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  • Assignment 2: ITech1001 S1 – Body Adaptable Wearable Electronics


    Assignment 2: ITech1001 S1 2014

    Specification – Group Report and Presentation

    Group Report – Collaborative Writing

    The group report contains two parts, these being the writing of a group report and a review of group processes.

    • Group task – The group is required to work collaboratively to complete a report on the selected topic. There are a number of tasks to complete and these are outlined below.
    • Individual task – Each member of the group is required write a report reviewing the performance of the group.

    The group report is to be submitted via TurnItin. Further details regarding the use of TurnItIn will be provided during class.


    • The group is to meet on a regular basis, both within and outside of class. Brief details of these meetings should be recorded including date and time of meetings, who attended, and a short paragraph detailing what was discussed. This information is to be included in the appendix of your group report.
    • The group is required to use at least one form of groupware technology to assist in the sharing of information. For example: a discussion forum within Moodle, Facebook, Google Docs, Drop box, Box or any other suitable form of groupware. A review of the groupware used (2-3 paragraphs) should be included in the appendix of your group report.
    • The group is required to redevelop the initial mind map that was developed for the annotated bibliography.   The new mind map should take into account the readings of all of the group members. A copy of the final mind map is to be included in the final report.
    • The group is required to write a report on the topic that they have selected and should be structured according to the outline below.   The report should read as if it was written by one person. In order to complete the report the following tasks are required to be undertaken:
      1. Each student is to write 1000 to 1500 words on their section of the mind map. This piece of writing is to be based upon the reading undertaken to complete the annotated bibliography and any extra resources that have been sourced.
      2. Each group member’s writing should be proof-read for use of reference material, typing, spelling and grammatical errors by another member of the group and the writing generally reviewed in a constructive manner. The review can take a number of forms including:
        1. A marked-up copy of the commentary with suggested changes to be made; and/or
        2. Two to three paragraphs indicating the suggested changes and improvements.
      3. Each student should revise their writing using the review provided by the group member. Note: only if the feedback is appropriate.
      4. The group should collate their final pieces of writing into a single report.
      5. The group is to write an introduction and a conclusion for the report.

    Required Structure of Group Report

    1.    A completed copy of the SITE coversheet

    2.    A Report Cover page – giving group members names, date and the title of assignment.

    3.    Table of Contents

    4.    List of Figures (if required)

    5.    List of Tables (if required)

    6.    Introduction

    7.    Discussion/evaluation of the selected topic.

    8.    Conclusion

    9.    References (completed using APA format)

    10.  Appendices –

    ·         initial individual pieces of writing and reviews;

    ·         final version of the group mind map;

    ·         bibliography of all references used by the group(completed using APA format);

    ·         review of groupware used; and

    ·         meeting records.


    1. The final group report should be completed using Word and then submitted as either a Word file or a pdf file. Any tables, figures or illustrations are to be appropriately captioned. The document is to include page numbers, a table of contents, a list of figures/tables/illustrations (if used), and should be formatted according to the University Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work.
    2. The bibliography in the group report is only to contain all of the sources used by the group in completing their report. It is not an annotated bibliography.

    Review of Group Processes – Individual Report

    Each member of the group is to write a short report that includes:

    • an indication of the strengths and weaknesses in the performance of their group;
    • what they have learnt the experience of working in a group;
    • what could have been done to improve the performance of the group; and
    • an indication of, in the opinion of the member, how well the final report used each individual contribution to the topic and how well the final report integrated the individual contributions.

    Submission Requirements:

    • One group member is required to submit the group report using Moodle to be checked via TurnitIn.
    • Each group member is required to submit a single file containing:
      1. a copy of the group report using Moodle; and
      2. an individual report on group processes.

    Oral presentation:

    Each group is to deliver a presentation on their group topic to the class during their normal laboratory time. This task is intended to provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their:

    • understanding of presentation theory;
    • ability to present information to an uninformed audience; and
    • ability to develop a presentation instructional product (PIP).

    The group can use whatever presentation tool they would like including Microsoft Powerpoint or Prezi.


