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  • A Major Failed ERP Implementation—FoxMeyer Drug Case Study


    Table of Contents – Case Study: FoxMeyer Drug
    Background of FoxMeyer
    Implementation of ERP and the Selection of SAP R/3
    Bankruptcy Nightmare
    What exactly went wrong?
    Lessons from Failur

    13 Pages

  • Steve Jobs personality and leadership Paper


    This paper will discuss business leadership, with particular focus on Steve Jobs personality and leadership.
    Paper Contents
    The analysis of Steve Jobs personality and leadership with leadership theories.
    Steve Jobs’ leadership style within contemporary leadership
    18 Pages

  • Mood and its Impact on Self-Esteem Following a Breakup


    This paper explores five published articles that report on results from research conducted on individuals who have gone through the dissolution of a romantic relationship. The result of said dissolution was examined in these individuals to see how it impacted their self-esteem and stress levels. This paper further explores this relationship and includes mood into the exploration in order to determine how mood and an imagined breakup affects one’s self-esteem levels. In order to examine this relationship, a sample of 230 students, ages 18-22 years, from a Quantitative Research Methods class at Brock University was taken. These participants were asked to complete two reading exercises followed by completing a number of Likert-scale type questionnaires. These questionnaires were used to determine if negative mood statements affected the participant’s mood, and if those mood statements along with imagined breakup role affected the participant’s self-esteem. It was predicted that those in the negative mood and rejected breakup role condition would have the lowest self-esteem, and that there would be an interaction between mood condition and breakup role, however the majority of the predictions were proven incorrect. Results are analyzed and discussed along with limitations described and suggestions for future research suggestions given.

    23 pages

  • Discuss how the caregiving experiences in the first 3 years of life


    How the caregiving experiences in the first 3 years of life of of securely attached children promote development of emotional self-regulation

    Discuss how the caregiving experiences in the first 3 years of life of of securely attached children promote development of emotional self-regulation.
    7 pages

  • Critically evaluate two theories of Aggression


    Theories of Aggression

    Critically evaluate two theories of Aggression. Which do you think most successfully explains behaviour? Use relevant research to support your answer
    8 Pages





    This term paper is in response to the fulfillment of the requirements of the course on PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT. The paper is specifically on QCELL, being one the service providers in the telecommunications industry. The paper provided the organization’s current activities and operations. The paper went further to describe the organization’s history, the type of services or products it serves as well as it’s major contribution to economic activity in the Gambia. The paper concluded by looking at the current lapses in their operations and suggested recommendations for better improvement in terms of quality of services for customer satisfaction.

    7 Pages

  • Xandria Analysis

    1. How can equity theory explain the motivation of employees working at Xandria?
    2. To what extent is Xandria’s approach to employee motivation consistent with expectancy theory?
      7 pages

    Study Tips 101: Learn what works.
    Some people are early birds; some are night owls; some prefer to study with a pal; others need complete and total silence. Experiment to find what’s most effective for you, and then stick with it!

  • How can aggression be reduced?


    How can aggression be reduced? Critically discuss in relation to theories of aggression
    7 Pages

    Study Tips 101: Practice your brain pose.
    Hardcore yogis tend to have better cognitive abilities—especially attention span—than folks less familiar with Down Dog . A few daily sun salutations may be all it takes to keep centered during finals period.

  • Differences in men and women non-verbal flirtations


    Differences in men and women non-verbal flirtations

    Non-Verbal Flirtation: How do the ways that men and women flirt non-verbally differentiate?

    How do we flirt non-verbally? Are there differences in the ways that males and females non-verbally show interest in a potential romantic partner? This paper will offer a review of the academic literature on this topic, explicitly exploring the extent of non-verbal flirtation and also focusing on the differences between sexes. How do the ways that men and women flirt non-verbally differentiate? Differences in the ways men and women flirt non-verbally

    9 Pages