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How do you learn? What are the implications of the answer to this question to your university studies?
$20.00Q1. How do you learn? What are the implications of the answer to this question to your university studies?
Q2. What do you know now about studying at university that you did not know before? How did you learn it?
Q3. Why is this important for you? (answer to question 2)
Q4. How you will use that learning in your future university studies? (Answer to question 2)
Q5. What did you learn from the online plagiarism awareness course? (Give 2-3 pieces of information that you gained from the course.)
Q6. Produce an action plan based on the above that shows areas that need to be developed and how will you achieve this.
Significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced (draft)
$5.00- Tell us about a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and how it impacted you personally. (400-600 words)
How is health promotion defined…
$15.00Prepare an essay (750-1,000 words) in which you review and compare the three articles you have selected for this assignment. Address the following:
- How is health promotion defined?
- What is the purpose of health promotion in nursing practice?
- How are nursing roles and responsibilities evolving in health promotion?
- Explain the implementation methods for health promotion that encompasses all areas of nursing.
- Compare the three levels of health promotion prevention.
The influence of advertising and the media
Analytical Research Essay with Documentation and Outline
Value: 20% (essay 15%, Outline 5%)
- This assignment is an analytical essay that requires a serious research inquiry and the use of primary and or secondary sources. You will need to consult reputable newspapers, magazines, journals, and even books to come up with a meaningful response to the issues raised by your research topic.
- Your personal opinions are of less value than critical arguments supported with evidence from research. NO OPINIONS!
- You must use at least ONE reading from the textbook as well as at least FIVE direct references to diverse sources including scholarly books and journals to support your thesis. The sources must be recent, i.e. not older than 1996.
- Include an introductory paragraph with a thesis, several body paragraphs and a conclusion that summarizes your main points.
- Include a Title page and Works Cited page.
- Photocopy or print out the relevant pages of ONE of your source materials and attach them to your paper. (DO NOT PRINT ARTICLES FROM YOUR TEXT BOOK).
- Document all references in MLA format for both in-text citations and your Works Cited page.
- Type your essay in 12 point font and double-spaced.
- Your essay should be 1500-2000 words – include a word count at the end of your essay. This excludes your outline and works cited list.
- Number all pages and put your name on all pages.
- Staple your assignment on the top left corner only. Use a plain cover that contains your name, course and section code, date and the title of your paper. Do not use fancy folders, plastic covers, or paperclips. Do not include drawings, pictures, photographs, or any other images anywhere in this assignment.
- Late assignments will NOT be marked (I will not have time to mark them and return them prior to your final exam) and will receive a grade of “0”.
- DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. We have already discussed what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. However, if you are not sure about it, please make an appointment at the learning commons for help.
- All essays MUST be submitted to SafeAssign. YOU MUST ALSO SUBMIT A HARD COPY OF YOUR ESSAY TO ME.
Choose from ONE of the following topics to write your research essay:
- The influence of advertising and the media.
- The use of technology in the classroom.
- Racial and ethnic stereotyping in video games.
- Social Networking Sites
- Canadian Health Care
Topic Proposal and Preliminary Outline
My topic is:____________________________________________________________________
My narrowed slant is: ____________________________________________________________
I will approach this essay as: _______________________________________(cause and effect, argumentation, comparison/contrast, etc.)
Rationale for choosing this topic (why you chose the topic):_____________________________
Research Paper Preliminary Outline
NOTE: Adjust this outline to suit your purposes.
Opening Paragraph
Thesis Statement:
Supporting Details:
Body Paragraph: Supporting Point #1
Main idea/topic sentence:
Supporting Details and Examples:
Body Paragraph: Supporting Point # 2
Main idea/topic sentence:
Supporting Details and Examples:
Body Paragraph: supporting Point# 3
Main idea/topic sentence:
Supporting Details and Examples:
Concluding Paragraph
Restatement of Thesis:
Final thoughts, predictions or recommendations:
The Use of Technology in the classroom
Analytical Research Essay with Documentation and Outline
Value: 20% (essay 15%, Outline 5%)
- This assignment is an analytical essay that requires a serious research inquiry and the use of primary and or secondary sources. You will need to consult reputable newspapers, magazines, journals, and even books to come up with a meaningful response to the issues raised by your research topic.