    There are a number of requirements for this assessment item, these being:

    • The group should prepare a presentation plan. Time templates will be provided via tutorial classes for this task.
    • Each individual student in the group must present once only and for between 4 to 5 minutes. For example: a group with 4 members their presentation should be between 16 to 20 minutes long.
    • The presentation may incorporate a short video (maximum of 2 minutes) that is related to their topic. The video can be recorded by the group or obtained from the web.
    • The presentation should be integrated and flow from one presenter to the next.
    • The first presenter should include an introduction and the last presenter should include a brief summing up.
    • All sources must be acknowledged in the list of references at the end of the presentation.

    Peer Marking

    Individual student presentation skills will also be marked by their peers. Audience members will be provided with a feedback sheet and marking guide that they will fill in during presentations. The feedback sheets will be collected and the average mark for each presenter calculated (out of 10) to be included in the students final mark for the presentation.

    Submission Requirements:

    Each student is required to submit a zip file containing the following files as pdf documents:

    • a copy of the group’s presentation plan; and
    • an electronic copy of their presentation slides.
  • “Who Has Been There to Help Me Out of the Cave? ”


    Reflection Paper

    “Who Has Been There to Help Me Out of the Cave?”

    1000 words; one inch margins; double spaced;

    12 Times New Roman font; full pages

    Write a Thesis Statement which summarizes your essay

    Prepare an outline

    Reflection Paper

    Flesh out the body: Main points, sub points,

    Write a conclusion

  • COMM 1007 | College English Summary Assignment


    COMM 1007 | College English

    Summary Assignment, 10%


    Based on the article “Tim Hortons: How a brand became part of our national identity” by Joe Friesen, in The Globe and Mail, please write a summary between 350-400 words in length. The summary should follow the structure, format, and style as outlined in lecture and class material.

    Summaries should not include direct quotations (you are paraphrasing).

    The summary should be submitted through the Writing Journal tab on Black Board.

    Due Date: The summary is due at the beginning of class in Week 4.

    Checklist: The summary

    • Is entirely in your own words
    • Follows the proper tone and structure of a summary
    • Provides the author’s name, article title, and year of publication
    • Identifies the thesis/main argument and supporting points
    • Provides enough information from the source material so the reader understands the concept of the article
    • Does not include your opinion
    • Includes a bibliography at the bottom in APA format
    • Has been revised at least once for grammar and mechanics
  • Rhetorical Foundation of Communication


    SPE 3301-002: Rhetorical Foundations of Communication

    Rhetorical Analysis Paper #1 (150 points)

    Assignment Description:

    The goal of this paper is to conduct a rhetorical analysis of a speech using one of the rhetorical theories or concepts discussed in the readings, class lectures, and discussions held during the “Classical Rhetoric” unit of this course. Through the analytical lens structured by one of these concepts you will conduct an analysis that will show your knowledge and understanding of a rhetorical theory and show how that theory can be used to “unpack” a rhetorical artifact.

    Because this course is both about learning theory and using theory to enrich an understanding of rhetoric, this assignment will be as much about unpacking and critiquing an object as about exhibiting a thorough understanding of a rhetorical theory.

    General Objectives to Be Met:

    This paper will be graded according to and should accomplish the following objectives:

    1. Demonstrate your understanding of the assigned readings (up to Wednesday, September 17) from The History and Theory of Rhetoric: An Introduction and from Blackboard including your ability to integrate, synthesis, apply, and critically assess those readings.

    2. Demonstrate your capacity to link theory and practice through a reflective essay that extends, amends, or reconstructs ONE rhetorical concept or theory explored in the readings related to Classical Rhetoric and creates an evaluative perspective that is relevant to evaluating ONE speech which I will chose for you (see below).

    3. Demonstrate your ability to deal intelligently and thoroughly with rhetorical concepts and use such analytical tools to conduct rhetorical criticism.

    4. Demonstrate command of the mechanics of writing, including using proper grammar, spelling, and academic referencing (using APA Style).

    More Specifics:

    Your paper should: (a) show that you have read through AND watched President Barack Obama’s January 28, 2014 “State of the Union Address” as well exhibit your knowledge of the rhetorical situation informing the speech, (b)identify what rhetorical theory or concept from Classical Rhetoric you will use to analyze this speech, explain the theory, and why you chose it for this paper, (c) through the use of this rhetorical perspective, examine and evaluate President Obama’s speech at length.

