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Energy Security: A problem of complex systems and complex situations
$20.00Energy Security: A problem of complex systems and complex situations
- Identify the domain of energy security
- Describe the energy security in relation with a concept of Homeland Security
- Identify issues of energy security in relation to complex systems
- Vulnerability of national economy to lack of energy security
12 Pages
Power of Words in Charlotte’s Web
$7.00Faculty of Continuing Education
EAC 273: Introduction to Children’s Literature
Seminar Presentation (15%)
Oral Component:
Based on ONE of the following topics advance an argument that specifically explains/accounts for that topic through the analysis of one or two appropriate passages. The purpose of the seminar assignment is to give you the opportunity to lead the rest of the class in a critical analysis of ONE of the course texts. You may work or your own, or in groups of two or three (maximum of three). Ideally, you will engage the class in an analysis of one or two select passages from the text. The analysis of the text must be based upon your own specific thesis about the topic. All topics are purposefully broad to allow you to explore your own interests within them. In short, you should perform a close, detailed analysis of a small section of the text, and then explain the significance of your analysis and argument to the text as a whole.
Written Component:
You are required to submit a written analysis to accompany your oral seminar. The written analysis should be 500 words in length (double-spaced, 12-point font), and it should be a carefully polished analysis of the same passages you discuss in your seminar. While the analysis need not be a formal essay, it must be grammatically correct, written in full sentences and arranged into appropriate paragraphs. Your argument around which your analysis is built should be very clear. You must submit the analysis on the day you conduct your seminar.
Seminar Topics
The Power of Words in Charlotte’s Web
Gender in Charlotte’s Web
The Seasons in Charlotte’s Web
Dr. Dorian in Charlotte’s Web
Templeton in Charlotte’s Web
Life, Death, and Rebirth in Charlotte’s Web
Photographs in Hana’s Suitcase
Music and Games in Hana’s Suitcase
Drawings in Hana’s Suitcase
Setting in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Queen/White Witch in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Food and Eating in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Violence in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Wardrobe in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Homes and Living Spaces in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The fantasy genre in any text we have read
Anthropomorphism in any text we have read
The influence of Fairy Tales in any text we have real
Module 1 DQ 2
250 words and APA format, Write an initial substantive response of 250 words in length. Begin your response with a restatement of the question/prompt, and include in-text citation(s) and a reference for each scholarly source used according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center. The restatement of the question/prompt, the references, and the citations are not included in your response word count.
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
Refer to the document “Discussion Forum Philosophy.” Download the file, print it, and use the information to guide your participation in the Main Forum.
View the tutorial titled “Library Resources for Doctoral Learners.”
Each week, two initial posts and three ongoing contributions are required for a minimum of five separate posts on three separate days of the module.
Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment:
- Identify the discussion questions/prompts in the Main Forum for the module.
- Identify the concepts, principles, theories, and other information in the course readings, lectures, and other resources that relate to the discussion questions/prompts.
- Locate at least one scholarly research source which supports your initial response to each question/prompt. The reference may come from the module readings.
- Write an initial substantive response of 250 words in length. Begin your response with a restatement of the question/prompt, and include in-text citation(s) and a reference for each scholarly source used according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center. The restatement of the question/prompt, the references, and the citations are not included in your response word count.
- Contribute to discussion by posting at least one substantive response to another learner’s post on 3 days of the module. Respond in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion.
Pick one area of the Doctoral Dispositions where you see yourself as having the most potential. Post it and explain why and how you will develop that disposition and what help you will require to do so
Personal Model of Ethical Leadership
$20.00Personal Model of Ethical Leadership (Refer to Unit 6 reading)
GB590-Ethics in Business and Sciety
Assignment Grading Rubric
Prior to completing this Assignment, refer to the Unit 6 Reading.
Create a Paper in Microsoft Word: In a paper, create a personal model of ethical leadership that you believe aligns with your personal values and morals, works in your organizational environment, meets the policies, laws and guidelines that are relevant to you, considers ethical decision-making, and uses at least two contemporary models of leadership:
- o Describe what ethics, morals and laws are and how they play a role in you being a leader or manager.
- o Synthesize the personal, organizational, national and global influences you need to consider as a leader, noting any conflicting influences.
- o Would any global influence affect how you operate in another country? For example, how might you respond to the solicitation for guanxi in China?
- o Explain your approach to ethical decision making.
- o Describe how two contemporary models of leadership define your personal leadership approach.
- o Describe your model of personal ethical leadership, as you would communicate it to your followers, in 50 words or less.
- o Reflect on the challenges you see in living your vision of ethical leadership.
- o Include a references page using the six articles from the Week 5 Annotated Bibliography Assignment. These articles must be used in the body of the paper and cited
Remember to use section titles to organize the paper and communicate your logic to your readers.
The paper should be 1500-2000 words in length. Write using APA format, and include a cover and reference page. Submit your paper via the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox.
What kind of contract did Lulene and Ellen have? What kinds of issues may arise with their contract?
$10.00Lulene makes the best lemon meringue pies in Mississippi. So Ellen, who owns Ellen’s Old Fashion Cafe, had a verbal contract with Lulene to buy 50 pies per week at the price of $5.00 per pie. Lulene said: “I will supply you with lemon meringue pies for however long you want them at $5.00 per pie.” Ellen said: “That’s great, I’ll take them.” Both women were pleased.
Soon Lulene had a problem. Between a hurricane in Florida and brush fires in California, the price of lemons increased by 200 percent. Now, instead of the $5.00 per pie price she intended to charge Ellen, she feels she must charge $7.00 per pie to make a little profit.
