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  • What type of process design do they use: Make to Order, Make to Stock, or Batch


    OPS 571: Learning Team  B – Week Two Reflection

    Select a manufacturing organization the team members are familiar with.Review the company’s website and other available information and answer the following:

    What type of process design do they use: Make to Order, Make to Stock, or Batch?

    What are two items regarding the manufacturing process related to the organization that the team finds unique or interesting?

    Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion.Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
    2 pages

  • Does legislation to verify voter identification fall under the domain of unintentional or intentional discrimination


    PHI445 Week 2 Discussion 2

    Unintentional discrimination occurs when a company’s policies uncritically reflect prejudicial stereotypes yet do not involve overt racial prejudices of its managers or executives. Does legislation to verify voter identification fall under the domain of unintentional or intentional discrimination? Explain your views.

    Also, how does your personal ethical perspective on discrimination- intentional or unintentional- compare to the culture of a particular group to which you currently belong, or previously belonged?

    1 Page

  • What kinds of companies should employ the simple structure organizational configuration


    MGT330 Week 2 Dis 2

    1. What kinds of companies should employ the simple structure organizational configuration?
    1. What kind of companies should use the machine bureaucracy form of structure?
    2. What kinds of organizations should feature a professional bureaucracy form of structure?
    3. What kinds of firms should use the divisional form of structure?
    4. What types of organizations are best suited to the adhocracy form of structure?

    2 Pages

  • Examine the influence of web-based information on global citizenship and multicultural understanding


    GEN 499 General Education Capstone: Week 2 Assignment 2

    Examine the influence of web-based information on global citizenship and multicultural understanding. Then, compile a list of three factors you believe should be considered when evaluating Internet sources for use in researching information.
    7 Pages

  • Elasticity of demand for products within the selected industry relevant to Katrina’s Candies


    ECO550 Week 2 Discussion 2

    “Estimating Elasticity of Demand” Please respond to the following:

    From the e-Activity, analyze the elasticity of demand for products within the selected industry relevant to Katrina’s Candies. Determine the factors involved in making decisions about pricing these products that you believe to be the most influential. Provide a rationale for your response.

    2 Pages

  • Writing Summary Assignment


    Wk2 Summary Assignment

    The purpose of the following assignment is to effectively summarize and attribute information from a source.

    Use the library databases to retrieve an article from the Course Theme Reading List on the topic you selected last week. If you are considering a new topic, confirm your choice with your professor. Once you retrieve the article, print it or save a local copy of the full text article to your hard drive so that you can refer to the contents of the article offline.

    Read the source carefully, noting the thesis, topic sentences, headings, supporting details, and conclusion. To become more skilled at summary and paraphrase, you will practice writing summaries of different lengths on the same assigned source.

    For each part of the assignment, follow the instructions provided. When you are finished, save the document as <your last name.Wk2 Summary Assignment> and submit it to the Dropbox by the end of the week.

  • Week 2: Week Two – Individual Work 2


    Instructional Objectives for this activity:
    Critique the elements responsible for differing moral standards of behavior from person to person | Business ethics are controversial given there are no universally accepted approaches for handling ethical issues when they arise. This assignment allows you to explore business ethics, right and wrong, and the conflict that may occur between your personal morals and what is deemed acceptable by the organization.Explore the online library for scholarly resources on business ethics and virtues. Using Microsoft Word, prepare a paper that discusses the following questions: * What are business ethics? * What does “right” really mean? How do you know when something is truly “right” or totally “wrong”? * Describe the virtues that are most important to fostering an ethical organization. * Describe an incident when your moral standards conflicted with someone else’s moral standards (either personally or in the workplace). What was the outcome? Would another outcome have been more desirable? If so, why?|

  • Problem of employees stealing products at Wal-Mart


    PART I HW Questions

    1. You are trying to solve the problem of employees stealing products at Wal-Mart. Classify this as an Operational, Managerial or Strategic problem and support your claim. What decision making process would you use to solve the problem?
    2. Define critical success factors (CSFs) and key performance indicators (KPIs), for an online business like About 150 words 2-3 references
    3. What-if-analysis You’ll need to download the excel spreadsheet. Get familiar with the columns and rows of the spreadsheet. Note that the cell in yellow highlight is the ONLY cell that you need to change to recalculate all the information in the table. Note that all the formulas have a reference to cell $B$3; the “$” in front of the “B” and “3” mean it’s an absolute reference. Absolute references don’t change if they are copied.
      1.  How many products are needed to sell to make a $40.00 profit if the markup is 1.1 (ie 10% markup)
      2. How many products are needed to sell to make a $100.00 profit if the markup is 1.5 (ie 50% markup)?
      3. If I know only 100 Coffee Mugs will sell, what markup should I use to make 200 dollars?
      4. The technique of using one (or a few) cells variable values is called “What if” analysis. How has this technique supported the decision making process
    4. 4) Artificial intelligence (AI). How are Artificial Intelligence Techniques used to enhance business?5) Managers often use business process Work Flow Tools – software applications that allow them to model the work flow in their business. An example is Microsoft’s Project Manager. Select a workflow tool from and provide an overview of the product. (I tried one and had to register to see the demo)

    PART I Discussion Questions

    There are several discussion questions chose from (See WebTycho classroom for the questions). After selecting the question and providing your response, copy and paste both the question and response here (and in the Discussion Area in the WEEKLY conference)

    Q1. Go to and review what their business does. You can even try it for 14 days free if you’d like. Explain four of the main tools and why they would be important for a business

  • Is Joe is breaching indirect or direct infringement by developing the sharing website


    LAW 421: Week Two Team Paper

    Joe comes up with what he believes to be a great idea. He creates a website called, which allows users to connect with one another to distribute and share various types of files; everything from spread sheets to media content. Joe bases his website on a software template obtained from an old copy of OpenNap and the website Joe does not have the current ability to verify any content between users. While Joe believes that his idea is “great” the legality aspect of his website must be taken into consideration. Throughout the following paper it will be discussed what copyright law is and what it means for Joe’s website. Is Joe is breaching indirect or direct infringement by developing the sharing website? If Joe is in fact breaking the law unknowingly will be protected by what is known as a Sony Exception? Or is Joe’s new website perfectly legal and going to revolutionize file sharing?

    3 pages