    In total, the first portion of the paper will provide situational information about the speech such as a summary of what was covered and the political climate at the time of the speech (1/4 of the paper); the second portion will present the rhetorical theory you will use (1/4 of the paper); and the final portion will involve you critiquing the speech using the theory you chose (1/2 of the paper). Examples from the speech should be used to help solidify your arguments. Think, “claim, evidence, warrant” while you are writing this section.

    The paper should be 6-7 pages in length, use 1” margins all around, be written in 12-pointTimes New Roman font, and be double-spaced. Any citations should use APA format and the paper itself should include a “References” page at the end of the paper (this is not included as part of the 6-7 page requirement).

    A written version of the speech and link to the speech video are available on Blackboard.

  • Answers to all these questions


    Part I. Latin Words and Phrases (10 Points: 1 point each)

    1. malum in se: ___________________________________________________________

    2. malum prohibitum: ______________________________________________________

    3. ex post facto: __________________________________________________________

    4. res ipsa loquitor: ________________________________________________________

    5. non sequitor: ___________________________________________________________

    6. habeas corpus: _________________________________________________________

    7. ad infinitum: __________________________________________________________

    8. quid pro quo: __________________________________________________________

    9. mens rea: _____________________________________________________________

    10. stare decisis: __________________________________________________________

    Part II. Name That Amendment (1 point each)

    11. Which amendment guarantees the right of a citizen to bear arms? ________________

    12. Which amendment guarantees the right of a citizen to free speech? _______________

    13. Which amendment guarantees the right of a citizen against self-incrimination? _____

    14. The 19th amendment did what? ___________________________________________

    15. The 26th amendment did what? ___________________________________________

    Part III. Short Answer (20 Points: 4 points each)

    16. What is the significance of the holding of McCulloch v. Maryland? What are implied powers?

    17. What is “Liberty of Contract”? Cite a relevant case.

    18. When was the power first asserted in Marbury v. Madison next used again? What was the result?

    19. What is the significance of the holding of Miranda v. Arizona? What was the result?

    20. What is the significance of the holding of Griswold v. Connecticut? What was the result?

    Part III. Analysis (50 Points: 10 points each)

    21. The Supreme Court of the U.S. has the power to determine the constitutionality of acts by the other branches of government. From where did that power originate? What is it called? How was it first asserted?

    22. What is a “long arm” statute? How does purposeful availment affect the evaluation of minimum contacts? Upon what is it based?

    23. Why is the concept of intent important in law?

    24. From where does the right of privacy originate? When was it first asserted?

    25. How would you compare the William H. Rehnquist court to that of John Marshall?

    Part V. Hypothetical – Argument (15 Points)

    26. You have a friend, Charley, who considers himself an avant-guarde artist. Charley is constantly coming up with new ideas. This is a source of amusement for you as Charley often fails to think things through and is usually shocked when you point out the obvious flaws in his latest, greatest, idea. Recently, Charley heard of a college professor who was given a distinguished research award for playing a clarinet with birds, and was inspired, as Charley describes, to “new creative heights.”

    Charley’s latest idea is to use recent advances in computer processing power and applications to make photo-realistic child pornography without actual children. He argues, “The pedophiles can get their jollies while no children are harmed.”

    In a more structured way than you would try to explain to Charley, outline the legal and ethical arguments for and against his proposal.

    Then I have these questions below also:

    Part I. Latin Words and Phrases (1 point each)

    1. malum in se:

    2. malum prohibitum:

    3. ex post facto:

    4. res ipsa loquitor:

    5. non sequitor:

    6. caveat emptor:

    7. datum:

    8. quid pro quo:

    9. mens rea:

    10. stare decisis:

    Part II. Analysis (8 points each)

    11. The Supreme Court of the U.S. has the power to determine the constitutionality of acts by the other branches of government. From where did that power originate? What is it called? How was it first asserted?

    12. What is a “long arm” statute? How does purposeful availment affect the evaluation of minimum contacts? Upon what is it based?