- Your personal opinions are of less value than critical arguments supported with evidence from research. NO OPINIONS!
- You must use at least ONE reading from the textbook as well as at least FIVE direct references to diverse sources including scholarly books and journals to support your thesis. The sources must be recent, i.e. not older than 1996.
- Include an introductory paragraph with a thesis, several body paragraphs and a conclusion that summarizes your main points.
- Include a Title page and Works Cited page.
- Photocopy or print out the relevant pages of ONE of your source materials and attach them to your paper. (DO NOT PRINT ARTICLES FROM YOUR TEXT BOOK).
- Document all references in MLA format for both in-text citations and your Works Cited page.
- Type your essay in 12 point font and double-spaced.
- Your essay should be 1500-2000 words – include a word count at the end of your essay. This excludes your outline and works cited list.
- Number all pages and put your name on all pages.
- Staple your assignment on the top left corner only. Use a plain cover that contains your name, course and section code, date and the title of your paper. Do not use fancy folders, plastic covers, or paperclips. Do not include drawings, pictures, photographs, or any other images anywhere in this assignment.
- Late assignments will NOT be marked (I will not have time to mark them and return them prior to your final exam) and will receive a grade of “0”.
- DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. We have already discussed what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. However, if you are not sure about it, please make an appointment at the learning commons for help.
- All essays MUST be submitted to SafeAssign. YOU MUST ALSO SUBMIT A HARD COPY OF YOUR ESSAY TO ME.
Choose from ONE of the following topics to write your research essay:
- The influence of advertising and the media.
- The use of technology in the classroom.
- Racial and ethnic stereotyping in video games.
- Social Networking Sites
- Canadian Health Care
Topic Proposal and Preliminary Outline
My topic is:____________________________________________________________________
My narrowed slant is: ____________________________________________________________
I will approach this essay as: _______________________________________(cause and effect, argumentation, comparison/contrast, etc.)
Rationale for choosing this topic (why you chose the topic):_____________________________
Research Paper Preliminary Outline
NOTE: Adjust this outline to suit your purposes.
Opening Paragraph
Thesis Statement:
Supporting Details:
Body Paragraph: Supporting Point #1
Main idea/topic sentence:
Supporting Details and Examples:
Body Paragraph: Supporting Point # 2
Main idea/topic sentence:
Supporting Details and Examples:
Body Paragraph: supporting Point# 3
Main idea/topic sentence:
Supporting Details and Examples:
Concluding Paragraph
Restatement of Thesis:
Final thoughts, predictions or recommendations:
Essay on Managed Care
$15.00This is the book.
Required Text
Kongstvedt, Peter R. Managed Care: What It Is and How It Works. Jones and Bartlett Publications, Third Edition 2009 ISBN-13:978-0-7637-5911-7
Final Paper
Select topic from the list below and prepare a well thought out term paper. Please edit your paper carefully and be sure to add appropriate data and research materials that help to explain your position.
Write and edit your paper for good organization, clear language with good spelling and punctuation. Have someone read and provide you some feedback before submitting your final paper. This is the kind of assignment that you may have in your career and graduate work. Also take full advantage of the library resources here on campus. Most good papers are built around questions. Read each topic and simply take some part of the text that interest you and examine it carefully.
Total paper length : 6 pages–page 1 is the title page ; 2-4 is the content typed & double-spaced & page 6 is the bibliography. Please download the sample paper format for additional instructions and paper presentation format..
- As managed care has evolved, new delivery systems have been established. One such delivery system is the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) . Describe the ACO its beginnings, overall objectives, its structure and key features. Managed care companies are partnering with providers to establish ACO’s. Discuss the positive or negative impact the ACO will have on reducing health care costs while producing quality outcomes.
- HMO’s improve health care. HMO’s do not improve health care. The debate goes on. Discuss the tools and features HMO’s use to improve health care—give examples– Take a position on this issue and explain your view.
