of the police and correctional systems of the town and make several key recommendations on addressing the corruption for the police department and correctional system. The following will be the expected short deliverables for each student of the group:

    • Provide a 1-page overview essay on the corrupt practices of the police and correctional systems.
    • Provide a 1-page bulleted list of key recommendations to address the corruption occurring in the police and correctional systems with explanations on why the recommendation is valuable.
    • Provide an outline on how you would construct the final paper that will be presented as your final group deliverable.
  • Charles Bukowski: Laureate of the American Lowlife


    For your research paper, you will choose any author that interests you to write about. A word of advice, choose an author that you want to know something about not one that you are already an expert on. If you are going to have to do research, learn something in the process instead of just reading the same stuff you already know.

    Your paper will be 3-4 pages long with at least 4 sources. You’ll follow the MLA format. I highly recommend you read the section in the book on doing research before you begin writing.

    In your paper, you will discuss your author’s biography, analyze one or more of their works, review the relevant criticism about them, and give your own personal criticism on the author. This strays slightly from a traditional research paper in that I want your personal views on the author after you have studied their life and works.

    On the next several files/pages you’ll find resources that will help you write your essay. I’m including some links from Montgomery College Library that I’ve found helpful through the years.

  • Should law enforcement use race and ethnic-specific strategies to fight gang formation and control gang crime


    Answer the following questions in 1 page:

    • If most youth gangs are racially and ethnically homogeneous, should law enforcement use race and ethnic-specific strategies to fight gang formation and control gang crime?
    • On the other hand, should law enforcement strategies be racially and ethnically neutral?
    • What dilemmas are created for police departments that pursue each of these strategies?
    • Is the likely result institutional or contextual discrimination?
    • Which theory of crime do you believe best explains the prevalence of gang crime in the United States?
  • Environment and the growing population and its rate of consumption

    Choose a topic to write your research essay on that relates to the course content, and email the instructor with a brief description of your chosen topic.

    Research Essay:
    The purpose of the essay is to encourage in-depth research and clear and systematic argument on a specified topic.

    This is a short and formal paper of 1500-1800 words with proper citations and it is worth 20%. At least 2 sources from the course material and 2 academic sources must be cited. The essay is to be based on both fact and theory, and you will be graded on your description and analysis of the research you have found.

    Your paper should include the following:

    Issue Introduction Current environmental issue, clearly stated as a problem that needs to be resolved, and which is ethical in nature
    Position-Introduction Your position on the issue you have chosen, clearly stated, that indicates your side on the moral issue described above.
    Argument/Reasons Body of the Essay Your reasons/argument for your position, briefly explained and made directly relevant to supporting your position.
    Objection(s) At least one paragraph A brief explanation of a possible objection to your argument. (just one)
    Response At least one paragraph A brief explanation of how you would respond to the objection.
    Conclusion At least one short paragraph A summary of what you have argued for in your paper.
    Sources/Preliminary Bibliography A list of research sources, referenced in a Preliminary Bibliography, using any standard referencing style (used consistently).
    Organization, spelling, grammar This assignment must be edited for spelling and grammar, and must be clearly organized. You must use full sentences.

    Tips: One way to write this paper is to find an example in the news or elsewhere about a current environmental issue (like the melting of the polar ice cap), and then think about how this is a MORAL issue. That is, what harms are brought about to humans, animals, or nature, as a result of this particular environmental problem? A moral issue is something that has two sides to it. For example, I might say that ‘we ought to do something about global warming because it is melting the polar ice caps’, whereas someone else might say, ‘we should not do anything about the melting polar ice caps’. These are two different positions on the same issue.

    So, simply take a side on the issue you have chosen, and then provide reasons to support your position.

    If I want to support my position above, then I might say, ‘We ought to do something about global warming because it is melting the polar ices caps, because 1. It affects northern wildlife, like polar bears, 2., It is wrong to harm northern wildlife species because of the principles of Deep Ecology, and 3., because we ought to be concerned about protecting species for future generations.

    Then I simply have to explain each of these 3 points in the body of my essay, providing support from the articles in the textbook, or from research I have found elsewhere.

    Topics: Throughout this course, students will have the opportunity to keep track of possible topics for their research essays, and share them with others. Anything relating to the environment, including animals, and that is moral in nature, is a suitable topic. So keep your eyes and ears open, and take notice of what interests you and what you would like to write about.

  • Marriage according to the early history of our country (India)


    How would you define marriage according to the early history of our country?
    Focus on India
    The values family give to children as a future adults.

