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  • Performance Appraisal Method Paper


    Assignment 2.3: Justification Report – Part 3 (Final)
    Due Week 7 and worth 200 points
    In Assignments 2.1 (Part 1) and 2.2 (Part 2) of the Justification Report, you built up the major parts of your formal, researched justification report (Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, Methods, Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, and References). You will begin Part 3 by inserting your revisions of Parts 1 and 2 based on your instructor’s suggestions. Then, you will include a few new additions:
    Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings:

    • Introduction (for Question 1)
      • Problem Statement (for Question 1a)
      • Terminology (for Question 1b)
      • Major Sections of the Report (for Question 1c)
      • Scope and Limitations of the Research (for Question 1d)
    • Preliminary Parts (for Question 2)
    • Recommendation (for Question 3)
    • References (for Question 4)

    Write a four (4) page, single-spaced report in which you:

    1. Create an introduction that tells what your report is about.
      1. Include the Problem Statement that you already created and revised in Part 1.
      2. Include terms that readers will need to know in order to understand the report.
      3. Briefly summarize the major sections and findings of the report that you’ve developed in Parts 1 and 2.
      4. Discuss what your report will cover and what it will not.
    2. Create the preliminary parts of the report that precede the Introduction (after reading Chapter 12 in your Professional Communications textbook), which includes:
      1. Title Page
      2. Transmittal
      3. Table of Contents
      4. Executive Summary
        Note: Use small Roman numerals to number the pages of the preliminary parts of the report.
    3. Create the Recommendation section of the Report.
      1. Provide a one to two (1-2) sentence recommendation based on what your Evaluation of Alternatives and Findings and Analysis sections have determined is the most feasible alternative (i.e. solution) to the problem in the Problem Statement.
    4. Create the References sections, which goes at the end of the Report, by pasting in your revised References page.

    Note: Remember to organize the report by the section headings. The report should reflect a style and format appropriate for business; single spacing and bullet points are acceptable for formal business reports.

    Your assignment must:

    • Be typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Support ideas or claims in body paragraphs with clear details, examples, and explanations.
    • Organize ideas logically by using transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
    • Use sentence variety and effective word choice in written communication.
    • Apply writing process strategies to develop formal business reports and / or proposals.
    • Use technology and information resources to research issues related to selected topics.
    • Write clearly and concisely using proper writing mechanic
  • Muckrakers Under the Microscope: Julius Chambers


    Muckrakers Under the Microscope

    Muckrakers were investigative journalists who exposed corruption in business or government, or examined serious societal issues. Several of the most well-known muckrakers worked for McClure’s Magazine, where they wrote exposés on large companies, meat slaughtering houses, and city governments. These prominent and influential reporters included Ida M. Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Upton Sinclair, and Ray Stannard Baker.

    Now suppose that you, too, are an investigative journalist. Instead of choosing a business or government, you have been asked to write a piece on one of the muckrakers. Which muckraker will you investigate? And how much information will you be able to provide?

    (100 points)


    1. Write a well-constructed article on one muckraker using the outline you created during your website research. Keep the following points in mind as you write your essay:

    · Include important biographical information about the individual’s life.

    · Give specific examples of articles and books that were written. What businesses or government offices were targeted in theexposés?

    What reforms or changes took place as a result of the individual’s writings?

  • Describe in detail a problem at work, persuading and convincing the reader that it needs fixing…


    You will be building up a formal, researched justification report that culminates in a recommendation to implement a particular product, service, or program in your place of employment. This recommended product, service, or program should resolve a problem that you identify in your workplace and should be directed to your employer (even if you do not actually plan to share it with your employer).
    Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings:

    • Problem Statement (for Question 1)
    • Overview of Alternatives (for Question 2)
    • Criteria (for Question 3)
    • Methods (for Question 4)

    Write a two (2) page, single-spaced report in which you:

    1. Describe in detail a problem at work, persuading and convincing the reader that it needs fixing.

    2. Provide a detailed description of two (2) possible solutions (“alternatives”) that could be implemented to resolve the problem identified in Question 1.

    3. Describe five (5) criteria that you will use to measure the worth of each alternative in Criterion 2. Note: The alternative that satisfies the most criteria to the highest degree will be the one you recommend later to your employer. Criteria are standards that the audience values and are therefore used to measure the worth of each alternative (common examples include cost, desirability, durability, efficiency, time it will take to implement, and practicality).

    4. Describe in detail how you will conduct the research needed to determine the best recommended alternative to your employer

  • The American Dream Does Not Exist


    ENG 120 Research Paper

    Research papers are “used to explain a historical period or event, study a social trend or natural phenomenon, or argue for a position about culture, art, science, technology, or religion” (Sheehan and Paine, Writing Today 305).