Lulene calls Ellen with the bad news and Ellen has a fit. She tells Lulene that the deal is off. Lulene says, “That’s what you think!” and goes to see Amanda, her attorney.
Questions that are to be addressed in your essay:
- What kind of contract did Lulene and Ellen have? What kinds of issues may arise with their contract?
- Suppose the Mississippi legislature passes a law, one day after Lulene and Ellen make their contract, that the sale of lemon pies is prohibited in the state because lemons have been found to cause cancer. How would that affect the contract?
- Assume that when Lulene and Ellen entered into the agreement Ellen was an enterprising 16-year-old. Would the contract be enforceable? Why or why not?
- Instead of meeting to discuss the deal, Lulene had sent Ellen a letter offering to sell her lemon pies for $5.00 per pie for as long as Ellen likes. Lulene says she must receive Ellen’s answer by May 10. On May 8 Ellen signs a letter accepting the offer and mails it. On May 9 Lulene calls to withdraw her offer. Ellen says it’s too late, she has accepted. Who wins and why?
- Assume that Ellen doesn’t call the deal off when she is told the price is now $7.00, but wants to hold Lulene to the deal to supply pies at $5.00. If Lulene fails to supply the pies, and if Ellen then sues her for a breach of contract, what is Lulene most likely to argue to avoid liability?
- Draft a contract between Lulene and Ellen based on the original agreement using legal principles from the text and other sources. Make it as specific as possible, use assumptions of time limits and so on. Attach it as an addendum to the essay.
It is bad idea to legalizing marijuana in the state
- Content of the paper should be 4 pages, not include the information page and references page.
- The paper should be using 12-point font Times New Roman with 1.5 spaced.
- This research paper should take at lease 5 sources (Articles, journals, newspaper, PDF articles, reports and research papers).
- This is a research paper that means you need have work cited. (You need to show the links)
- This is a research paper, which you CAN NOT use bullet points and subtitles.
- Those references should cited URL in APA format.
- In the content of the paper, you also NEED to show where you quote. For example: online display advertising is defined as an ad that can include images and text in any channel, and movement and interactivity in channels that offer that functionality (Roberts, Mary-Lou & Debra Zahay, 2013).
Topic: Being a part of local authorities, you should think it is bad idea to legalizing marijuana in the state. Please give some specific reasons that marijuana should not be legalizing. You need to have graphics in support of your perspective.
You should write a narrative testimony paper, including graphics in support of your perspective. You must write this paper in a regular term paper format. You must write your sound analysis of the subject matter. And use others’ point of view, facts and statements that you found from articles/journals/research papers to support this paper. The most important is you must fully answer the question that why marijuana should not be legalizing from a part of local authorities perspective.
This is a term paper for graduate school in business and its environment course. Please take it seriously. Use the professional English skill and grammars to establish this paper without any plagiarisms.
$30.00Combine all elements completed in previous weeks (Topics 1-4) into one cohesive evidence-based proposal and share the proposal with a leader in your organization. (Appropriate individuals include unit managers, department directors, clinical supervisors, charge nurses, and clinical educators.)
Obtain feedback from the leader you have selected and request verification using the Capstone Review Form. Submit the signed Capstone Review Form to
For information on how to complete the assignment, refer to “Writing Guidelines” and “Exemplar of Evidence-Based Practice.”
Include a title page, abstract, problem statement, conclusion, reference section, and appendices (if tables, graphs, surveys, diagrams, etc. are created from tools required in Topic 4).
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
1).Abstract meets all criteria of writing guidelines in a detailed and comprehensive manner while demonstrating deeper understanding by incorporating prior learning or thoughtful reflection.
2).Problem description meets all criteria of writing guidelines in a detailed and comprehensive manner while demonstrating deeper understanding by incorporating prior learning or thoughtful reflection.
3).Solution description meets all criteria of writing guidelines in a detailed and comprehensive manner while demonstrating deeper understanding by incorporating prior learning or thoughtful reflection.
4).Implementation plan meets all criteria of writing guidelines in a detailed and comprehensive manner while demonstrating deeper understanding by incorporating prior learning or thoughtful reflection.
5).Evaluation plan meets all criteria of writing guidelines in a detailed and comprehensive manner while demonstrating deeper understanding by incorporating prior learning or thoughtful reflection.
6).Dissemination plan meets all criteria of writing guidelines in a detailed and comprehensive manner while demonstrating deeper understanding by incorporating prior learning or thoughtful reflection.
7).Thesis/ main claim is comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
8).Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
9).In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.
Strategy for disseminating results of project to stakeholders
$7.50Strategy for disseminating results of project to stakeholders
Using 250-500 words, summarize your strategy for disseminating the results of the project to key stakeholders and to the greater nursing community.
Refer to the “Topic 4: Checklist.”
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Developing an Evaluation Plan and Disseminating Evidence
$15.00Using 800-1,000 words, discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.
Example: If you are proposing a new staffing matrix that is intended to reduce nurse turnover, improve nursing staff satisfaction, and positively impact overall delivery of care, you may decide the following methods and variables are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution:
- Survey of staff attitudes and contributors to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction before and after initiating change.
- Obtain turnover rates before and after initiating change.
- Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change.
- Staff attitudes and perceptions.
- Patient attitudes and perceptions.
- Rate of nursing staff turnover.
Develop the tools necessary to educate project participants and to evaluate project outcomes (surveys, questionnaires, teaching materials, PowerPoint slides, etc.).
Refer to the “Topic 4: Checklist.”
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.