    5 pages

  • Essay on Restorative Justice: concepts and purposes of restorative justice and restitution


    Conduct research using the library, news reports, Internet, and videos to find information on restorative justice, inmate forgiveness, and the right to privacy.

    A member of your family was brutally murdered. The inmate is currently on death row, awaiting execution. A member of a victims’ rights group contacts your family to discuss the possibility of meeting with your family and the convicted murderer. The inmate wants to seek forgiveness before he is executed. The members of your family are outraged that this group dared to even contact your family. Members of your family express their concern regarding the invasion of their privacy. No matter what the inmate will say, it will not bring the family member back, and your family is not concerned with the inmate’s feelings or his desire to make amends for the crime he committed. Most your family members are opposed to meeting the convicted murderer, but you have some unanswered questions, and this would help you deal with the death of your loved one.

    You are going to have a family meeting on this matter to decide what action your family should take. You are preparing some information and performing research on whether or not meeting the convicted murderer would benefit your family and bring closure to this tragedy. In your discussion, include theories of morality, values, and consequences. You must also include the following information for the family to ensure that everyone is fully informed:

    • In terms of ethics, describe the concepts and purposes of restorative justice and restitution.
    • Address some ethical issues related to the concepts of restorative justice and restitution.
    • Include some implications of restorative justice and how you would approach the decision to allow or refuse a meeting with a convicted murderer.
    • Compose a description of the decision-making process, including the steps on how to approach the situations, a list of questions if a meeting is granted, or a list of possible reasons for rejecting the meeting.
  • Analysis of Acceptance of Gratuity by Police Officers


    For this assignment, you will interview police officers regarding their views about accepting gratuities. You will then review 2 arguments for accepting gratuities.

    During the interview with the officer, you will discuss the following topics related to gratuities, reporting on the interview in your Individual Project report:

    • Determine from the officer the department’s official policy related to gratuities, and relate how strictly that policy is enforced.
    • Discuss any “unofficial” code regarding gratuities.
    • Does the officer feel that he or she should be allowed to accept small gratuities such as free or discounted meals or coffee?

    You will then explore and report on the following questions in your Individual Project report:

    • Discuss in detail 2 basic arguments against the acceptance of gratuities.
    • Do you believe, based upon your reading of the topic of gratuities and your interview of the police officer, that gratuities lead to more serious breaches of ethics in law enforcement? Provide support for your assessment.
  • Fasting in Islam – Ramadan


    Fasting in Islam – Ramadan

    1. First choose a religious or secular ritual that you have an opportunity to attend as a participant-observer during this course. For example: Mass/Holy Communion or some other church service, Muslim Friday prayers, a wedding, a baby shower or bridal shower, a funeral, a tangi, an unveiling, a christening/baptism/naming ritual, a kava ceremony, a stag or hen/bachelorette party, a 21st birthday, some other major birthday celebration, an engagement party, an important sporting event or award ceremony, or some other ritual.
    2. Observe the ritual closely and make detailed field notes about it. If it is not appropriate to make notes at the time (perhaps because you are participating fully), write up the notes as soon after the event as you can.  Use these notes to help you write your essay and hand them in with the hard copy of your essay. The notes can be hand-written and do not have to be written in perfect sentences, because they are supposed to be recorded during or immediately after your field observation of the ritual.
    3. Write an essay of approximately3,000 words describing and analyzing the ritual. (Field-notes are not counted as part of the 3,000 words)
    • Describe the setting, the reason for the ritual, who was there, what happened.
    • Describe the structure of the ritual, the order of events.
    • If the ritual was a rite of passage, identify and discuss the various stages (pre-liminal, liminal, post-liminal).
    • Discuss the symbols associated with the ritual and their meanings and functions in this ritual.
    • Discuss why this ritual was important for the people who participated.
    • What did it mean for them?
    • What is the socio-cultural or religious significance of the ritual?


    • You need to spend about half of your essay describing the ritual and about half analysing the ritual’s social and cultural importance, especially for the participants. Both description and analysis are important elements of anthropological research.
    • You need to attach a list of references used in writing your essay. Some of these references will be specific to the particular ritual you choose, and some will be anthropological sources which discuss ritual. There is no set number of references you need to use (but fewer than five is too few).  Some useful readings for analysing rituals are included on this Stream site above under ‘Extra Resources’. The course textbook is also a useful reference.
    • Use ‘I’ (not the third person) when writing your essay.

    APA reference :

    should be more than five resource