    For this paper, you will choose one of the many topics listed on Opposing Viewpoints and compose an argumentative research paper on your chosen topic. To access Opposing Viewpoints, click on “Shapiro Library” from your my.snhu page, then click on “Find a Database or Electronic Resource,” then click on the “O” tab, and finally, select “Opposing Viewpoints.” When on the Opposing Viewpoints homepage, click “Browse Issues.” If you wish to pursue a topic not listed on Opposing Viewpoints, please see me.

    Your paper should follow the guidelines discussed in class and listed in Chapter 13 of Writing Today. Your paper will need an introduction with a strong thesis statement, several body paragraphs, a thought-provoking conclusion, and a Works Cited page. You will need to cite at least eight (8) sources in your paper. Of those seven eight (8) sources, four (5) must be scholarly articles. One (1) must be a book. Two (2) or more of the sources can be popular. We will discuss the differences between scholarly and popular sources in class. You are not expected to read the entire book—a chapter is fine—but you are expected to read *all* the scholarly articles and popular sources (beginning to end).

    You will be working in research groups throughout the month of March to help you with the research and writing processes.

    As always, I expect your writing to be polished and purposeful. I also expect your essay to be rhetorically effective—persuasive, engaging, and audience-focused. Your essay should be organized and cohesive, and you should demonstrate an awareness of tone and a concern for style. Most of all, I want to hear YOU on the page.

    Your final research paper should be 7-9 pages (double spaced). It must follow MLA style guidelines.

  • Compare and contrast one of the media products (web site, sports news broadcast, magazine, radio station, competition broadcasts) offered by both Rogers Sportsnet


    Compare and contrast one of the media products (web site, sports news broadcast, magazine, radio station, competition broadcasts) offered by both Rogers Sportsnet and TSN.

    • How would you rate each company’s product?
    • In what ways does the product entice sports fans to consume sports?
    • Examples include their web or Facebook pages, twitter accounts, news programs (Sportscentre and Connected), sports broadcasts, radio programs etc. Please focus your analysis on one product only, and while an overview of both companies is helpful, it should not constitute the bulk of your essay.

    1500 words..

    • All quoting and paraphrasing must be properly referenced using MLA in-text/parenthetical citations.
    • An accompanying MLA Works Cited page referencing the sources cited must be included.
    • If you are unfamiliar with MLA style, you need to look at The MLA Handbook (available in most libraries), or consult at least one of these online resources:

    Seneca Online Library


    Online Writing Lab, Purdue University

  • Disaster Recovery as a Service


    IT 537: Introduction to Cyber Security

    Disaster Recovery as a Service

    The paper investigates the implementation of Disaster Recovery as a Service with the aim of determining whether data storage remains intact during emergency.


    Pages: 8, double spaced

    Citation: APA

  • English 122: Moving to New York


    For this milestone, you will submit the final draft of your narrative essay. It is to be a revised version of the first draft, which was due at the end of Module Three. As such, it will tell of a personal experience of yours and use the account to make a larger point or illustrate a bigger idea. It must be at least 2 and no more than 3 pages long and follow MLA or APA conventions.

    Pages: 2, double spaced

  • Book Review: The Medium is the Message


    Book Review: The Medium is the Message by Marshall McLuhan

    First Part -Reading response and summary of the book

    Second part -Please write half page about the book’s aspects that you think are no longer relevant or applicable to today’s cultural and technological context and explain why it is irrelevant (Please look back to the 3rd question of my professor’s requirement). You need to provide examples to support your ideas.

    Third part –Please write half page about the visual design of the book in relation to its verbal arguments (Please look back to the 2nd question of my professor’s requirement).

    Summary -1/3 to half page

    Pages: 4, double spaced

  • Body Homeostasis Essay: RESPIRATORY ASTHMA


    Body Homeostasis Essay BIO 110 Assignment:
    Choose one organ system listed below. Describe the normal role this system has in maintaining homeostasis in the human body. Include the organs involved and their general functions. Describe how they function together to maintain homeostasis.
    Then choose one of the disorders associated with the organ system you chose (also listed). Describe how this disorder changes the normal function of the body system and how the change ultimately disrupts the homeostatic balance of the body.

    Submission format – CHOOSE ONE FORMAT

    Choice 1: ESSAY format. Provide this response as a typed, double spaced essay (1-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font). MAXIMUM of 2 pages (anything over 2 pages will not be graded).
    Submit the essay in hard-copy in class or via blackboard. If you submit via blackboard, you must be uploaded as either a .pdf or .doc/.docx file format.

    Choice 2: Poster/diagram format. Provide the response in the form of a poster or diagram. This format should provide images with appropriate labels and descriptions of the homeostatic mechanism(s) for both normal function and the malfunction. You may do this by hand or with computer software.

    Submission should be no larger than 11×14. You may use up to 2 pages. You must submit in hard-copy form in class.
    ALL SUBMISSIONS: Must contain the references used. Be cautious of plagiarism. Do not just paraphrase a textbook or website!