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Los Angeles County sheriffs obtained a search warrant for the home of four black suspects…
$0.00Los Angeles County sheriffs obtained a search warrant for the home of four black suspects in an identity-theft fraud scheme. When police went to the home, a white teenager answered the door and was ordered to lie face down on the floor, while police went into the bedroom and ordered the two naked white people in it to stand naked next to the bed, while police searched the home.
It turned out that the black suspects had moved 3 months earlier. The white couple sued the police, contending that the search was an unreasonable invasion of privacy, as the color of their skin should have immediately tipped police that they were not the suspects and that the premise for the search (the warrant) was flawed.
If the police searching the home found drugs or other unrelated incriminating evidence during the search, would it be morally permissible to use the evidence against them? Who if anyone, would be considered negligent in this situation?
“Doing Honest Work in College: How to Prepare Citations, Avoid Plagiarism, and Achieve Real Academic Success”, by Charles Lipson
$17.50Write an essay about the book, “Doing Honest Work inCollege: How to Prepare Citations, Avoid Plagiarism, and Achieve Real AcademicSuccess”, by Charles Lipson.
You must obtain your own copy of the book, at yourown expense, either through a library, on-line, or through a bookstore. This papershould beat least 1,250 wordsand address the following questions:
- • What was beneficial about the book? What about the book was not beneficial?
- • What insight did you gain about yourself from reading the book?
- • What did you learn from the author that you could apply to your own life?
- • Mr. Lipson’s book is about academic integrity. Why does academic integrity matter?
- • Mr. Lipson also provides some basic points to consider when using the Internet forresearch. What are they and what suggestions does he offer to handle these problems?
- • While in college, do you consider how your actions and lifestyle choices will affect
- you in the future? If yes, how does this affect your behavior? If no, why not?
- • List the priorities you have in school, starting with the most important to you
- continuing down to the least important. Where do academics fall on that list?
- • What insight have you gained in regard to your behavior, communication style,
- relationships, and perspective in life?
- • What steps are you going to take to better manage your time?
- • Would you recommend that I have students read this book for similar violations?
Please explain.
This paper must be typewritten and double-spaced, with one-inch margins, 12-point font, and appropriate citations. Before submitting it to me, it should be proofread and grammar checked.
The Power of Athens
$7.00“The growth of the power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta [Lacedaemon], made war inevitable.” – Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War, Book 1.
What is the meaning of this phrase? Using specific INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS theory and/or concept, how might we be able to best interpret this passage?- One opinion is that Athens growth in strength made Sparta retaliate by the notion of “BALANCING” against Athens. The concept of Security Dilemma is also used in regards to this passage.Sparta had to take measures and prepare itself for any unfortunate event….just like Iran balances against the U.S in terms of power. Also growth in power in your rival will always escalate tension between both parties…ex. the cold war, Iran’s nuclear program.Also Sparta could be realists in the sense that they expect the worst case scenario and they have to prepare accordingly to that the type of logical basis.
- step1) explain the quote in your opinion
- step2) connect the the quote to Balancing, security dilemma, and realism
Step3) connect the athens vs spartans to current rivalries
Bordo, Susan. “The Globalization of Eating Disorders.”
$7.00Synthesis #2 Assignment Sheet
Paper relative on text: Bordo, Susan. “The Globalization of Eating Disorders.”
The last major assignment of the semester is also the longest and requires the most work with argument and revision. This Synthesis #2 essay must cover a topic under the broad umbrella of “Health and Medicine”and include at least 10 secondary sources. Once of these 10 sources must be an essay from the “Health and Medicine”chapter. You may/should certainly use items found in your Bibliography assignment, too.
In fact, you have more freedom with this essay in choosing your own topic, finding your own sources, and crafting a style and thesis to fit your needs and intentions. This will be a standard academic exercise that introduces (or reacquaints) you with the research process in the context of formal “scholarly” writing.
The Assignment
Compose a 10-page/10-source Argumentative Synthesis in the topic area of “Health and Medicine.” Being a thesis-driven paper, you should plan to identify and outline your claims early in the essay and then use evidence that is accurate, representative, relevant, and adequate to support your position(s). No matter your choice of topic, you must present an arguable thesis and guard against counter-arguments. Remember: This is not (merely) an informative paper wherein you simply report on a topic like “World War II” or “Why I like Cats” (both real papers that students have submitted to me in the past). Instead, you must take a position and persuade your reader using a variety of methods.
Composing Advice
Do not simply support one of your sources as the only way to see something; instead, decide your approach and use the sources to help you build points. You may certainly string together points from several articles and combine them into a persuasive statement of your own. This is one way to see how a synthesis builds.COLD WAR – NOW AND BEFORE
$15.00To write a double-spaced 3 Full pages Essay about the both these topics: “Cold War Before and Today” and “Globalization – The Challenges of fashioning a 21 st Century world Order”. This is an essay involving assignment, so your paper should not be an outline or in a “question and answer” format. Develop a specific argument or theme (thesis) you wish to address concerning your chosen texts. Although your essay will rely primarily on your chosen documents, use your knowledge of the lectures, and other readings to interpret the context of the document. Be sure to support your main points or arguments with specific references to the documents. Direct quotations must be enclosed in quotation marks. Always supply a page number and the author’s name for a direct quotation in parentheses. At the end of your essay you should give bibliographical data for the document (or other sources) you have used: author, full title, place and date of publication.Make sure you underline or italicize titles of books, plays, films, periodicals, and pamphlets. You should also italicize or underline foreign terms. Avoid using abbreviations or slang.
