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  • What does sense of purpose mean to you


    US/101 Week 2 DQs

    What does sense of purpose mean to you?
    What are some of your professional short- and long-term goals that fulfill that sense of purpose?

    Review the tutorial, Reasonable (SMART) Goal Setting ( Week Two Activity One), and answer the following questions:

    DQ 3
    What barriers must you overcome in order to achieve your college goals?
    Describe at least three strategies you have created to overcome these barriers.

    2 Pages

  • What is the relationship between films and nations


    What is the relationship between films and nations, and what role do they play in an increasingly transnational world? Can a single film categorize a nation or can a movie be be categorized as a film of a certain nation?Review the film The Past by Asghar Farhadi as you address these questions.

    3 Pages

  • Is there anything that your company could do to ease the tensions these cultures are experiencing


    Case study week 2

    1. If your international firm were doing business in Asia, is there anything that your company could do to ease the tensions these cultures are experiencing? Be specific.
    2. In your opinion, is globalization among the causes of the increasing incidence of divorce, crime, and drug abuse in Asia? Why or why not?
    3. Broadly defined, Asia comprises more than 60 percent of the world’s population— a population that practices Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, and numerous other religions. Thus, do you think it is possible to carry on a valid discussion of “Asian” values? Why or why not?
    4. Consider the following statement: “Economic development and capitalism require a certain style of doing business in the twenty- first century. The sooner Asian cultures adapt the better.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain

    1 Page

  • How did you change your approach/organization for this clinical experience


    Week 2 Assignment

    How did you change your approach/organization for this clinical experience, based upon your last?

    Give an example of how you utilized a new assessment technique specific to the patient population you were caring for this week:

    What ways did you observe the nurse or yourself act as an advocate for your patient/other patients?

    Describe some patient teaching that you did:


    1 Page

  • Biological Criminal Behavior – Andrea Yates


    Choose a criminal offender who committed crimes due to a biological reason.

    Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper discussing the genetic or physiological evidence that supports the notion that biology played a key role in explaining the offender’s criminality.

    Research the behaviors that constitute psychopathy. Discuss in detail the specific behaviors demonstrated by the offender that align with behaviors indicative of a psychopathic individual. Case examples include the following:

    • Andrea Yates and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues, including post-partum depression, prior to the murders of her five children
    • Charles Whitman, known as the Texas Tower Sniper, and the presence of a tumor discovered post-mortem alleged to have played a role in his overt acts of aggression
    • John Hinckley, Jr. and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues leading to his controversial insanity defense in the shooting of

    President Ronald Reagan

    Include at least four peer reviewed references.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

  • Job Analysis – UnderCover Boss

    HRM 530 Week 4 Assignment 2 Job Analysis / Job Description
    Go to YouTube, located at, and search for an episode of “UnderCover Boss”. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode.
    Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
    1. Compare two (2) job positions from the episode and perform a job analysis of each position.
    2. Describe your method of collecting the information for the job analysis (i.e., one-on-one, interview, survey, etc.).
    3. Create a job description from the job analysis.
    4. Justify your belief that the job analysis and job description are in compliance with state and federal regulations.
    5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
    Formulate HRM strategies and policies to recruit, select, place, and retain the most efficient and effective workforce. Develop effective talent management strategies to recruit and select employees. Design processes to manage employee performance, retention, and separation. Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic human resource development. Write clearly and concisely about strategic human resource development using proper writing mechanics.
  • The development of agriculture


    Discuss the negative and positive aspects of the development of agriculture. Was it, or was it not the worst mistake in the history of the human race?
    7 Pages



    Health Care Communication Methods Paper

    Option 2: Communications Coordinator

    You are the communications coordinator for a national drug manufacturer. Recently, there have been reports of significant negative effects caused by one of your medications that is used by a significant population. News reports have alleged that one of the individuals affected is a well-known public figure. You are tasked with addressing the news reports and the general public regarding this situation.

    4 Pages

  • The Company of Strangers Review


    Write a review on the article “The Company of Strangers”.. See attached file

    Additional Files:


    3 pages