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  • The World Today Is Better Than 50 Years Ago


    Write an essay persuading a Family Member That the World Today Is Better Than 50 Years Ago.
    3 pages

    Persuade a Family Member That the World Today Is Better Than 50 Years Ago

  • Metal and nutrient dynamics on an aged intensive green roof


    A b s t r a c t
    Runoff and rainfall quality was compared between an aged intensive green roof and an adjacent conventional roof surface. Nutrient concentrations in the runoff were generally below Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) values and the green roof exhibited NO3 retention. Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations were in excess of EQS values for the protection of surface water. Green roof runoff was also significantly higher in Fe and Pb than on the bare roof and in rainfall. Inputeoutput fluxes revealed the green roof to be a potential source of Pb. High concentrations of Pb within the green roof soil and bare roof dusts provide a potential source of Pb in runoff. The origin of the Pb is likely from historic urban atmospheric deposition. Aged green roofs may therefore act as a source of legacy metal pollution. This needs to be considered when constructing green roofs with the aim of improving pollution remediation.

    11 pages




    Bankers are under a great deal of stress and due to many antecedents of stress such as Overload, Role ambiguity, Role conflict, Responsibility for people, Participation, Lack of feedback, Keeping up with rapid technological change. Being in an innovative role, Career development, Organizational structure and climate, and Recent episodic events. One of the affected outcomes of stress is on job performance. This study examines the relationship between job stress and job performance on bank employees of banking sector in Nigeria. The study tests the purpose model in relation of job stress and its impact on job performance by using (n=144) data of graduate, senior employees including managers and customers services officers of well reputed growing bank in Nigeria. The data obtained through questioners was analyzed by statistical test correlation and regression and reliabilities were also confirmed. The results are significant with negative correlation between job stress and job performances and shows that job stress significantly reduce the performance of an individual. The results suggest that organization should facilitate supportive culture within the working atmosphere of the organization.

    15 Pages




    • Write a multi-paragraph composition, including introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, using no less than 500 well chosen words.
    • Stick to the purpose of this assignment: to praise someone who is or has been in your life, someone who is real, someone whom you have known first-hand. Do not deviate from that purpose at all.
    • Select and organize your content deliberately to create a particular effect on a chosen reader. (Note: You must identify who your reader is in a note to me at the top of your first page. If you do not do this, you will not pass.)
    • Use paragraph options that suit your purpose. Present narrative, analyze cause/effect, classify the person into a group, separate the subject into “parts,” create comparison, contrast, or analogy, explain the meaning of a word/concept in your own way, describe the person (perhaps using the five senses), explain a process related to your subject, or use examples to illustrate your point.
    • Express yourself well, choose words carefully, use standard English, and avoid substantial errors in grammar and mechanics.
    • In keeping with the course policies, an assignment that contains any form of plagiarism will earn no credit.


    • You may write about anyone you have known first-hand.
    • You may write directly to anyone you choose, as long as you have a reason for praising a person to your chosen reader. You may address them with the second person “you.”
    • You may praise your subject for any reasons you may have for praising her/him such as beauty, intelligence, passion, character, heroism, accomplishments, abilities, etc.
    • You may write to the subject herself/himself, you may write to the class/instructor, you may write to yourself, or you may choose a specific reader other than these. You’ll be asked to identify who your intended reader is.
    • Affect your reader as you see fit (e.g., inspire, amuse, surprise, motivate, etc.).

    3 pages

  • HHS 201 – Week 5 DQ 2


    Legal Considerations and Burnout
    What are the primary legal considerations that every human service worker must be aware of? How do these legalities help to protect us and our clients?
    Although many of you may not have experienced job stress or burnout within a human service agency, you may have experienced something similar in another aspect of your life.  Discuss your experiences and how you have coped with stress in the past.  Analyze some of the recommendations for avoiding burnout included in your readings and discuss some that you might want to implement for yourself in the future.

    HHS 201 DQs Week 1- Week 5

  • HHS 201 – Week 5 DQ 1


    Implementing Organizational Change

    Assess the methods of organizing and changing systems. As human service professionals, what strategies do we use to galvanize positive change? Are changes generally generated from the top down, or from the bottom up? Please provide an example of each to support your answer.  Also, discuss the dilemmas of the change agent – what obstacles do they face?

    HHS 201 DQs Week 1- Week 5

  • HHS 201 – Week 4 DQ 2


    Planning effective programs

    In the world of human services, planning and implementing programs is a significant aspect of daily responsibility. Assess the role of program planning in this field. What are the basic tools of planning, and what steps are involved in the planning process? What are the benefits of a properly planned program, from the perspective of both the client and the worker? What are the disadvantages of an improperly planned program?

    HHS 201 DQs Week 1- Week 5

  • HHS 201 – Week 4 DQ 1


    Case Management and Counseling

    Regardless of the type of problem a client faces, case managers and counselors share four goals.  Discuss these goals and the ways in which workers build supportive relationships with clients while helping them with their problems.  Consider and describe the most effective aspects of helping relationships, and discuss the impact managed care has had on the scope of availability of case management/counseling services. What has changed, and are these changes for the better?

    HHS 201 DQs Week 1- Week 5

  • HHS 201 – Week 3 DQ 2


    Poverty and Income Stability

    Many of the people with whom you will work in the human services field will be economically disadvantaged or near economically disadvantaged. Review the video, The Truth About Poverty In America. Consider your attitudes toward this population and the homeless, and discuss whether you think there is prejudice against the poor.  In light of the high unemployment rates in our country and the current economy, does this seem to be more of a personal issue or a systemic one?  What are some of the reasons for financial instability right now?

    HHS 201 DQs Week 1- Week 5