Please keep the following guidelines in mind while writing your essay:
- Direct quotations must be enclosed in quotation marks. Always supply a page number and the author’s name for a direct quotation in parentheses. Footnotes are usually unnecessary for these types of short essays, but you should include a bibliography if you use “in-text” citations.
- Somewhere in your essay you should give bibliographical data for the document (or other sources) you have used: author, full title, place and date of publication. If the text/s lack the publication information, than please cite just the author and document title. This applies to point 1 above as well (in other words cite whatever information is available).
- ALWAYS number your pages (preferably in the upper right-hand corner).
- Give your essay an ORIGINAL title. Something a bit more imaginative than ‘essay 2” or “Assignment 1,” etc.
- These are not a research papers; you should limit your references to material covered in the course. Do NOT reference material outside of this course.
- You should underline or italicize titles of books, plays, films, periodicals, and pamphlets. You should also italicize or underline foreign terms.
- Avoid abbreviations and slang.
- Avoid writing in an “outline form.” Make sure you write comprehensive paragraphs that reflect an essay style.
Cloud Computing Paper
$20.006 pages document paper related with any Legal Issue involving “LAW” and “TECHNOLOGY” and with reliable sources. Here are some suggestions but The Expert can take any other Topics (But it needs to be a legal issue involving LAW AND TECHNOLOGY). Then the document needs to present the PROS and CONS related to the topic and then Explain Why you take which side: The “Pros” Side or the “Cons” side. Then write your conclusion.
1)Cookies and the inherent privacy invasions;
2)Big data: How big is the opportunity cost on information security;
3)How ethical is an Ethical hacking;
4)Cloud computing and the associated risks on security;
5)Piracy in media industry – music and movies using technology;
6) The issues with law enforcement in cyber crime.Critically evaluate the operation of diplomatic law
A robbery is committed in central London. Examination of CCTV evidence from cameras in the vicinity clearly shows the robbers running in the direction of Knightsbridge, where a number of foreign embassies are located. Although the police are reasonably certain that the suspects have taken refuge in one of the embassies, they are unsure which one. For this reason they wish to search all of the embassies.
(1400) words
Critically evaluate the operation of diplomatic law.
Read the song lyrics of Brother can you spare a dime and consider what they mean
$2.501. Read the song lyrics of Brother can you spare a dime and consider what they mean. Just what are the messages of this song? Write your analysis as though you were a critic of the period.
Please note this is a test questions and no sources can be cited and it must all be original content as it will be ran through a plagiarism checker. Should be only half a page or less
Business Report on Ethical Consumerism
$25.00Write an analytical business report on what ethical consumerism means for businesses.
Choose a company and explain and analyse how they operate ethically. This must take into account the ethicsand values of the company you choose to focus on.
The report must be written in business report format and include the following six numbered sections:
· An executive summarywhich gives a brief overview of the argument in your report including key findings and conclusions.
· An introductionwhich gives an overview of the structure of your report.
· A brief overview and analysis of ethical consumerism,identifying the examples of some of the products which fall into the ethical category. You must include a definition of ethical consumerism and arguments as to why it is a good strategy for businesses to adopt.
· A detailed review of one company claiming to operate ethically. Discuss the approach(es) they have used to become a more socially conscious business, linking this with their ethics and values.
· The results of a short opinion surveyon what influences consumer buying behaviour, carried out by you from a small sample of 10-15 students at GSM London. You need to conduct primary research for this section.
· A conclusionwhich includes critical evaluation of ethical consumerism based on the evidence that you have gathered both from your primary and secondary research, focusing on the company you have chosen for detailed review.
· Recommendationsas to how your company could become more ethical.
· You must include a references list after the main body of the report. Remember to use Harvard referencing where appropriate.
· A copy of your opinion survey should be included in an appendix.
Supporting material will be posted on Blackboard, but you will be expected to undertake research using newspaper/magazine/web articles, journals and text books. There will also be input in class time to assist you with the topic.
Word limit: Not more than 2000 +/- 10%
A suggested word count for each section is given below.
Executive summary 100 words Introduction 200 words Ethical consumerism 400 words Company review 600 words Opinion survey 400 words (not including survey/tables etc) Conclusion 200 words Recommendations 100 words A brief introduction to ethical consumerism
On April 24 2013, a building known as the Rana Plaza collapsed on top of garment workers inside its factories, killing more than 1,100 people and injuring 2,500. It would be known as the worst ever accident in the garment industry anywhere in the world.
It was later discovered that 28 brands that sourced clothes from the plaza included Primark, Benetton, Mango, Matalan and Bonmarché, prompting public concern about the working conditions of garment factories around the world which contribute to western high street fashion stores.
Ethical consumerism encourages people to think about how the products they buy are sourced and produced and which arenot harmful to the environment and society. This can be evidenced through simply purchasing eggs that are free-range or boycotting goods/companies which promote child labour or unsavoury working conditions.
The range of product areas which fall into the ethical category includes:
· Banking and finance
· Energy
· Fashion
· Food and drinks
· Travel and tourism
Ethical consumerism is a growing market; a recent report from the Co-operative Bank showed a third of UK consumers claiming to be concerned about ethical consumption, with a large number of the public willing to challenge and boycott companies which do not comply with ethical standards.