- The Consumer Directed Health Plan especially the Health Savings Account (HSA) product is gaining popularity among purchasers of health care and managed care companies. Describe the HSA its origins, structure and key features. What are the advantages or disadvantages of the HSA. Take a position on this issue and explain your view.
Reminder: You must write the entire paper in your own words. To copy any text from any source and use it in your paper without making proper bibliographic reference is plagiarism. Remember Introduction, conclusion, references, also check the PDF paper that is an example.
Issues of justice, discrimination, civil rights, feminism, etc
$20.00We are discussing the issues of justice, discrimination, civil rights, feminism, etc.
I want you to interview 3 people, preferably of various ages and ethnic groups. Pose the same 5 questions to them regarding the pre-mentioned topics. Some possible questions may be: Do you believe racial equality exists in our country? Have you recently been discriminated against? How would you feel about your son/daughter dating our marrying someone from another racial group? Do you think that the election of Barack Obama helped racial relations? Do you think that affirmative action is racial discrimination? Do you believe that women are treated equal to men in our society? Do you think that gay men or women should be allowed to marry and be given full civil rights under the marriage law ? These are some possible questions; I’d like you to include others that you pose.
Write a paper (4-5 pages, double-spaced) summarizing the answers. Give details about the people interviewed, i.e., single, white male, 24 years old; married, black female, 40 years old, etc. Do not use their real first names. After you’ve summarized the responses give your own comments and observations.Did you think any of the comments could be perceived as judgmental, prejudice or racist, why? Were the people reluctant to answer the question? etc. Okay ?
People may be reluctant to give specific answers to your questions. Try to persuade them to give answers beyond a “Yes” or “No.” Tell them that their real names will not be used. They could be assured of that.
I hope that you will have an interesting and fun time with this assignment.
As an aside, a few years ago, when I gave this assignment, one of the questions that I posed was, “How would you feel about a female or an African-American president? My, my, how times have changed.
How do you think women are still discriminated against today
$7.001) Go on You Tube and find a video of Malcolm X and watch one of his speeches. How would you compare him with King in the fight for civil rights? What did you think of his speech? How did he comes across to you?
2) How do you think women are still discriminated against today? Looking at your families, do men and women share the same responsibilities? Do the men and women in your family view each other as equals?
3) Watch the Katie Couric interview, above. What are your thoughts about the discussion on feminism?
4) How do you view the recent Supreme Court decision regarding the right of smaller share-holder, family owned business, like Hobby Lobby to dictate what kind of contraceptives they will provide for women, because of their religious beliefs? Is this as many have stated, a continuation of ” a war against women?” Does this ruling also open up a possible “slippery slope” regarding the actions of other small businesses that may have certain religious beliefs?
5) What is your opinion regarding the controversy with changing the name of the Washington football team?
Obituary Writing Assignment
$7.00Obituary Writing Assignment
Your final writing assignment is this:
- Read the chapter on death and dying in your textbook.
- Write a 2-3 page paper about your experiences with death, what things you would like to happen before you die, what legacy you would like to leave in this world, what you believe happens after death, etc.
- Use one reference (not your textbook).
- Write your obituary (a separate page from your paper). You can “die” at any point in the future. Include all pertinent information; make up the stuff that hasn’t happened yet. Marry who you want – accomplish what you want, work where you want, have the children and name them what you want…it’s your fantasy…If you don’t know what to include in the obituary, read some obituaries in a newspaper for ideas.
The obituary has a separate dropbox folder.
Yes, I know this is depressing. I suspect, though, that you will find this assignment eye-opening and, ultimately, valuable.
Here is a poem that might help you think about what you want to write –
How Do You Live Your Dash?
by Linda Ellis
Linda’s Lyrics
http://www.lindaslyrics.comI read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning…to the end. He noted that first came her date of birth and spoke the following date with tears, But he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years (1953-2006).
For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth… And now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth. For it matters not, how much we own; the cars…the house…the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard… Are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left, that can still be rearranged. If we could just slow down enough to consider what’s true and real, and always try to understand the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger, and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before. If we treat each other with respect, and more often wear a smile… Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy’s being read with your life’s actions to rehash… Would you be proud of the things they say about how you spent your dash?