    13. Why is jurisdiction a threshold issue regarding any legal matter?

    14. From where does the right of privacy originate? When was it first asserted?

    15. To what does the phrase: “the fruit of the poisonous tree,” refer? To which cases is the idea relevant?

    Part III. Short Answer (5 points each)

    16. When was the power first asserted in Marbury v. Madison next used again used again?

    17. What is the significance of the holding of McCulloch v. Maryland? What are implied powers?

    18. What is “Liberty of Contract”? Cite a relevant case.

    19. What is a “Strict Constructionist”?

    20. How would you compare the Earl Warren court to that of Stephen Field?

    17. How would you compare the William H. Rehnquist court to that of John Marshall?

    Part IV. Hypotheticals (10 points each)

    18. You are in a computer lab that allows you root privileges and to install additional hardware. Taking advantage of this opportunity you decide to install a new graphics card. When you do so, something goes wrong and a small fire is started. Property is damaged and the person at the station next to you is injured. Are you guilty of any crime? Are you liable for the resulting damage? What are the considerations?

    19. You are in a computer lab that allows you root privileges and to install additional hardware. Taking advantage of this opportunity you decide to install some shareware software you downloaded from the Internet. When you do so, a virus is spread throughout the various computer systems of the university causing private information to be exposed and causing multiple crashes costing thousands of dollars to repair. Are you guilty of any crime? Are you liable for the resulting damages? What are the considerations?

  • How you will help the University carry out its mission


    Please compose a 1 to 2 page essay about yourself that tells us how you will help the University carry out its mission:To promote learning in the Jesuit Catholic tradition so the students aquire the knowledge, skill, values and sensitivities they need to succeed as persons, professionals and architects of a more humane and just world.

    USF Mission Statement (What do we mean when we say USF embraces Jesuit values? For centuries, Jesuits have advancedacademic excellence in the service of humankind—educating students of all cultures, beliefs, and capabilities, inspiring them to strive forjustice. In USF classrooms, we compel you to question, reason, and explore new ideas. You’ll find yourself part of aninclusive community enriched by many perspectives. You’ll apply skills and knowledge to the pressing challenges of our time.)

  • Importance of understanding communication theory


    Importance of understanding communication theory

    Communication Theory

    Topic 1

    1. Understanding communication theory can help students in their future professions. Do you agree or disagree? Relate this to your future profession if you wish.

    Please read the following before starting your essay. Note: These readings should be a starting point for your research.

    • Chapter 5, Kossen, Kiernan & Lawrence
    • Module 1 – Communication theory

    For this planning assignment you will need to think about the topic. You will need to decide what your viewpoint on this topic is. In other words, do you agree, disagree, or perhaps think there are two sides to the question. What you think about the topic will be your thesis statement.

  • The view of morality for Creon, Antigone, Crito


    The view of morality for Creon, Antigone, Crito

    give a brief concise answer to each of the following.

    1- What was the view of morality (what should be done) for Creon?
    2- What was the view of morality for Antigone?
    3- What is the view of morality (what should be done ) for Crito?
    4- What is the view of morality for Socrates (why did he think he must die)?
    5- What is justice in the city and individual according to Socrates in Republic.

    An essay that about the questions above,the essay about 3-5 pages.

  • Pharaoh was considered divine. In what ways does he act like a Mesopotamian deity (those portrayed in Gilgamesh and the Enuma Elish) in Exodus 1…

    1. Please answer the following questions based on your reading Exodus 1-23 and 40. Answer using complete sentences, and be sure to check for grammar/spelling before submitting.

      1. In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh was considered divine. In what ways does he act like a Mesopotamian deity (those portrayed in Gilgamesh and the Enuma Elish) in Exodus 1?

      2. Whom does God identify as “the son of God” in the book of Exodus?

      3. How many times does God reveal the personal name YHWH (LORD) to Moses? How do we reconcile Exodus 6:3 with Gen. 4:26? 4. What is the character of Pharaoh like? How does he respond to each of the plagues—is he responsible for bringing more plagues upon his land?

      5. How does the confrontation between God and the Egyptians in Exodus 14-15 parallel the battle between deities in the Enuma Elish and God’s creative action in Genesis 1?

      6. What are some of the more humane laws of Exodus 20-23? Which ones seem strange by modern standards?

      7. What kind of salvation have the Israelites received in the book of Exodus?